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Image not mine, credit to the original artist.
{⚠️Warning ⚠️}
Slight angst


Blood surrounded the injured norski, he let out a hiss before groaning in pain. It felt like he was hit by a speeding delivery truck, robot pieces were scattered of what was left that survived the explosion.
He suddenly noticed he couldn't feel a part of him, something so useful was now useless to him.
He looked and noticed his arms were just fine, he was able to protect his right arm slightly when the explosion had happened, it had scarred a little but was functioning well.
Using both arms to push of a huge chunk of metal, he had then held a scream when he removed the peice.
His legs weren't so lucky and were completely damaged, he noticed he couldn't feel down there.
His legs were paralyzed as he let out a shaky sigh, he needed a way out and didn't see any sign of a red vehicle.
Did they leave him behind, no, they couldn't have, they were his most loyal soldier's.

"Tord?" The norski flinched at the sound of his name, he looked over to be face to face with the ginger.
The bruised eye still was there and he felt slight regret, he knew his old friends caused him to feel like this. He was supposed to be powerful and now look at him, his face scarred with somewhat part of his arm from his waist to his legs.
"Go away!" He yelled, his voice was hoarse as two other brits came up and stood beside the ginger, the familiar brunette and eyeless male.
"Just go away! I fucked up so leave me to die!" He yelled out, before being picked up by the ginger and shocking the other two.
"No! You may of hurt my face, but look at yours!" The ginger continued to carry the norski away, the other two followed in silence.
"Matt." The norski said before sighing, he hissed when feeling the brit's hand graze his thigh.
"Oh, sorry!" The ginger said, feeling bad.
"Matt, why help him? He destroyed our house?" Edd piped up, this earned a glare to him from the ginger.
"We don't know why he did it, he could of been forced!" The ginger said, which he was right, kind of.
The reason he did it was because a war was coming up and he was being pressured by his most loyal soldiers to retrieve it.
Maybe they weren't so good, but they were so loyal too.

"Can you feel anything there?" The ginger asked, referring to his legs as the norski shook his head.
The ginger frowned, he looked towards the other two.
"Tim! Didn't you talk about owning a place?" He asked, the eyeless brit let out a groan.
"Tom, and yeah but he isn't coming." The eyeless brit said, pretty annoyed.
"He is too!" The ginger said with glee, letting the eyeless brit lead.
The norski sighed, he didn't want to be helped since how stubborn he was.
He didn't like accepting nice things from people, whether it was an action or just a small gift.
He wouldn't accept it at all and focused more of making sure someone else is getting enough nice attention instead of him.
He hadn't now noticed his good functioning eye getting heavy, the ginger had noticed.
"Why don't you take a nap, you look like you need it." He said, the norski shook his head.
He didn't need sleep, or anything.
He should of been left to die and nothing more, dead when the robot exploded and yet here he was now alive.
Being paralyzed from the waist down is punishment enough he guessed, more should of happened, like his whole body.
He let out a small chuckle at the thought of him wrapped up like a mummy, this little chuckle got the three's attention.
"Thought of something Todd?" The ginger asked, which the norski nodded.
"What was it?" The ginger asked, trying to be gentle when holding onto the norski.
"If I had scarred all over my body, I bet I looked like a mummy when all bandaged up!" He said, chuckling more.
The ginger giggled a little and soon the four began a small giggle fit from the slight dark joke, the norski was glad that he made them atleast smile.

At the apartment's, the norski was on a toilet. He was in Tom's apartment with the ginger to undress his pants and wrap his scarred legs up in fresh bandages.
The norski didn't like being in the apartment or even touch anything, not wanting to anger any of them.
He had done enough and now he just needed to wait for death to come knocking, which will take time.
"Matt hurry up!" The eyeless brit groaned, he had needed the bathroom and the ginger was still doing the bandages.
"Go use Edd's." The ginger instructed, hearing a huff before stomps and a door slam. He lightly flinched.
"Is he normally like this?" The norski asked, earning a nod from the other.
"He likes to rush anyone in his bathroom." The ginger said with a light chuckle, the norski then flinched.
A small hiss came from the norski, the ginger apologizing for harming the other.
Bandages wrapped up the norski's legs as they stained a little with blood, the ginger then picking up the other.
Carrying him out of the bathroom and to the living room, gently setting the norski down onto the cushions.
"I'll make sure to get you a wheelchair, but what about surgery? To amputate your paralyzed legs?" The ginger asked, the other didn't want the ginger to spend money on him for all that.
"No, I rather not have the ability to move again." He said, letting out a small sigh.
The ginger looked at the norski and was still gonna do it anyway, just as a surprise.
"But what about the surg-" He was cut off.
"No! I don't need you wasting money on me Matt!" The norski said, he startled the ginger.
"Fine then, I'm leaving you in Tim's care. I have no room where I am so I will check on you later." The ginger explained, the norski nodded and didn't like how this will turn out.
He was unable to walk anywhere, but instead of complaining, he just watched the ginger leave to his own apartment.

The norski watched as the brit walked in and noticed him, he earned a glare as the brit began to walk towards him.
"I can't believe that Matt let you stay." The brit said, the norski nodding.
"I'm glad you at least suffered, I would of have left you there." The brit continued, the norski just nodded.
"Well, say something! Say some cocky comeback!" He yelled, he only earned another nod.
This now worried the brit, this wasn't the commie bastard that was cocky and take risks.
"Tord?" He said in a gentle voice, trying to understand why he wasn't saying anything.
"I deserved to stay and rot there, they weren't coming back for me." The norski finally spoke, the words slightly shocked him.
He remembered how the norski would never even dare to even agree with him unless it was on something they both liked or on Matt.
He knew he was different, letting out a sigh and getting down on his knees.
"Who weren't coming back?" He asked, the norski looked the other in the voids.
"My loyal friends, yet they pressured me to get the robot." He said, this was new. Matt ended up right kind of, the norski was forced.
"Why though." He asked, the norski letting out a frustrated sigh.
"I had an army that I didn't want to take over, I just wanted to be part of it just so I didn't have to pay for college." He explained, soon continuing after a moment of silence.
"My friends were my loyal soldiers and second in commands but pressured me with so much, soon a war was supposed to happen." He explained.
"So they pressured you into getting the robot, but not because you wanted to but because of some war?" The brit said, trying to understand all of this.
"Yeah, I'm actually glad you shot me down. And now! I won't need to do some stupid war." The norski said, a little too cheerful for being paralyzed.
"I'm sorry." The brit said, catching the norski off guard.
"What?" The norski asked.
"I said I'm sorry." The brit said, the norski nodded.
"I forgive you, but I should be apologizing." The norski said, he did way worse after all.

The norski letting out a yelp as he was suddenly picked up, he looked to the nearby window and noticed how late it got.
"To bed with you now!" The brit said, the norski laughed as the brit held him carefully in his arms.
Walking towards his own room, this confusing the norski.
"Isn't this your room?" He asked, the brit nodding.
"I'm taking the couch." The brit answered and earned a nod from the norski. The eyeless man carefully placing the shorter male carefully down, the blankets going over the norski.
"Alright, goodnight." He said the norski smiled a little.
"Night, enjoy the couch!" The norski said, a little like his old self.

"There's my Tord I know." The brit said, then leaving the room and closing the door. His face flushed a little with what he had said, it was so embarrassing.
The norski sat in the room, staring at the closed door. He must of heard right and that the eyeless brit said he was his.
He chuckled from the small mistake and got comfortable, he liked Tom's bed and soon drifted off.

Part 2?

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