Mi amor

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Y/n's POV:

I was a few minutes away from the beginning of my concert and I could feel how my heart wanted to come out of my chest, I could hear how people were shouting my name, the countdown started to sound so I went up to the platform where I would start singing my first song.

The audience was going crazy, I could see how they were jumping, crying, screaming and singing my songs, it's a feeling that I can't explain yet, it's like we all connected in a very special way.

While I was singing one of my songs I started to look for Lizzie and my family, when I finally found them I saw how the beautiful woman with green eyes looked at me with a smile making me smile back.

My mom and camz were looking at me happy and proud, I tried to read the expressions my dad had on his face but I couldn't understand them well, so I decided to ignore him.

"Okay la siguiente canción es muy especial para mi, por favor pueden ayudarme a cantarla conmigo?" The audience shouted making me understand that they would do that "gracias, la siguiente canción es "hear me out"" I said and people started shouting excitedly.

Singing this song in front of my dad was hard, I'm not going to lie I felt like I was going to cry at some point but I closed my eyes and imagined Lizzie seeing me with her beautiful smile and that made me not want to cry anymore.

The concert ended and I went to my dressing room where Lizzie and my family were waiting for me when my mom ran to me.

"Mi niña, the show was amazing, I'm so proud of you."
"Gracias mommy."
"Estamos orgullosos de ti y/n" my dad said, I could tell his eyes were a little red as if he had cried.
"Gracias papá, are you okay? Your eyes are red" I said pointing to them.
"Yes I'm fine" he said quickly taking his gaze off me.
"Sis I'm going to need more tickets for when you do the concert in LA, I want to go with my friends" she said winking.
"You will have to pay me, you know that right ?" I said teasing her.
"You know what? I better go to Ari's she is way cooler than you" she replied laughing.
"Oh fuck you" I said punching her arm.
"Okay stop fighting, mi amor we have to go, our plane is waiting for us, we will see you soon, te amo" said my mom hugging me.
"Te amo mommy" I said.
I said goodbye to my little sister and daddy and was left alone with Lizzie finally.

"Finally just the two of us," I said closing the door.
"I have a surprise for you" she said pulling something out of her purse "this is something I saw when we were in London and I couldn't help but think how beautiful it would look on you" she said showing me a beautiful diamond studded necklace.
"Oh Lizzie you didn't have to" I said as I looked at her.
"I know but I wanted to" she said coming closer to me "come let me put it on you".
"Okay" I turned around so she could put it on me.
"let me see how it looks on you" she says making me turn around again to look at her.
"Wow, I knew it was going to look perfect on you" she said smiling and caressing my arms.
"Thank you mi amor" I said smiling at her with my red cheeks.
"What does that mean?" She said frowning confused.
"I meant thank you my love" I said giving her a peck on her lips.
"You're welcome mi amor" she said letting out a giggle and I smiled like an idiot hearing those words.
"Let's go to the hotel, I'm starving" I said taking her by the hand and leading her to where the car was waiting for us.
We had dinner with the whole team, tomorrow morning we will have to fly to Paris for my concert, so we all ate and were going to head to our rooms.

Lizzie and I were in the elevator heading to our rooms.

"Hey do you want to watch a movie together?" I asked
"Sure, in your room or mine?"
"Mine" I said as the elevator doors opened.
"Okay, I'm going to change into my pajamas and go to your room" she said winking.

While Lizzie was getting ready I set about making popcorn and picking out the yummiest candy my fans gave me to watch the movie.

I heard a knock on the door so I went to open it, there she was with her hair down her shoulders.

"You look so beautiful" I said letting my thoughts out.
"Thank you" she said with her red face "can I come in?"
"Oh sorry, of course you can" I said stepping back so she could come in.
"What movie do you want to see?" I asked as I put the popcorn in a bowl.
"Shall we watch The Truman show?" She asked.
"I love that movie" I said sitting down next to her on the bed.
"Oh it's the last one Left" she said looking at the bag of candy.
"We can share it" I said putting half of the candy in my mouth.
"Okay, it's Fair" she said coming up to my mouth and biting into the candy.
"Mmm delicious" she says wiping her lips with her fingers.
"Let me help you with that" I said moving closer again and kissing her, the kiss was getting deeper and more passionate, she opened her mouth giving me entrance, she let out a small moan as she felt my tongue touch hers, making a satisfied smile come out of my lips.
"Come here" I said taking her by her waist and sitting her on top of my hips.
I started kissing her slowly and sweetly, I started going down her neck leaving little bite marks on it, with every second that passed our breathing got heavier, I bit her sensitive skin and then licked it making a loud moan come out, fuck listening to her in that state made me so horny.
"Damn baby you are so hot" I said sexy, unbuttoning her blouse.
"I have to tell you something" she said pulling away from me a little.
"Tell me" I said trying to normalize my breathing.
"This is my first time...with a woman" she said embarrassed.
"Mine too love, do you want us to stop?" I asked her.
"No love, I just don't want to disappoint you."
"You would never" that was the last thing I could say before her mouth covered mine with a sweet kiss.

She began to remove my blouse as she gave me awkward kisses.
"You are so beautiful" she said seeing my breasts just covered by the fabric of my lingerie.
I removed her blouse also seeing her bare breasts, god this woman is a goddess I couldn't stop looking at her.
"You are so perfect" I said kissing her neck again going down her collarbone and little by little I started to go down until I reached her breasts, I took one in my mouth sucking it, I could feel her hard nipple in my mouth I started to move my tongue in circles and with my other hands I took her other tit and started to massage it, at that moment she couldn't hold back anymore her moans were getting louder and louder.
She pulled away a little and I looked at her confused by her sudden movement.
"Baby tonight you have to be the spoiled one, you put on a great show today, let me show you everything I was thinking about when I saw you dancing sexy" she said pushing me into the pillows.
She made me arch my back so she could remove the lingerie from my breasts and started massaging them hard making me start letting out little moans, then without warning she put one of my breasts in her mouth making me scream with pleasure she after a few minutes switched breasts while massaging my other nipple with her fingers.

"Liz please, I can't take it anymore" I said trying to hold back but I could feel how wet I was down there I really need her.
"Are you that desperate for me?" She said teasingly.
"Take off your pants, I want to see you" I said desperately.
She obeyed what I said, I looked her up and down trying to keep that image forever in me.
She take off my pants and my panties leaving me totally naked for her.

"Y/n are so wet for me" she said looking at my pussy.
"God you are taking too long" I said frustrated at not having her where I need her most.
I didn't have to say more for her head to come down to my center, I could feel her breathing getting closer and closer, I felt her tongue lick my fluids and I let out a loud moan.
"You taste so good" she said licking me again.
"Fuck" I said as she ventured her tongue on my clit making circular motions, my hand went straight to her hair pulling her closer to me.
Without warning she slipped two of her fingers inside me making me arch my back.
"Oh baby...just ah...just like that" was all I could say, the pleasure I was feeling wouldn't let me formulate sentences.
She started moving her tongue and fingers faster and faster.
"Ah lizz, oh lord, I'm going to come" I said moving my hips fast accompanying the movements of her fingers.
"Come for me love."
It was as if I was waiting for her to give me permission, hearing that I could feel my orgasm at the highest point.
"Good girl" she said pulling her fingers out of me and putting them inside her mouth cleaning them with her tongue.

"Damn that was perfect" I said trying to calm my breathing.
"It was better than perfect" she said giving me a kiss I could taste my flavor.
"Thank you for tonight" I said giving her another kiss.
"Thank you mi amor" she replied laying down next to me.

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