About two and a half hours went by and y/n finally finished with the meet and greet, that meant we had two hours for her to get ready and the concert to start.

"Where do you want me to put Madison?" Victoria asked y/n as Ariel finished her makeup.
"Is she seriously coming?" y/n said irritably.
"I told you she's not going to give up until you guys talk" vic said that and I just rolled my eyes.
"Put her anywhere you want, I don't care, just don't let her sit up front" she said and that brought out a little smirk on my face.
"Okay dear."
Ariel finished with her makeup and she went to get dressed, when she came out I could only see her beautiful figure standing in front of me, she looked phenomenal.

"Wow you look

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Wow you look..." Ariel says.
"Spectacular" I finished his sentence.
"Thank you" She says with her cheeks red.
"Y/n/n you're on in twenty" vic says.
"Okay guys come here" y/n tells her team.
They started to make a circle and held hands, y/n looked for me with her eyes and held out her hand for me to take and I did, closing the circle with the rest of the team.
"I want to thank you all for being here, tonight is going to be amazing, we are going to do our best and we are going to have a lot of fun, I love you and without you this would not be possible" she said giving encouragement to her team, her making me part of her circle was something very sweet, her always keeping me in mind makes my heart melt.

Everyone applauded her speech and broke the circle.
"Come on y/n over here" one of her security guards said to her.
"Wait a minute" she replied turning to me "I want you to enjoy tonight as much as I will, my security is going to put you in the front row so you can see everything and so I can see you" she said winking and leaving a peck on my cheek.
I didn't have time to answer her because her security grabbed her hand and took her to the stage, five seconds later another security person came for me and took me to the front row with Victoria.

People were like crazy in the stadium, you could only hear screams and people shouting y/n's name all over the place, that made my skin crawl.
The clock started counting down and each time the screams were getting louder, my heart started beating really fast, I can't imagine how y/n must be feeling right now.
"" the audience started to scream.
The music started to play, she was coming down from the sky on a platform while her voice filled the whole place, the first song she sang was "talk that talk" and on the screen in the back you could see JAY Z singing.

When it was her part to sing she was already on the floor of the stage and started dancing with her dancers.
"Wow she's too hot" I heard one guy say.
"Anyone would be lucky to have a woman like her" another said.
I just laughed knowing that the only person lucky enough to have her was me or well she wasn't mine yet, I haven't proposed to her to be my girlfriend yet.
Y/n's POV.

As I was coming down from the platform and JAY Z was singing I saw all the people screaming and singing excitedly, making me feel so happy.

When the platform was on the stage I got off and started singing and dancing.

This song is quite sexy so I had to dance provocatively, I was just looking with my eyes for the person I wanted to dance to, it took me a little while but I finally did it.

"What you saying now, give it to me, baby
I want it all night, give it to me, baby
What you saying now, give it to me, baby
Give it to me baby, give it to me, baby

What you saying now, give it to me, baby
I want it all night, give it to me, baby
What you saying now, give it to me, baby
Give it to me baby, give it to me, baby"

I started singing in front of Elizabeth as I moved my hips in circles and went down to the floor sexily, that made her turn red and I laughed to see her reaction.

The concert was a success, we all had a fun time, Elizabeth was right I had nothing to worry about.

I headed to my dressing room and as I entered my a giant bouquet of red and black roses waiting for me.
I walked over to them and saw that they had a note on them.
"To the most special person in the world, congratulations on your first concert of the tour.
I smelled the flowers and smiled like an Idiot as I read the note again.
"Did you like them?" she said in my ear.
"I loved them, thanks babe" I said giving her a quick peck on her lips so no one would see us.
"Did you like the show?" I asked her as I put the flowers on the table.
"It was a lot of fun, you did great babe."
"I'm sorry for interrupting but I couldn't hold her in anymore" victoria says as Madison walks into the room.
"Y/n I need to talk to you, alone" the brunette says to me.
"What do you want now Madison" I said mad.

Elizabeth and Victoria left the room but I kept my eyes on Elizabeth as she walked out.

"Y/n please forgive me, I know I hurt you and I know I did wrong, but I want to be with you" she started to say.
"You're kidding right" I said laughing.
"I'm not kidding, I'm serious".
"Nick knows you're here?" I asked referring to the guy she cheated on me with, which from what I heard they are now boyfriend and girlfriend.
"That doesn't matter, please forgive me I really want to be with you."
"Oh fuck you madison, you're a fucking lying bitch" I said without thinking what I was saying probably because I had thought it many times before.
"Baby please don't say that thing, I love you" she said trying to pull me closer to me but I took a few steps back.
"I don't want you near me anymore."
"You are going to regret treating me this way" Madison says walking out of the room and slamming the door.

Those eyes Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα