Chapter 84

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Chapter 84 Drinking Poison to Quench Thirst

    Bai Tao thought that after telling Xie Zheng about this, he might lose control of his emotions or get angry at her concealment and push her away.

    But neither.

    Except for the shock on his face when he first learned about it, he remained silent.

    Contrary to what Baitao expected, Xie Zheng was much calmer than she had imagined.

    "... When did you know about this?"

    After a while, Baitao heard Xie Zheng's deep inquiry, and those light blue eyes stared at her, not letting go of the slightest change in her expression.

    "A long time ago."

    In this state, Baitao couldn't lie to Xie Zheng, or there was no need to lie about this matter.

    The reason why she told Xie Zheng was that she was afraid that if she didn't explain clearly in time, he might keep thinking wildly, and he was the only one who could feel better during this period of dependence.

    Xie Zheng unconsciously clenched Baitao's sleeves tightly, and the brandy breath came over him hot.

    "How long is it? Before you knew I was your destiny?"

    Baitao didn't know why he was so entangled in the matter of him or Shen Sinian being known to her earlier as her destiny, but seeing his eagerness, She didn't have the heart to think about anything else.

    I'm afraid that if I answer slowly, the other party will cry.

    "I knew it at the same time."

    "Didn't your dad come to my house after your birthday party was over, and I just came home to take my clothes for you to use for nesting during the dependent period? And before he left, he asked for my hair to make pheromones Matching rate."

    After a while, Baitao recalled the memory and told Xie Zheng the general situation.

    "After a day or two, my brother also got the test form from your dad. He said that my level basically does not respond to ordinary omega pheromones, only the matching rate with me has reached more than 80%. Only those who have reached the destiny program."

    Having said that, she paused for a moment, looked up at the boy with a gloomy expression, and continued to speak after deliberating her words.

    "And didn't I mark Shen Sinian before? I knew when he said that."

    Xie Zheng understood what she meant.

    Because she felt it when marking it, she knew that Shen Sinian was her destiny.

    Knowing the cause and effect, Xie Zheng was indeed annoyed for a while, annoyed by the girl's concealment.

    But this is her business, he is just relying on a little to mark the relationship, what right does he have to question and get angry?

    Besides, not only did Baitao hide it from him, but even Shen Sinian didn't tell.

    Otherwise, during the cooking class, he couldn't resist using the destiny to stimulate the other party, so he wouldn't be so lost.

    In comparison, it is the most ironic that Shen Sinian, the client, was kept in the dark.

    Thinking of how cautious he was during this period of time, trying his best to please Bai Tao, Xie Zheng didn't have any gloat in his heart, but felt very sad.

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