Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 The First Time

    On the weekend, Bai Heng took Baitao to the hospital for a grade test, and it stands to reason that the test wouldn't take long.

    But because she was in the differentiation period, her pheromones and physical fitness values ​​were not very stable, so her test report would not come out until next week.

    After the inspection, the young man was supposed to return to the capital.

    It's just that Baitao has entered the differentiation period ahead of time, and Bai Heng is worried that something unexpected will happen to Baitao during this period and he is not around.

    So before her differentiation ended, he chose to work from home.

    Many people in the family also smell of smoke.

    For white peaches, although the differentiation period is a bit exhausting, it is generally not bad.

    Except for Xie Zheng...

    he said earlier that he would reply in three days, counting the time, it would be tomorrow.

    To be honest, Baitao still planned to refuse.

    Indeed, she didn't dislike Xie Zheng's pheromones, on the contrary, she quite liked them.

    But it's one thing to like it, but it's another to be able to get away with it.

    The second reason why Baitao rejected Xie Zheng before was actually not because of drunkenness, it was pure nonsense.

    She really refuses, and the reason she fears the most is that she will become dependent on it after marking.

    Baitao clearly remembered that during the class meeting last week, it was written on the note on the precautions during the differentiation period that was distributed - [Don't

    mark the difference between the two parties' levels too much. Especially between ao. 】

    If it’s just A, B, such a one-level mark is not bad, but S-level is an exception.

    Although there are no other grades between A and S, there is a bottomless gap between them.

    There is a huge difference in the strength of the two parties who are marked, and the marked party will have the illusion of destiny for the other party.

    Will obey its words, and even become slavish.

    Baitao didn't think that Xie Zheng would take advantage of the dependency period and ask her to do excessive things.

    But it's one thing not to let her do it, but it's another thing whether you can accept losing yourself.

    Thinking of this, Baitao sighed deeply.

    "Oh no, can you stop sighing, okay? Didn't your brother come back? Just leave it to him to mark the target, so don't worry about it." Wang Qi thought that Baitao was still struggling to find her

    . When it came to marking the subject, after the eighteenth sigh, the other party finally interrupted her unbearably.

    "I'm not worried about not being able to find the tagged object, I'm worried about how to get rid of the tagged object." "


    How many peanuts have you eaten to drink like this?

    In your case, it would be nice if you could find them, but you still want to get rid of them?

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