Statue Soulmate

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The fall leaves fell swiftly to the ground, each being in different colors as some already had began to turn brown.
The sound of footsteps could be heard as the norski was walking all alone and hummed to himself, breathing in the slight cold air.
He had on a red scarf with his usual red hoodie and black overcoat, wearing jeans and his normal pair of shoes.
He decided to place on a beanie to hide his hair horns mostly, the last incident being from some religious folk trying to so call 'help him' from being possessed by the devil himself.
He chuckled at the memory, he recalled how he pretended to actually be possessed and scare one of them.
The norski not understanding what he believed in since he believed that the devil was real and that God was real too.
He wondered what would happen to him if he died though, he had done some awful stuff.
"What is that?" He asked himself with a hum, a statue was coming up ahead.
It was on a male who looked to be wearing clothes from the old days, seeming to be from a British war.
What was so interesting was the statues eyes as it held none, it fascinated the norski.
The norski got a glimpse of something and looked more down to find some writing, he decided to read it aloud.
"This statue will one day spring to life, once touching hands with his soul mate." The norski let out a hummed and looked up, just letting out a small chuckle.
"Yeah, like I would be some old British man's soul mate." The norski had then looked over, seeing some girl being fascinated and go up to hold the statues hand.
Nothing had happened and the girl stepped down with disappointment, the norski snickered.
"Yeah, this kind of stuff happens in fairy tales." The norski then began to leave, not wanting to get involved with the statues love life.

The norski had then came back the next day, off to a bench to watch the statue.
He wanted to see if this statue would actually move or it was just something stupid to break girls hearts, if so it was cruel and entertaining.
Girls lined up to keep trying and some had run off to cry when their fairytale dream didn't work out.
"This is entertaining." The norski said to himself with a light chuckle, a girl had overheard him and walked up to the norski.
"Why don't you try it then." She had chocolate brown hair and green eye's, the norski looked up at her and then stood.
"Sure, I like to get a photo too to prove you all wrong." He smirked, girls moved away to give space and cheered for him to be wrong but also right so they could still have a chance.
"Plus, this dude is probably straight." The norski said, getting ready to touch hands with the statue.
Getting a little grossed out when seeing the bird poop covering the statues head and shoulders and the arm that had the hand held out slightly, the girl nearby had her phone out and was ready for the norski to do it.
He let out a sigh and leaned his hand down before touching the brit's hand, he noticed nothing had happened.
He turned to the girls with a proud smirk, he was glad to prove them wrong.
"See! It's just some stupid fairytale." That was until he felt weight leaned against him, he wasn't used to to and kept hold of whoever it was or if it was the statue that had fallen over.
The norski turned his head to look, there was eye contact between him and the void like eye's.
"The fuck?" He said aloud, he heard the girls cheer in excitement.
Some girls left in anger or disappointment that it wasn't them.
"My soul mate?" The brit had groaned out, seemingly dazed from being in stone for so long.
"No, no. Your probably into girls, and I-" The norski was cut off, suddenly held close to the brit who snapped from his daze.
His arm wrapped around the norski's waist to hold him close, his free hand on the other's chin to get a good look at his soulmates face.
"Um, your making me uncomfortable." The norski said, the brit let out a hum.
"Your perfect." This shocked the norski, he had never heard someone say something like that to him.
"Wh-what?" The norski was flushing slightly from the brit's words and looks.
"I said your perfect, I'm glad your my soulmate." The brit said, taking the norski's hand and kissed it.
"B-but, those girls have been trying not me." The norski said, he was only joking around when he did it.
The brit frowned, wishing to know what the norski had said.
"I like both men and woman, not on how much they are dedicated to getting me out of stone." The brit answered, wishing for the norski to just accept that they were soulmates.
"It was a joke! I touched your hand to prove this was a stupid fairy tale." The norski had yelled out, being slightly upset with himself for accepting such a deal.
"I'm no fairy tale, I was cursed long ago and you freed me." The brit answered, the other shook his head.
"Things have changed around here since your time, I'm not sure if I can accept to be your soulmate. But I can teach you how things work now." The norski asked, requesting to help the brit.
"If it means staying with you, then I would be happy if you do so." The brit said so calmly and it shocked the norski a little, his flushing cheeks going redder.
"Alright, let's just head to my place for you to change." The norski said, grabbing the brit's hand to drag him.
"But I like what I am wearing." The brit responded, the norski sighed.
"You look like your from the 1600's!" The norski yelled out, dragging the brit right to his place.
It being a fifteen minute walk back, the brit still asking questions about the place.
Curious of everything new, how there were no carriages.
The norski soon entered with the brit and groaned, just leading the brit up to his room and opening the door for the brit to go into.
He went around the messy room before getting the biggest size he opened and gave it to Tom.
"Go change in the bathroom." The norski ordered, the brit nodded and left to the bathroom before soon returning.
"Why are you back?" The norski asked, slightly irritated.
"Can you show the way?" The brit had asked, the norski sighed and lead the brit.
Opening the bathroom door before closing the door when the brit entered, the norski waited outside.
The norski suddenly jolted, hearing the beautiful hum of a certain melody that he thought he only knew.
"Why are you humming that song?" The norski asked, he heard the brit stop to think.
"I still could hear and see when in stone, you hummed the tune." The brit answered as the norski let out a sigh.
"Give me a month before trying the whole soulmate situation." The norski had said before being picked up and spun around suddenly.
"Thank you!" The brit cried out, still hadn't changed fully and the norski had took a peak down.
The norski's face began to heat up, so many thoughts ran through his head but just decided to shout at the brit.
"Oh my god, get some pants on at least before celebrating!" The norski yelled out, the beit chuckled and set the other down and returned into the bathroom to finish changing.

And yet a man with void like eye's has entered into the norski's life and might even steal his heart.

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