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Y/n's POV.

We finished eating the ice cream and went our separate ways, Fai and I went back to my place until it started to get dark and he decided to go home because he said he needed to plan some things.

Which was great because then I wouldn't have to make up an excuse to go see Elizabeth, so I changed my clothes and headed back to his place.

I'm pulling up to her house and I'm feeling a little nervous, I put a lollipop in my mouth that I had put in my purse before I left my house to try to calm my nerves, I parked the car outside her house and went to ring the doorbell.

Lizzie's POV.

I opened the door and there she was standing there in a black blazer that came down to the top of her thighs and nothing else.

She was eating a lollipop which made her look sexier, she was looking me up and down with a little smirk coming from her lips as she had the lollipop in her mouth.

"Hi" she says.
"Hi" I said looking at her piercingly into her eyes.
"Can I come in?"
"Of course" I said stepping back for her to come in.
"So how did it end up going for you today?"
"I didn't do anything else just wait for the night to come" I replied.
"And why is that?"
"Because I was going to see you and I couldn't stop thinking about it."
She blushed and started walking down the hall.
"I made your favorite food" I said
"Oh really? Thank you I haven't eaten that in a long time" she says with a big smile.
"Come with me "I said taking her hand and leading her to the dining room.

We had dinner and she looked happy to be here with me, she kept smiling and trying to make physical contact with me, I was on cloud nine feeling her this close.
"Thank you for the amazing meal you made for me" she says giving me a peck on the lips.
"You're welcome sweetie"
"You are so special"
"You are too"
"Come with me" she says leading me into the living room.
"Kiss me" she asks me.
I do as she asks, the kiss started to get more intense, our breaths were getting faster and faster.
"Take off my clothes" she commands.
I start unbuttoning her blazer and realize she has nothing on underneath besides her black lingerie.
"Oh what a lovely surprise" I say smirking.
"I'm glad you liked it, I bought it just for you" she says biting her lip.
I kiss her neck and she closes her eyes as she feels the touch of my lips on her neck.
"Be a good girl and lay down on the couch for me" I tell her and she obeys me.
"I can't wait to feel you inside me."
"Spread your legs wide love"
I remove her underwear and lick her fluids making her scream with pleasure.
"Please fuck me" She says whimpering.
And that's what I did.

We took a shower and lay in bed, watched some Netflix and fell asleep, she was sleeping peacefully on my chest.

Suddenly an abrupt movement woke me up, she had gotten out of bed and was putting on her clothes.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.
"It's four in the morning, I thought you would sleep here with me."
"I'm really sorry I have to go home."
"But why?"
"Fai texted me early that he needed to talk to me in the morning about something important, so I can't sleep over" she says finishing buttoning her blazer.
"Oh" that was the only thing that came out of my mouth.
"I'm sorry Lizzie I really am, believe me what I would want to do more than anything is be here in this bed with you but you know how things are."
"I know" I said with my eyes watering.
"Please don't be sad, it breaks my heart to see you like this" she says moving closer to the bed.
"It's just that I love you and it hurts me that you're leaving".
"Like I told you before even if we are not together you will always have a part of me that belongs to you" she says giving me a peck on the lips and walked out of the room.

The next morning I texted y/n and called her but she didn't answer any of it.

I got scared because she also didn't text me that she had arrived home safely in the early morning, so I decided to drive to her house and see if everything was okay.

I arrived at the mansion and got out of my car as I was about to knock on the door it opens.

"Lizzie how nice to see you."
"Kylie same to you"
"Aunt Lizzie" says stormi.
"Hi sweetie"
"What are you doing here?" kylie asks.
"Well I came to talk to y/n"
"Oh she's not here, I just dropped her and Fai off at the airport."
"She didn't tell me anything about a trip"
"That's because Fai made her a surprise this morning, they are going to santorini."
"How long are they staying there for?" I asked trying to look as calm as possible as I felt my heart was tearing apart.
"Just for the weekend, isn't Fai the cutest boyfriend in the world?"
"the cutest" I said trying not to let my sarcasm be obvious.
I don't know why but I feel like something bad is going to happen with that trip.

"Mom can Lizzie go with us?"
"Where to?" I say
"We are going to go get our nails done, do you want to go with us?" Kylie says smiling.
"Please Aunt Lizzie come with us" the little girl begs me.
"Okay come on."

Y/n's POV.

We arrived in santorini a few hours ago, Fai said it would be a trip to relax and connect with each other which is pretty sweet of him.

"Honey tonight wear this dress" he says.
"Love I didn't pack any dress" I said confused turning to look at him.
He was holding a beautiful white dress in his hands.
"Oh my god it's beautiful" I said looking at the dress.
"I'm glad you like it"
"I love it"
"Okay get dressed and get ready, we have an hour to get ready" he says walking out of the room.

An hour passed and I was almost ready to leave.
"Are you ready honey?"
"Almost ready, let me just put my heels on and we can go."

When I was ready we went to this beautiful restaurant near the sea, all the way to our table was decorated with red rose petals, I'm sure Fai rented the restaurant for just us because there was no one in the place.

We ate and talked for quite some time, I felt like a queen he really treated me the best. 

"Honey come with me" he says taking my hand and leading me to the balcony where we could see the beach perfectly.

We got to the balcony and he started talking to me.
"You know I never thought in a million years that I would meet my soul mate, but here you are standing in front of me, I love you and I will always love you" he bent down on one knee and I couldn't believe what was happening "y/n I want to spend the rest of my days by your side, would you do me the honor of being the happiest man in the world, would you marry me?"
Oh god, I wasn't expecting this to happen, it's a yes or no answer that will bring big consequences that I will have to take.
"Yes! I will marry you!"

Hey guys!!!!

I know you guys hate me right now hahaha sorry just remember I love you.

Do you think y/n is going to end the affair with Lizzie?

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