Your type

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Elizabeth POV.

Hearing those words come out of y/n's mouth was enough to give me the confidence to get in the car.

"Hey you don't have to do it if you don't want to" she said to me as she put my helmet on.
"I do want to do it, but I don't know how" I said a little nervously.
"I'll explain"
"I don't think we'll win" I said apologizing before my time.
"That doesn't matter, I just want to have fun with you".

I drove to where the other car was to start the race.

"Okay, when you see the light turn green push the gas pedal to the metal and soon we'll be at 100km/hr" she explained.

The track light turned from red to yellow and then to green and I did what y/n had explained to me, in seconds we were already at 100km/hr I could feel the adrenaline going through my body.

I could feel y/n's gaze on me, it was as if she was examining my every move.

"Okay the first curve is coming, cami is still not that good at cornering and brakes, what you are going to do is take your foot off the accelerator but you are not going to brake, then close a little before the curve and when you are in it open up a little so the tires don't sound and the tail of the car doesn't push you out, do you understand me?" She said patiently.
I nodded my head.
"Elizabeth I need you to talk to me, I need to know if you understand" she said calmly.
"Yes, teacher" I said laughing a little and she started laughing too.

I took the curve Just like y/n had told me and I was surprised I did it perfectly on the first try, thanks to that we took advantage.

"Now you are going to do that on every turn, just stay focused on what you are doing and enjoy" she said looking at the track.

It was true what y/n said about control, I felt free and unstoppable, I was going 180km/hr and didn't feel any fear anymore.

"You say this was your first time driving like this?" Carlos asked.
"That's right" I said
"Your first time and you won" y/n says smiling at me, she looked proud of me.
"How did you feel?" Camila asked me smiling.
"Well I was nervous at first but I got the best teacher" I said looking at y/n.
"That's true, my sister is the best."
"That's because she learned from me" Carlos said with a seductive tone and grabbed y/n by the waist.
"Don't take all the credit you idiot" y/n said letting go of Carlos.
"What do you guys think if we go to lunch?" Camila asked us.
"That would go up great, I'm starving" I said smiling.
"Perfect let's go to our parents house, they are waiting for you y/n".

I could see how y/n's look changed, it was cold and serious.

"I'll come another time Cami, what do you say we better go to my house and eat there?" She said trying to remove the tension and wanting to disguise her discomfort.
"Okay" the three of us said at the same time.

We headed to our car but Carlos grabbed y/n by the hand making her stop.

"Let me take you home, I need to talk to you."
"I can't, I'm taking Elizabeth with me" she said turning to look at me.
"Cami can take her, I'm sure that won't be a problem, right?" He said looking at me.
It bothers me that he always wants to be by her side, he is all the time trying to get her attention, but I couldn't let my anger show.
"You go with him, I'm going with cami" I said as Camila grabbed my hand for me to get in the car.
I watched as he took her by the waist and helped her into the car, she gave him a delicate smile.

"How long have you known y/n/n?" Camila asks as she starts driving.
"Two months ago."
"I'm sorry for what happened back there, you know about my parents" she started to say.
"Don't worry about it" I said smiling.
"Y/n is too spiteful, she has a complicated relationship with dad, they have been without talking for a month."
"So that's why she doesn't want to go to their house, right?" I said
"Exactly, y/n/n will never forgive dad for being unfaithful to mom, that's something she would never forgive anyone."
"I understand."
"Please don't tell her I told you this or she'll kill me" she said begging me.
"Don't worry, I won't tell her anything."
"Thank you."
"Can I ask you something?" I said trying to keep my nerves from showing.
"Y/n and Carlos are a thing?"
"Oh no no, well Carlos has always had feelings for her but y/n is too much for him, she has already explained to him that she only wants him as a friend, probably right now he is begging her for a chance but she won't give it to him."
"How are you so sure?" I said as I fiddled with the rings on my fingers.
"Because I know my sister, she wouldn't date him, she's more likely to start dating a toxic man."
"What do you mean by that?" I said confused.
"Well y/n's exes have been pretty toxic to her, first was Matthew he didn't value her, the whole time he was with her he was unfaithful with other women, after that y/n promised to never forgive someone who would do something like that to her that's why she's so angry with dad, and her second ex Franco he just wanted to control her, it got to a point where she couldn't even leave the house, it was horrible" she finished saying in a sad voice.
"That's horrible, how could anyone do that to her?" I said angrily.
"They are jerks, you know she is a good girlfriend, she gives her best and people just let her down" Camila said as she parked the car in the garage of
y/n's house.

I can't believe all the crap my y/n has had to go through, I'm going to protect her no matter what.

"You finally got here, what took you so long?" y/n says curious.
"We took the long way around" Camila replied.

We had an amazing lunch, y/n told us about her new album and soon she will start rehearsals for her new tour, I can't wait to see her performances.

"That's amazing y/n/n, we are so proud of you" Carlos said looking at her tenderly.
"Thanks guys."
"Okay we better get going, mom is calling me like crazy asking for you" Camila says getting up from the table.
"Tell her I'm sorry I couldn't make it, tell her I had to go to work or something."
"Sure, I love you, please take care of yourself and eat well, promise?" Camila said to her.
"I love you too, I promise" she said rolling her eyes.
"Bye Lizzie, it was a pleasure meeting you, I hope to see you soon" Camila says as she hugs me.
"The pleasure is mine, thank you for today" I said.
"Bye girls" Carlos said hugging both of us.

Y/n escort them to the door leaving me in the large room.

When I saw her return she had a radiant smile, seeing her walk towards me made my heart race.

"Hi you" she says sweetly.
"Hello you."
"Did you like my plan today?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
"I loved it" I said moving a little closer to her.
"What do you want to do now?" She asks me.
"Shall we watch a movie?" I asked.
"Okay, which one do you want to watch?"
"Let's watch clueless"
"Oh my god that's my favorite movie" she said excitedly.

We watched the whole movie, well rather she watched the whole movie I just appreciated watching her expressions every time something excited her, but there was something else that took my attention and I preferred to ask her.

"What happened with Carlos in the car?" my question took her by surprise as she opened her eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"Well he said he wanted to talk to you" I said waiting for her to answer my question.
"Oh he just wanted to know if I was interested in going out with him" she replied as if it was something normal for her.
"And what did you tell him?" I asked faster than I should have.
"Why are you so interested in knowing? Do you like Carlos?" She said in a tone I couldn't quite place.
"Oh no no, that's not why" I said quickly.
"Are you sure? I don't think he's your type anyway" she said taking her gaze from my eyes.
"So what's my type according to you?"
"Hmm let me think... I think it has to be someone who makes you feel alive, someone who calms you down when you're nervous, someone you can talk to for hours about different things without getting bored."
"You described my type very well."
"See that's why I know Carlos isn't your type, your type is someone like m...forget it."
"Someone like who?" I said moving closer to her.

I felt her gaze fall on my lips and then back to my eyes, she moved closer to me leaving a small space between the two, my heart was going to explode feeling her so close to me, she didn't say anything else just gave me a kiss on my cheek and took my hand guiding me who knows where.

"I want to show you something important to me" she said leading me to her garage.
"This was the first car my mom gave me, it's a 2012 Ford fiesta sedan". She said wistfully.
"Why didn't you go see her today?" I asked delicately.
"Things at home are complicated, I didn't want to fight with dad today" she said trying to hide her teary eyes.
"This car is fabulous, thanks for showing it to me" I said trying to put a smile on her face.
"You are something else" She said giving me a kiss on my forehead.
I think I like this woman more and more every day

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