The break up

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Elizabeth's POV.

Y/n finished the interview and didn't say a word as she gathered her things from the dressing room. Jimmy came into the room to thank her for being on the show and to say goodbye to her, y/n said goodbye to him and we headed to the car.

All the way to the hotel no one spoke, I could only watch her eyes fill with tears as she looked out the window.

I can't understand how anyone could do that to her, she is literally the definition of perfection if I had the chance to be with her I would never do something like that to her.

As we walked into the hotel the paparazzi kept asking us questions and taking pictures, we just ignored them.

When we got to the room Ari's husband Dalton opened the door for us and he held out his arms for her as she went over to him to hug and greet him.

"I'm so sorry little girl" he said as I watched this beautiful woman cry in his arms making my heart break into a thousand pieces.
Ari and Dalton hugged her for a few minutes and then she pulled away for a bit.
"You can call your pilot, I need to get back to LA right now" y/n said in an angry voice.
Ariana nodded as she walked out of the room along with her husband.
Y/n headed to her room and I followed her.

"Thank you for being here" she finally said turning her gaze to me.
"I'm always going to be here for you sweetie" I said sitting on the bed next to her.
"Why did you come? I don't mean to be rude I'm just curious" she said without taking her gaze from my eyes.
"Because I care about you and I want you to be okay" I said placing a hand on her cheek she closed her eyes when she felt the touch of my skin.
"I can't believe this is happening to me" she said angrily.
"You deserve someone better" I said angrily and she just sighed.
A few seconds passed with neither of us saying anything.
"Do you love her?" I said without thinking about what I had just said.
She looked at me confused by the suddenness of my question.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be nosy" I said quickly and feeling my anxiety coursing through my body.
"It's okay, don't worry" she said giving me a smile and putting her hand on my knee to calm me down.
"I don't know, I don't think I was in love with her or that I loved her, yes I was fond of her but this made my feelings towards her change, she was my friend for over a year and that didn't even matter to her." She said and I could see her eyes start to water.
"Are you going to forgive her?" I asked trying to hear an answer that would satisfy me a little, I know it's selfish of me.
"It's not that I want to punish her or forgive her, simply she made her decision, besides she did what I asked her to never do to me."
She is so mature for her age, definitely all the things she has had to go through made her mature before her time.

Before I could say anything else Ari entered the room.
"Y/n/n the plane is already waiting for us at the airport" she assured.
Y/n stood up and I did the same.
"Great, that bitch's about to know me" She said with a tone I had never heard before, I can't deny it's pretty sexy.

We headed to the airport and I could see how Ariana was advising y/n, she just nodded and thanked her for everything.

Once on the plane Dalton and Ariana were sitting in the front talking and I was accompanying y/n in the small room of the plane.

"Aren't you tired?" She asked me in a soft voice from crying so much.
"A little and you?"
"Too tired" she said as she climbed into bed "can you stay with me?"
"Sure I can" I said getting into bed.
"Can I hold you?" She said shyly.
"Of course" hearing that she put her hand on my waist and her head on my chest, I put my hand on her head and started caressing it while leaving little kisses on it.
"I like that" was the last thing I heard her say as I watched her fall into a deep sleep.

God this woman is perfect, I can finally see her sleeping next to me.
I analyze her face very carefully, her lips are so perfect and her skin is so soft.

"I really care about you y/n" I whispered to her.

I didn't realize at what point I too had fallen asleep in the comfort of her warmth.

Y/n's POV.

When we arrived in LA Elizabeth and Ari offered to drive me home but I really didn't want them to see the discussion I was going to have with Madison, especially Elizabeth.

Peter drove for 32 minutes and I was already in front of my house with a lump in my throat and an irresistible urge to cry.

I feel so humiliated and betrayed, I don't want to see Madison but I had to talk to her and get it over with.

I opened the door and went upstairs to my room.

"Love! you got here sooner than I thought" she said with a smile but I could see in her eyes the guilt she felt.
"Don't call me that" I said angrily.
"I can explain it to you I swear" she said now with tears coming out of her eyes.
"Okay explain to me"
"I was drunk and angry but it didn't mean anything to me I swear, besides I didn't know there were paparazzi" she said moving closer to me.
"That's the worst excuse I've ever heard, you're not sorry you did it, you're sorry I noticed" I said raising my voice in anger.
"Forgive me, I don't know what I did, I don't want to lose you" Madison said sobbing.
"You just did, take your things and go" I said with tear filled eyes.
"Baby don't do this please"
"Damn it Madison, what don't you understand? Get the fuck out of my house now" I said screaming.
"I'm sorry" she whispered and started to pack her things.

I went to Ari's house, I didn't want to be around Madison while she was moving all her stuff out of my house and I also didn't want to be alone.

"Honey come here" my best friend said opening her arms to hug me.
I started crying inconsolably, Madison had been someone very important and special to me having to cut her out of my life was not easy.
Ari's POV.

Y/n had been crying for two hours straight. Dalton and I were worried, we tried to do everything we knew that used to cheer her up in her worst moments but that wasn't working.

"Baby you should call Lizzie, I think that will help her" my husband whispered trying not to let y/n hear anything.
"You think?" I said watching my best friend eat a tub of ice cream.
"I'm sure."
I left the room telling Dalton to watch her while I went to call Lizzie to which he nodded.

"Hey there" I said.
"Hey, how is she?"
"I think you better come to my house, it seems that she needs you more than she needs me" I said as I made sure no one was listening.
"Okay, I'm on my way." She said

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