The birthday

281 14 15

Y/n's POV.

We stood looking at each other for a few seconds that seemed like hours, she looks beautiful as always I can't believe she is actually here on my birthday.

"Oh here, your birthday present" she says passing me a gift box.
"Thank you" I said blushing.
"Open it" she says excitedly.
I did as she asked and wow it was a birkin bag that I wanted for some time.
"Oh my god I wanted it for a long time, thank you Lizzie" I said hugging her.
"I'm glad you liked it" she hugs me back.
Her perfume smelled so delicious and feeling her warmth was like being home again.
"Come with me I'm sure my sister will be happy to see you" without thinking what I was doing I took her hand and guided her to where Camila was, before I got to cami I left her gift where all the other gifts were.

"Oh my gosh Lizzie you came, I didn't think you would come, what a beautiful surprise isn't it y/n?" my little sister says smirking.
"Yes it is "I said blushing.
"I'm happy to be here to celebrate your birthday" she says.
At that moment I realized she still had her hand intertwined with mine so I let go because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

We were talking about the new projects of my sister who will soon be one of the angels of Victoria's secret and I can not be more proud of her, she has worked very hard for that.

Elizabeth also told us that she doesn't have any projects that she is working on at the moment, she wants to take some time to find a project that she really feels is worth it for her to work on, which I think is a good decision.

"What about you y/n/n any new projects?" Lizzie asks.
"I'm working on new music and the upcoming tour..." i was going to continue talking but seeing Camila's blank stare behind me and Elizabeth made me turn to see who she was looking at.
"Faiiii" I said running a few steps towards him, I hugged him tightly.
"Happy birthday doll" he says hugging me.
"Oh my god I haven't seen you in so long" I said pulling away from him a little.
"I know, look here is your present" he says extending a box.
"Thank you" I opened the box and saw some beautiful Louis Vuitton heels inside.
"They are beautiful Fai" I said giving him another hug.
"It's good that you liked them, well I should be on my way" the man said pointing to the door.
"Wait, you're not planning to stay?"
"I just came to wish you a happy birthday, I have a trip in a few hours so I have to go to the airport."
"Okay, thanks for stopping by" he hugged me and left the place.

I turned around and my sister had disappeared from the place leaving Elizabeth standing alone watching what was going on.

"So you and Fai are still together after the engagement is over" she says calmly but I could notice a slight tone of jealousy in her voice.
I let out a chuckle "some couples don't end badly, Fai and I are good friends now, after we ended our relationship we decided to stay friends" I explained.
"That's good to know" she started walking towards where Scarlett was leaving me there.

I went to leave Fai's gift in the gift room and went back to where all my friends were and started dancing with them, we were all having a good time.

I danced a couple of songs with my sister and my best friend but I needed some time to rest so I went to the bar and ordered a martini, when the barista gave me my drink I went out to the backyard to get some fresh air.

I was looking at the stars while thinking about how lucky I was to have this life, I am proud of what I have accomplished in such a short time and I hope that at some point I can share this success with the person I love.

"Hey there, are you having a good time?" Lizzie says approaching me.
"Yeah and you?"
"Yeah...there's something I've been wondering since this morning and if I don't ask you I won't be quiet" she says standing in front of me.
"What do you want to know?"
"Did you like the flowers?"
There it all made sense, she sent the beautiful arrangement of flowers with that lovely note.
"You sent it?" I said with my eyes sparkling with excitement knowing it had been her.
"That's right, did you like it?"
"I loved them and the note...thank you for those beautiful words...but why didn't you write your name on the note?"
"Because I wanted to tell you in person that I was the one who sent them to you" she says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I felt these little tickles in my tummy when she was so close.

"Y/n/n it's time to split the cake and sing the birthday song" my sister yells from the back door of the house.
"Okay we're coming" I yelled back.

We went back inside the house where everyone was waiting for me, I walked over to the cake and everyone made a circle and started singing, I felt kind of intimidated so I grabbed Lizzie's hand and squeezed it a little and she squeezed back making me understand that she was there for me.

"Make a wish" Ari says
I closed my eyes and made a wish by blowing out the candles.
Everyone clapped and shouted in victory.
Elizabeth and I hugged as soon as I finished making my wish.
"You made this birthday the best" I whispered in her ear.
"But I didn't throw this amazing party, I just came" she whispers.
"Exactly and your gifts were my favorite but don't tell Camila or she'll kill me."

Hey guys!!!!!

Hope you like this chapter 💜🤍

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