Game on

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He proceeded into the building that stood nice and tall, windows covered it and easy to shatter. Once inside and through those sliding doors, he never liked them much. He was supposed to head for a certain floor for a competition he applied to.

Heading to the front desk, suddenly being pushed to the side and onto the floor.
"Hey!" He shouted with anger. Looking up watching the other male claiming a collar with the gamer tag on it, reading it to see 'KingHarpoon420' the collar was placed around the male's neck as it turned a glowing blue. Next were some gamer glasses.
"I was first." Tord said, standing and brushing himself off.
"So? You got to be quicker than that shorty." The man proceeded to the elevator as Tord got his collar and gaming glasses, his glowing a red. Rushing to the elevator and once it opened.

He quickly shoved the man aside and entered the elevator a smirk and closing the doors, pressing the button to his floor. The elevator made mostly of glass as he saw the man's angry face from below, Tord simply just waved.
Looking at his gamer and smiling 'RedRuler69' but once looking, watching the elevator going back down, a too of a quick pace as he realized that something was wrong.
Sighing he pressed the doors opening button which had soon worked, not thinking far ahead and jumping out from the falling elevator and grabbing the ledge of one of the floors, people coming to help.
"Are you okay!?" A woman came and as he just glared at her and continued his way towards the stairs, the loud thud and glass shattering was of the elevator finally reaching it's final last destination.

By at his floor, he was winded and out of breath but kept going, he had a cause to win this and he knew what he was doing. The reward was ten thousand dollars, he needed the money. Enough to help him in life and starting over, his parents not really accepting his career choice.
Once in he saw the same man again and now recognized him, he was a pro gamer. Thomas west, Tord knew he couldn't go up against a famous pro like him.

Heading up the stage and logging in, he was right next to the man.
"You're the guy who pushed me and got on the elevator I was supposed to be on!" He said.
"You pushed me from getting my collar and goggles first." Tord countered.
"You should of been quicker!" Thomas yelled out.
"I was, the elevator I was in crashed, I got out in time." Tord said with a bright smile, the brit stood shocked and processed the information.
"You almost died." He said.
"Oh not a, thank you!" Tord said with a light chuckle.
"Stop joking! That kind of thing isn't funny." He said with slight anger.
"I know I don't got three lives, calm your tits." Tord said, rolling his eye's.

"Gamers! Enter the chair with your collar color and sit down, we shall now commence!" The speaker finished, Tord heading to the glowing red chair and sitting down, everyone else had sat down. All ready to proceed.

"Let this game beg-!" Not able to finish as they all entered, Tord thought on the hunger games but video game style and nobody dying, but that's what he thought.

Moments in and multiple players had been eliminated from the game, he stuck with hiding and using resources to survive before running into someone. Something was off though, he recognized them.
"Thomas?" He went to touch the other's shoulder before he watched the other turn, his eye's widen when seeing voids.
"Your eye's." He said.
"Shut up." Thomas proceeded to leave him behind.
"Hey!" He chased after the other. All the way to the others camp site.
"Leave." Thomas told him, getting a no in reply.

"Why do you need the 10k anyways?" Tord asked as Thomas sighed.
"New gaming gear, you?" He asked.
"To rent a place out and get gaming gear and become famous like you!" Tord said, determined to do so.
"Wow, why leave your parents?" Thomas asked, Tord just looked away, not wanting to talk about his life problems.
"Sorry, was it too personal?" He asked and earned a nod.

"Wait, what's that?" Tord pointed to two packages for them each with their colors, pulling out a pair of masks.
"Huh? What are these for?" Thomas asked, Tord pulling out a note and reading aloud.
" 'these masks will protect your identity, you two will survive once eliminating all targets.' " Tord said, not even a signature.
"So what happens when the targets are eliminated?" Thomas had asked.
"Well Thomas, it might be a 1 V 1 between us." He explained.
"Just call me Tom, or by my gamer tag." Tom said.
"You don't even know my name!" Tord shouted, Tom looking at him with a slight glare.
"So?" He asked.
"So!?" Tord was offended, placing on the mask and just leaving.
"Hey!" Tom chased after the other and placed on his mask.
"Fuck off! Some idol you are!" Tord said, he continued to walk.
"Please! I'm sorry." Tom said but got no response from the other.
"Earn it." He said, Tom blinked for a moment and noticed the other was just gone. He looked around and than sighed.

Tord had found himself a weapon, two pistols that shoot nicely, keeping them and taking a grenade as well.
"Definitely not like the hunger games, that shit had mines and all I get is a grenade." He sighed and just went to find targets, he saw smoke and knew what to do.
Going closer to the camp and seeing a bunch of players telling spooky tales around a small fire that was cooking food, he decided to ruin the happy moment.

Unhooking what was attached to the grenade, he threw it as it landed right into the fire. Some of them thought it was a pinecone, but suddenly the grenade blew. Tord ducked down as he heard the screams of all that perished in the explosion.

Days continued like that and more players got eliminated, it soon was just Tom and Tord left together, the two meeting up.
"Alright, this should be the 1 V 1." Tord said, the two taking off the masks before they were suddenly pulled from the game.
The two blinking and standing, Tord looking around and his eye's had widen. All the players that played, they had actually perished. 
Bodies laid in each chair, their eye's lifeless and it seemed that it was the collars that killed everyone, he instantly took his off and threw it.

Tord turned to Tom who was smiling  and he was taking out contacts.
"Congratulations Tord!" He said and went over to him.
"You'll now be getting your reward money!" Tom said with a gleeful attitude, Tord knew this was a good offer but was it worth it for the lives that were lost.
"Why do this and kill people?" He asked, turning and seeing Tom real close with a wide grin.
"Glad you asked!" He stepped back and stood straight.
"I need someone around, someone who could compete like me, but don't worry on my eye's, I can see fine!" Tom said.
'What did I sign myself up for?' Tord thought, he showed a trembling smile and knew that maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

He was wrong.

One Shots {♡Tom Tord♡}Where stories live. Discover now