Water Breather

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Art not mine.(found on pinterest)

Don't really like it much.


Bubbles floating to the surface as his voids slowly opened, the morning light he could see as he sighed. Sitting up as fish floated around, he breathed in and out.
Standing on the sand below with rocks here and there, he just began to walk out from the make shift home he had created.
He had been alone for so long, only able to communicate with the life under the water. He just wanted to do something new.
Walking in one direction and soon finding the ledge that went up, he began to climb.
Once hitting the surface and being above water, the cold wind on his face. He suddenly felt the lack of oxygen, morphing a bit of the water to go around his neck where what seemed to be fish gills.
Keeping it there to help him breathe, then stepping onto the land and looking back at the water.
There was more sand at his feet but it felt dry.
This was new to him and it felt odd, the clothes he had on himself that he found were soaked and dripping.

He heard a sudden yell as he looked over and noticed a boy, his caramel hair were styled in a way of horns. He was being chased by two other boys that looked older. They were shouting at the smaller one, both seeming upset.
The brit had decided to go and hide in the water, waiting for them to reach close.
He had felt an odd feeling of wanting to protect the smaller boy from those two.
He waited as he saw the caramel hair in the surface and heard the muffled shouts of the older two boys.
He couldn't understand them but he knew what he should do, getting the water ready.

The two boys had gotten closer to the norsk, they were upset with him.
"You snitch!" One had shouted, the other had formed a fist and was gonna punch the norsk.
It was then stopped, the cool water wrapped around the fist and didn't allow it to go.
The norski gasped when he felt arms wrapped around him and water surrounding them as like a shield.
"Holy shit." The norsk said a loud.
The brit had then let go and circled the other, the norsk had flinched and was surprised.
Voids staring into his own, he honestly would love to get lost in them from how mysterious they were.
"Uh, can you speak any English?" The norsk asked, banging was heard on the other side of the water dome they were in.
"Yes, I can." The birt spoke, the norsk was slightly surprised by the perfect English and the British accent behind it.
"Then thanks, they would of hurt me." The norsk said, his own accent was shown quite alot with how he spoke.
"No problem." The brit said with a small shrug.
"What's your name?" The norsk asked, wanting to learn so much from the brit.
"Tom." The brit began. "What's your name?" He asked, liking the small talk.
"I'm Tord, those two out there are my cousin and his friend." He explained, the brit nodded.
"Do you have any family?" The norsk asked.
"Not really, I have the fish but I've been alo-" The brit was suddenly cut off mid way through his word.
"I can be friends with you!" The norski said, this had surprised the brit.
He honestly didn't expect the norsk to want to be friends with him, he wasn't like all air breathers.
"You seem so cool and different then other people." The norsk smiled softly.
The brit was not interested in the boy and why he took a interest in him.
The water shield around them lowered, the brit getting in front of the norsk and water rose up to defend them.
The two taller boys had watched with a look of fear and took off running, shouting 'water monster' on the way.
The brit flinched when feeling warm arms around his torso, he looked to find the norski hugging him.
"Thanks Thomas." The norsk said, the brit sighed.
"It's just Tom." He corrected, the norsk chuckled. Walking to be in front of the brit.
"Well I got to go, we can meet back here again tomorrow!" The norsk said, the brit nodded and waved as the other ran off home.
The brit then returning to the water and to his own home.

That meet up was twenty years ago when he was younger, he was more adult like. He had last met the norsk seventeen years ago, he knew something was wrong but the norsk wasn't talking about it.
He hasn't seen the norski since.
It pained his heart to not see his only friend, the water was lonely when he hadn't had the other around.
He decided to head to the surface for today, he felt like something was calling for him to be there.
Just as he kept the water around his neck to help him breath the surface air, he made it to the surface.
He froze, close by were two men holding someone by his arms and legs and were about to toss them.
He swore he noticed the familiar caramel horns and what confirmed it was the accent.
The one about to be thrown had shouted.
"Let go! I can't swim guys!" The other two had laughed, seeming to be enjoying the panic look on the victims face. Then tossing him into the water, deep enough for him to not be able to touch.
The two guys had then ran off, not wanting to be caught, they didn't even notice the brit there.
The brit had then heard the panic yelling from the male in the water.
He turned and sighed, going back into the water and making his way over.
He controlled the water so he could get over quickly, staying a float and getting a hold on the other.
"I got you." The brit said softly.
"Wait, T-Tom?" The brit chuckled, he noticed how surprised the norsk was.
"Holy shit! I didn't realize we were at your home, I'm so lucky." The norsk said.
The brit smiled, using the water to bring them to shore.
"You are, but what the fuck was that?" The brit asked.
"Oh, they were old friends." The norsk said.
"Now explain where you been all this time." The brit instructed.
"I moved, I didn't want to tell you and I knew I could come back when I was old enough." The norsk explained.
"I forgive you, but please try to defend yourself." The brit said with a sigh.
"I did try, I went to punch the guy and got a blow to the stomach." The norsk said, lifting his soaked shirt lightly as a bruise was forming at his stomach.
"The other guy hit my head with something, I blacked out after and woke up to them about to toss me." The norski explained.
The brit nodded in understanding.
"Guess you were just fighting one and didn't know there was a second one?" The brit asked, the norsk had nodded.
"Yeah.." The brit sighed, he would love to just bring the norsk down into the water.
They be both safe down there.
"Wish I was able to breath water, it must be nice down there." The norsk said.
"It is, just gotta ignore the occasional crashes of cars and people trying to drown themselves." The brit said with a shrug.
"But overall, it's lonely." The brit sighed, the norsk wished he could cure that.
The norsk just thought long and hard and got an idea.
"I have an idea!" The norsk stood up, the brit now confused.
"What is it?" The norski turned towards the brit.
"I could live on a boat, or build a house out here!" The norsk said, the brit thought about it and nodded.
The idea was perfect, the norsk then looked out onto the water and smiled.
"Glad this lake had a sand like bottom, it feels like a beach!" The norsk said, breathing in the fresh air.
The brit nodded.

They then had gotten to work, the norsk had gotten enough money to own the lake and a bit of land to stay at.
He gotten a job to get more money for swim gear and an oxygen tank, his way to seeing the brit.
He was excited for it all to arrive and for him to surprise the brit.
Speaking of the eyeless brit, he was at the balcony of the place.
Half of his face was out of the water as the norsk walked over.
"Hey Thomas." The brit rose from the water, the water circle around his neck as he sent a glare.
"It's Tom, we talked about this Tord." The brit folded his arms over his chest.
"Mhm, I don't care how many times you tell me." The norsk said, then hearing the doorbell ring.
"Oh, coming!" The norsk had then rushed to get to the door, opening it to find his packages.
He signed and brought them in, the brit being confused.
"What you got there?" The brit asked.
"A surprise." The norsk then went and got out his pocket knife.
Splitting the boxes open and taking everything out.
"I can visit you now!" The norsk had a huge smile, the brit was honestly shocked.
The scuba gear was laid out to look at.
"Tord, was this expensive?" The brit asked, the norsk rubbed the back of his neck.
"Maaaaybeeee." The norsk said, the brit sighed.
There was no use into talking him out of it when it had been done, he just chuckled.
"Fine, you can visit my home. But be careful down there." The brit instructed.
The norsk nodded.

Getting geared up wasn't long, he then went and got into the water with the brit's help. The both of them going down into the depths of the water, fish swam away from the norsk.
"It's beautiful down here." The norsk said, hard to understand from the gear.
The brit nodded.
They came up to the brit's home and went inside, it wasn't much with the worn out wet mattress and disgusting pillows on the make shift bed.
Rocks seemed to keep them pin from floating, a table and chair and a bathroom.
"Your place is nice Tom." The norsk said through the gear, bubbles floating around.
"Uh, thanks." The brit said, he thought it was small and boring.
"Can we explore around?" The norsk asked, the brit nodded.
The two went around the area, old cars sunk in the bottom with sometimes have skeleton in it.
"Poors souls didn't make it, I was only a kid and didn't understand that I was supposed to save them." The brit explained.
The norsk had nodded, he thought that this car was familiar.
"Looks like a car my family owned, could just be a coincidence." The norski shrugged.
They then continued before the norsk got stuck.
"Tooommm" The norsk whined, the brit sighed and went over to help.
Getting the norsk unstuck and the two heading to the surface, the norski getting the gear off.
He of course might not be able to swim, but he had the brit to help with that.
"That was nice!" The norsk said with a smile.
Looking up and noticing how late it had gotten, he sighed with a small bit of annoyance.
"Well, I got to head back down Tord. You better get some rest." The brit said, the norsk nodded with a light chuckle.
"Alright mom." The norsk said, the brit smiled.
"You need good sleep to grow big in strong!" The brit said with a high pitch woman like voice.
The two had then laughed, the moment was nice.
"Alright night Tom." The norsk said when the laughter died down.
"Night Tord." The brit said, going back down into the water. He headed to his home and went to bed himself.

The only sounds one of them could hear, were the soft sounds of the peaceful night.

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