Yes, if it's with you

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Lizzie's POV.

This week I have spent with y/n has been one of the best, we have become closer, she told me she was not ready to get back together with me when I asked her if we would have a chance to be a couple again which of course I understood although it hurt a little but I am willing to wait for her as long as it takes.

The days I woke up at her house she made me breakfast which is a big deal because she hates cooking even though her food always turns out delicious I really don't understand why she hates it so much.

Right now I am on my way to see Kevin, he said he needed to have a meeting with me and a new cast member, I hope this meeting doesn't take too long because I can't wait to go see y/n and have lunch with her.

"But why?" I said without understanding what Kevin was telling me.
"Look Lizzie this will help the film tremendously and it will help you guys too" Kevin explains.
"But why me?" I said
"Because y/n right now she doesn't have a good reputation and this wouldn't help her one bit to improve how she is seen by the media and the public and it wouldn't help the movie either, plus you are one of the main characters so that's why we chose you, so what do you guys think?"
"I'm in if you are" the new cast member says.
"Are you sure about this Kevin?"
"Super sure Lizzie."
"Okay I'll do it."
"Great I just ask that you guys don't tell anyone about what we talked about."
"Okay" the two of us said.

I left the meeting and went to y/n's house, I can't wait to see her, going to see her made my stomach feel thousands of butterflies in my stomach flying, imagining her beautiful eyes looking at me with that sparkle make me breathless all the time.

I parked the car and she opened the door of the house for me.

"Hi cutie" I said seeing her standing in front of the door with her hands folded in the front of her back and biting her lip.
"Hi, you look great" she says giving me a kiss on my cheek and I blushed.
"Thank you you look beautiful as always" she blushed and led the way for me to enter the house "so what are we having for lunch?"
"You like Colombian food? Because I clearly prepare my favorite lunch"
"Well I haven't eaten Colombian food so I'm excited to try it".
"Great" she says walking into the dining room.

We had this kind of delicious soup for lunch that had chicken inside, corn on the cob, potato and in another dish there was rice, also avocado and salad, it tasted really delicious.

"What did you say the name of this dish is?" I asked before shoving a spoonful of soup in my mouth.
"It's called ajiaco, did you like it?"
"I loved it" I said smiling

We spent the whole afternoon together, y/n said it would be cool if we took a ride on her horses so we could relax and enjoy the nice view.

So that's what we did, we stopped for a while and got off the horses to sit on the grass for a while to enjoy the beautiful view of LA.

She looked fully happy as if she had dreamed of living this moment for a long time, she had her hand intertwined in mine and was looking towards the sunset with a big smile on her face, I could give all my money to see her like this forever.

"You know I wouldn't wish to be with anyone else here but you" she confesses.
"I'm happy to be here with you baby"
"I love this"
"Would you go with me anywhere?" I ask her with all my hopes pinned on that question.
"Yes, if it's with you" she replies looking me straight in the eyes as if it's a promise.

I leaned towards her kissing her sweet lips, she was quick to reciprocate the kiss as if her life depended on it.

"I love you" I whispered to her
She kissed me again, she didn't say she loves me since the last time we were together, to be honest it hurts me but I can't push her to say something she's not ready to do or not sure she feels.

We sat for a while not saying anything just enjoying each other's company, it started to get dark so we decided to go back to the stables to leave the horses.

"Are you ready to go back to work tomorrow?" I asked her.
"Yes, I'm really excited to be able to go back to work"

The first week of shooting went smoothly and/n she did a great job it was very cool to watch her work.

This first week not all cast members were on set only flakes were on call because we were just building the story of y/n's character's past life.

I am really proud of her, you can tell she is really enjoying her character and is putting a lot of effort into getting things right.

Every day I am more and more sure that she is the person I want to spend the rest of my days with, I love her like I will never love anyone else, she is my favorite person in the whole world, I simply could not live without her.

For that reason I will do everything in my power to get her and I back together again.

Heyyy guys!!!!

Sorry for the delay, I've been a little busy.

I think it's time to put some drama to the story, what do you think ?
What do you think Lizzie and Kevin talked about in that meeting?

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