Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 Suppressing the Neck Ring

    Not many people knew that Shen Sinian was allergic to mangoes.

    Before he was ten years old, he never ate a mango. Until his birthday, when his mother bought a cake and passed by the fruit shop, she brought one back for him.

    After eating the mango, Shen Sinian developed a rash all over his body, and even had a high fever and was sent to the hospital.

    He has never touched the fruit since then.

    Not to mention Lin Hai, even Lin Lili didn't know about this kind of thing, but Baitao did.

    Shen Sinian was very confused now, so confused that he wondered if the other party controlled him during the dependent period when he was unconscious, and asked some questions.

    Just now when Baitao mentioned that he had a stomach problem, he subconsciously thought of the stomach medicine that appeared in his desk from time to time, or a few packets of candy.

    Because I overheard a conversation between Xu Feng and some classmates in the class before school, I knew that it was Baitao who asked Xu Feng to prepare it for him.

    It also meant that, not only was she suffering from stomach problems, but she also knew she was hypoglycemic.

    Her understanding of herself, coupled with the fact that she lied just now, made Shen Sinian feel tempted.

    One advantage of marking is that you can clearly perceive the emotional changes of the other party, and you can know whether she is telling the truth or lying without paying attention to her expression.

    So when Baitao was looking through the restaurants, he browsed roughly, and selected a dessert that Lin Hai didn't know about, Baitao, at least the previous Baitao would never have known about.

    He actually didn't expect Baitao to know, but just happened to see Mango Melaleuca, but he just wanted to use her answer to calm his disordered thoughts.

    It seems that as long as the other party can't answer, he can breathe a sigh of relief and tell himself.

    See, this is nothing more than dependency period crankiness.

    Knowing about your physical condition is only because Lin Hai talked too much with her, other than that, she doesn't know anything.

    She is still the same her, you are unilaterally affected.

    Shen Sinian was tempted, but it was more to reassure himself.

    The results backfired.

    This was not an illusion, nor was it affected by the mark. The person in front of him was not the Baitao he knew.

    This is an absurd but most reasonable answer. Only in this way can all the abnormalities and contradictions during this period be explained.

    But is this really possible?

    How can a person become another person? The Bai family only has her one daughter, so it is impossible for twins to emerge out of nowhere. Even if they are really twins, the pheromones are absolutely impossible to be the same.

    His expression was gloomy, except for the shock when he heard her rhetorical question at the beginning, his expression was as usual.

    "...Then choose according to your taste."

    Bai Tao didn't realize that she had said something wrong, she saw that Shen Sinian didn't seem to be interested in looking again, hesitated, and pointed to a private restaurant.

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