Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 Gifts

    Baitao is neither from this world nor an omega, so she doesn't know much about these things.

    When she mistakenly thought she was an omega, she read a lot of books, but every time the book came to the end, there would always be a line of black words in bold—— [The

    information is for reference only, and the specific situation depends on oneself. 】

    It means that these are only summarized and edited based on the vast majority of situations, and each omega will be different due to its own situation.

    She was confused and confused.

    Today I managed to get an opportunity to learn about omega, Baitao has a strong thirst for knowledge, Shen Sinian said that she can ask several derived questions from multiple angles.

    For example, when is the omega dependence period the most uncomfortable, and which interval is the longest and shortest in duration?

    Or is it the same as the dependent period during their febrile period, do they just need to be comforted, or what?

    "...I don't know about the febrile period, but I see that Lin Lili will go to the hospital to get several tubes of inhibitors every time the febrile period occurs, and the dosage is three to four times that of the alpha-susceptible period.

    " When people make marks, they all resist with their own medicine.

    So she will use more medicine than ordinary people.

    But this is enough to explain one thing-the fever period is far more difficult than the dependence period.

    Shen Sinian's eyes flickered, and he unconsciously remembered that he was about to approach the fever period.

    That was his first fever period, and he had to go to the hospital to get some inhibitors in advance.

    There are two types of omega inhibitors. One is prescribed by general clinics, and the effect is lower. It is used in the dependent period or when the pheromone is not stable.

    The other is to take the ID card and go to the hospital to prescribe special inhibitors for febrile periods. It is very effective, and most omega can use this to pass the febrile period safely.

    However, if it is used for a long time, it will cause the disorder of the fever period to repeat, and the effect will gradually decrease over time.

    Severe cases will have a series of sequelae.

    So when the teacher talked about the fever period in the physiology class, he would emphasize this point many times.

    Let them not rely too much on inhibitors after differentiation, and find someone to mark them as much as possible.

    While listening, Baitao recorded the memo on her mobile phone, with a serious expression as if she was studying some difficult problem.

    "I understand. The febrile period needs to be marked or suppressed. It is more difficult to endure than the dependent period. If it is the former, it will enter the dependent period of the longest month and the shortest week. During this period, only pheromones are needed to appease, mark and It's not necessary. Is that what you mean?"

    Shen Sinian looked into those amber eyes and was silent for a moment.

    "You are an alpha, so you don't need to understand so carefully." "

    But I will always have a partner in the future. I do my homework in advance and he won't have to suffer too much."

    She answered very naturally, and blurted out without thinking much at all. .

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