Truth or dare

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Y/n's POV.

Today we started traveling to Europe to start my tour, for the first time in a long time I'm not late, well that's thanks to victoria who decided to sleep at my house so I wouldn't be late as usual and they had to delay the flight because of me.

Peter was driving us to the airport and was wishing me the best of success for this tour, he always does that when I go on tour, the man is one of the kindest and sweetest people I know.

"Elizabeth is not coming?" Vic asked.
"Yes she will be arriving at the airport and we will all meet there" I said smiling as I thought about the woman.
"Why did you invite her? I mean you never invite anyone to your tours except Ari and Dalton" Vic asks me.
"Well she's a really good friend, she helps me when I'm anxious and I like spending time with her, I think it will be fun for us to spend these months with her".
"She does you good, I like that" Vic says as we get out of the car.
"Thanks pet I will miss you, please come to the concert with your wife and kids when I go to perform here in LA" I said hugging Peter tightly.
"Of course we will come, we would never miss it, take care of yourself my girl, I will miss you" the man said as his eyes became crystal clear like water, I hugged him again and headed towards where there was a car parked.

When I was very close to the car, the back door opened and there she was waiting for me.

How is it possible that every time I see her she is more beautiful? When I saw her get out of the car my heart raced and my hands started to sweat cold, her outfit was the perfect choice, she looks radiant.

Elizabeth's outfit.

"Hi you" She said smiling at me and giving me a hug

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"Hi you" She said smiling at me and giving me a hug.
"Hi" I said shyly.
"Are you ready to start your tour?" She said excitedly.
"Yes although I'm very nervous"
"Why?" She said as we walked to my plane.
"Well I'm afraid something will go wrong" I said looking down at the ground as we walked.
"Everything is going to be fine, you have nothing to worry about plus I will be by your side always".
I grabbed her arm making her stop and wrapped my arms around her hugging her, she pulled from my hips and pulled me closer to her "thank you" I whispered in her ear and we got on the plane.

All my crew was already ready in their seats, Elizabeth and I sat together, whenever I travel to my tours I always sit next to Ari and hold her hand when the plane is about to take off because secretly I'm a little afraid of flying, so not having Ari next to me was giving me a little anxiety.

My pilot greeted us all and told us to get ready for take off, causing me to feel an emptiness in my stomach, my hands started sweating and I started to move my leg up and down quickly.

"Hey are you okay" Elizabeth asks me.
"Yeah, I'm totally fine" I said unable to stop moving my leg.
"You don't have to lie, especially not to me, you can tell me what's wrong, I won't judge you" she said sweetly and put her hand on my leg making me stop the movement.
"Okay I'm afraid of flying, but only a little bit" I said motioning to her with my fingers the little bit.
She looked at me sweetly.
"You can take my hand if you want" she didn't have to say it twice, I took her hand and squeezed it.
"Better?" She asked seeking my gaze.
"Much better" I said connecting my gaze with hers.
I am so embarrassed my hands are sweating from nerves, but she doesn't seem to mind, she is holding my hand tenderly as if it is the most precious thing she is holding.

The plane started to go faster and faster on the runway making me squeeze her hand tighter and close my eyes.

And finally it took off making me open my eyes and feel calmer, we are traveling to London it's ten hours and twenty minutes we are going to be stuck in this plane, thank god it's big enough for everyone here.

"Let's play truth or dare, are you guys in?" Vic asked.
"I'm in" I said letting go of Elizabeth's hand.
"Me too" the beautiful eyed woman said.
"Okay come with me then"

We headed over to where everyone was and sat down with them, after a few rounds of questions and dares things started to level up.

"Vic truth or dare?"
"Did you ever like y/n?" Mike one of my dancers asked.
"Omg NO! She's like my sister, I could never think of her that way" I started laughing at the way she answered the question.
"good because it would have been really awkward and you would have said yes" I said laughing and everyone started laughing.
"Lizzie truth or dare?" Vic asks.
"Would you kiss someone here?"
"Hmm... yes" she replied shyly.
"Who?" Vic asked curious.
"That wasn't the question" I answered quickly but calmly.
"Okay then, y/n truth or dare?" another one of my dancers said.
"Dare" I said without much thought.
"I dare you to kiss Mike" he said.
"I can't" I said giving an awkward smile " sorry mike it's not you, I'm just interested in someone right now so I won't do that dare" I could feel Elizabeth's body stop tensing up.
"Don't worry, I understand you" Mike says.
"Okay since you didn't do the dare now you have to tell a truth" vic says pointing at me.
"Okay, what do you want to know?"
"When was the last time you kissed someone and if you liked it ?"
"Yesterday and yes, I liked it" I said turning red "okay guys keep playing I'm going to go to the bathroom quick and I'll be right back" I said.

I headed to the bathroom it was definitely a bad idea to drink a full bottle of water before taking off the plane I already peed three times.
I walked out of the bathroom and as I closed the door I felt someone's body pressed against my back, knowing whose it was a goofy grin came on my face.
"I'm glad you liked the kiss" She said hugging my waist.
"I didn't like it, I loved it" I said turning to look at her "do you think I could have another one ?".
"You don't have to ask me twice."
She moved her head to the left leaving the perfect space for me to connect my lips with hers, I let out a small moan as I felt her tongue enter my mouth and touch mine.

I could feel her smile on my lips when she heard my moan, she is trying to drive me crazy ?

My hands went under her shirt touching her soft skin, god this woman is perfect, I pulled her closer to my body, I needed to feel her, to have her as close to me as possible, so close that her perfume would be impregnated in me.
"I think I like you" I said pulling away a little to look into her eyes.
"I think I like you too" she said smiling at me.

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