Her lips

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Y/n's studio.
Y/n's POV.

"Hi, I brought food" she says approaching us.
"Hi, you read my mind, I haven't eaten anything all this time, I'm starving" I said hugging her.
"Elizabeth this is Mac my producer, Mac this is Elizabeth".
"It's a pleasure" she says stretching out her hand.
"The pleasure is all mine" he said taking her hand "what do you say we take a 30 minute break, so you can eat and I'll go do some stuff."
"Perfect" we both said.
"Okay I'll see you guys later"

Elizabeth brought Mexican food, I don't know if I ever told her it was one of my favorite foods but I'm thankful she got it right.

"Come, let's sit down to eat" I led her to a large piece of furniture with a table that the studio had.
Elizabeth's POV.

I figured y/n hadn't eaten anything all day because of today's hustle and bustle, so I decided to buy something for her to eat.

I looked online and one of her fans wrote that one of her favorite foods are tacos, sushi and pasta, I decided we would have tacos.

"Do you like tacos?" I asked trying to disguise that I already knew the answer.
"I love them, Mexican food is one of my favorites, thank you."
"No problem, how did your interviews go?"
"Very well, I was actually quite excited."
"I saw your interview with Ellen" I said trying to brought the subject of Madison
"Oh really? How did you like it ?" She asked curious and with a smile.
"It was good, but I have a question" I said trying to calm my nerves.
"Tell me."
"Why did you say you were single? I mean Madison is your girlfriend"
"Well, the truth is I don't like to talk about my private life, I feel like it's none of people's business to know that kind of stuff, plus everything is very new with Madison, I mean it's my first time dating a woman, I don't feel ready to talk about my sexuality with the public." She said looking me in the eyes.
"Yeah, I get your point, but if you ever fall in love would you tell?" I asked curiously.
"Probably yes, I'm a hopeless romantic, I don't think I could hide my love" she says as her cheeks redden.
"What about you ? Are you single?" She asked me as she took a bite of her taco.
"Yes I am, I feel like I'm at a point in my life where I'm rethinking a lot of things and getting to know myself a little more" I said hoping she would get my hint.
"What about the person you told me the other day you wanted at your feet?"
"Well that person is already in a relationship" I said letting out a sigh.
"Well maybe down the road you guys can be together" she said winking at me.

Wait a second, she's hitting on me? She knows I'm referring to her? No no no no it's impossible.

"Okay girls I'm back" Mac said smiling.

They spent the next 3 hours recording y/n's songs.

"Okay let me do background vocals please" y/n says.
"Ready? Go" Mac tells her.

I never thought about how much work the producers and singers had to do to get an album out, to make everything sound perfect.

"I think that's it for today y/n, tomorrow we finish what's left" Mac said.
"Okay, thanks Mac, I love you" she replies giving the man a hug.

"Hi" she says as she walks over to me.
"Hi" I say with a smile "let me take you home".
"Are you sure?" She asks me.
"One hundred percent sure"

I drove for half an hour to her house, she looked exhausted.

We walked into her house and sat in the living room.

"Hey what are you doing tomorrow?" I asked her, it's impossible for me to be away from her.
"Tomorrow I have other interviews, then I will go to the studio, and when I get home I will pack my bags because I have to travel to New York in the evening because the day after tomorrow I have another interview to do with jimmy Fallon."
"Oh you have a full day" I said making a sad face.
"Do you want to come with me to the studio?" She asked me.
"I'd love to."

Just then we hear the door open and close making us jump in fright.

"Are you expecting someone?" I asked
"No and you?"
"Y/n this is your house" I said laughing.
"Oh that's right" he said laughing too.

"Love I have arrived" I heard Madison coming towards us.
"Oh it's your girlfriend" I said annoyed.
"Sorry, I also thought it was going to be just you and me, she didn't tell me she was coming" y/n she said with a sad smile.
Y/n's POV.

"Hey darling" I say
"I missed you" Madison says giving me a peck.
"I'm leaving" I hear Elizabeth say.
"Nooo, stay with us and we'll watch movies" I said trying to convince her not to leave, I wanted to spend more time with her.
"I really don't want to bother, besides you guys need your space".
"But..." I tried to say but Madison interrupted me.
"Love let her go, I'm sure she has more important things to do, right Elizabeth?"
Elizabeth said nothing and headed for the door, I followed her leaving Madison in the living room.
"Forgive her, that was rude" I said apologetically.
"It's not your fault, don't apologize."
"Thank you for today, I wish tonight would have ended differently" I said looking into her eyes and moving a little closer to her.
"I wish that too" she said moving a little closer to me.
I tried to avoid it but my eyes played tricks on me, I went from looking into her eyes to having my gaze on her lips.
Her lips looked so soft.
When I looked into her eyes again, I realized that she was looking at my lips too.
"I better go" she said taking a few steps back.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked
"See you tomorrow" she said with a smile and left.

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