Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 Wife Hehe (?﹃??)

    Before entering the door, they thought that Xie Zheng had lost control of his emotions because he had not been properly appeased. After entering the door, they found that...

    maybe he was simply insane.

    Father Xie and the others are not belittling or mocking the young man, they are just talking about the facts.

    After all, whichever mark is in the dependent period, the omega will refuse to build a nest, and instead tear the clothes of the marked object so shredded.

    This is so abnormal.

    "...Ah Zheng, what's wrong with you?"

    Mother Xie was stunned for a moment, before going forward to check on the boy's situation.

    Unexpectedly, just as she took a step forward, the man stretched out his hand to stop her.

    "Don't go there, he's emotionally unstable right now. Although he's differentiated into an omega, his physical stamina isn't inferior to that of an A-level alpha, so you're easy to be accidentally injured." Father Xie finished speaking without waiting for mother Xie's reaction

    . He went straight to Xie Zheng, whose eyes were still flushed after venting, and who couldn't calm down.

    Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the torn cloth strips all over the bed, and frowned.

    "What are you doing? Even if you reject the matter of becoming an omega, no matter how much you hate Baitao, you shouldn't treat these clothes like this." "

    I went to Bai's house overnight to bring it back for you to build a nest. It will be returned to her later, why are you so arrogant?"

    Father Xie didn't want to say anything serious, after all, the young man is now in the dependent period, and he was just stimulated by Baitao, so he just reprimanded him a few times and didn't say anything more. What.

    Just when he was about to deal with these things, and let Mother Xie come over to appease him.

    I don't know which sentence stimulated Xie Zheng, he suddenly threw the broken clothes in front of him out of the window frantically.

    Father Xie was furious: "What are you doing!"

    "It's not Baitao's clothes! It's not hers! It's so dirty! It's so dirty! I thought it was her for a moment just now, and I went up to smell it..." The young man was very emotional

    . He vented his anger arguing loudly, and in the next second, he didn't know what to think of, choked up and started crying again.

    He felt that his vision was blurred, he raised his hand and wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, and he collapsed on the ground powerlessly.

    "I'm so dirty too, woo woo, she'll definitely hate me even more woo woo..." "


    Father Xie took a deep breath, feeling powerless for a moment as if he had punched cotton.

    Damn it, if only Xie Zheng was still an alpha. If he was disobedient, Bangbang punched and flattened him a few times, he wouldn't be so panicked.

    However, at this time, the young man has become the most delicate omega, and he can't fight back when he is beaten or scolded, for fear of irritating him.

    "How could it be? Are you so repelled by this matter that you have this illusion? These clothes were given to me by Baitao herself, and there is nothing wrong with it." He comforted him softly, while picking up some of the

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