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This is an au
Vampire biting
Narcissist and Commie Vampires
It was average halloween night, kids going around and trick or treating.
The ginger complained that he could go out no matter how old he was, didn't matter the age even if he had five restraining orders.
He had then came across a being in what he assumed was a vampire costume.
His neck being bitten and suck dry.

Back at the household, it was pretty quiet.
The eyeless had to stay up late, working on something online.
The brunette had decided on some classic horror movies to watch.
As for the norsk, he had decided to work on something as well, his was a more dangerous project.
Tinkering away.
The ginger had returned home, his look being different with the pale skin and red glowing eye's.
He wore mostly black as his ginger hair didn't change.
He crept closer to the brunette, his teeth nice and sharp.
Once close enough, he went to strike.
"Dinner and a movie first pal." The brunette said, the ginger was too thirsty to have time.
He decided to strike the eyeless brit next, heading there next.
He entered the slightly dark room, the computer screen giving a silhouette of the eyeless brit.
He had then strikes, sinking his fangs into what he thought was flesh.
A burning sensation began to take over as the lights flickered on.
"Matt? Why are you biting that pile of garlic?" The eyeless brit had asked.
The ginger pulled away with a hiss.
Going to strike but the other had dodged.
The ginger needed food fast, he rushed off.
"Edd! Matt's a vampire!" The eyeless brit yelled, worried about his own safety.
The ginger had entered the norsk's room, the smell reaching his nose.
A small hiss coming from the norski who had injured himself.
A small cut that had light red liquid drip from it.
The smell made the ginger's mouth water.
He drew closer and was ready to pounce.
The norsk had turned in his swivel seat and looked up to see the ginger.
"Matt what are yo- Holy shit!" The norsk cried.
He was suddenly pinned to the desk by the other, he couldn't move as his arms were pinned.
He struggled before seeing the other draw closer.
"Hey! You stupid narcissist! Get off of mE!" The norsk felt the piercing of the ginger's fangs.
The nauseous and dizzy feeling as the blood left him.
He was being sucked dry.
It was too much as he went limp and blacked out.

The ginger had his fill, seeing the beautiful sunny day.
He allowed the norsk to hit the floor, rushing to get outside.
"What a lovely day!" He cheered.
It was until he smelled smoke.
"Is something burning?" He had asked himself.
He had suddenly turned to ash, blown away by the light wind.
The ash going right into a bag where the brunette held.
"Glad we didn't use that death machine!" He had yelled, the eyeless brit pouted.
"It was still a good idea." He said.
"No it wasn't!" The brunette protested.
"Anyways, are we missing something?" The brunette had asked, taking the bag of ashes back inside.
"I mean, I did hear the Commie freaking out in his room." The eyeless brit said with a shrug.
"Oh no, what if Matt turned him?" The brunette asked, he then earned another shrug from the other.

A light groan came from the norsk, he sat up to notice how hungry he felt. The sharp fangs he now possessed.
His neck was sore, but that soreness faded.
He stood up and looked at his surrounds.
The memory flying back to his head on what the ginger had done.
"Holy shit, it was like that time we were zombies." He said to himself, he still had on his hoodie and pants.
Something that hadn't changed.
His stomach let out a huge growl, he needed to feast.
He left his room and to the kitchen, a note on the table indicated that the brunette was out and gonna find a way for the ginger to come back.
He smirked.
He had then left to the eyeless brit's room.
Sneaking in to find him busy, standing and trying to find a place for a new poster.
The norsk entered and snuck close, he hadn't made a sound.
Just as the poster went up, the brit was then suddenly pinned.
"Ah! What the-" The brit said, struggling slightly.
"Hello, Thomas." The norsk responded.
"What do you want Commie?" He said, sounding slightly irritated.
"I'm hungry." The norsk responded.
"Then go to the kitchen, this better not be sexual!" He said, his blood boiled with rage.
"Blood." The norski said, he felt the brit physically flinch.
"Matt did turn you!" He shouted, not thinking it would happen.
The norsk stared at the brit's neck, hearing his heartbeat.
Just wanting a taste, nothing more.
He showed his fangs and got them ready to peirce the skin.
"Hey, what are you doING!" The brit had yelled, the sharp pain in his neck.
The norsk couldn't help himself, it didn't taste that bad.
It was until he was kicked away, he stood his ground and licked the blood at the corner of his mouth.
The brit had turned, holding his injury.
"Good Commie vampire." The brit began.
The norsk hissed with anger, not liking how he was called.
"We can just rob a hospital or get you animal blood?" The brit offered.
"Animal blood, I need fresh blood." The norsk answered.
The brit nodded, he accepted that offer.
"Don't bite me and we can get you some animal blood, okay?" The brit asked.
The other had nodded.

It was harder then the brit thought.
Getting the annoying dog from a few houses down the street.
The big dog always barked non-stop.
The norsk stared at the dog, his mouth watering.
The dog was fast asleep, his suddenly woke up with a whine as the norsk sucked it dry.
He pulled away with a satisfied sigh.
"It wasn't as good, but at least it's fresh." The norsk said with a light chuckle.
The brit softly smiled.
"You should stay inside during the day, me and Edd can do your hunting during that time." The brit said, the other nodded.
"I'll probably need a umbrella, just shade in general." The norsk explained.
"Will make a list for you, Matt was a little different." The brit said with a chuckle.
"Oh, how he decided to drink my blood and leave." The norsk said, being upset with the ginger.
"He went outside in the sunlight. Turned straight to ash and had to catch him in a bag." The brit explained.
"Yeah, saw the note." The norsk lightly chuckled.
"Glad your not trying to bite me." The brit said with a small smile.
"Well, now we got a dog to bury." He said, he wasn't truely wrong.
It was just that the brit had to do all the work since it was day light.
"Wanna wait till dark for you to help?" The brit asked, the other nodding."

By dark, they had dragged the dead dog outside.
Digging a hole and throwing it inside.
"Takes care of one problem." The brit said with a chuckle, placing dirt onto the corpse.
"I'll need more then animal blood Tom." The norsk said, getting a nervous chuckle out of the brit.
"Me and Edd will see what we can do." The brit said.
The two returned inside, sitting on the couch as the brunette came inside.
A tired but perfectly normal ginger walked in behind the brunette.
"Hey Edd andddd, Matt?" The eyeless brit said, the ginger giving out a groan.
He had slowly stumbled to his room, the door had shut with a loud thud.
"Is Tord-?" The brunette began.
"Yeah, he bit me but I don't feel any different." The eyeless brit explained, the other nodded.
"So, should we discuss on how will get him blood?" The brunette asked.
"He needs fresh blood, animal blood isn't something that would last forever." The brit explained the brunette nodding.
The planning had begun.

The norsk only wondered if he would ever be human again.

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