Robot Clone

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The robot had fell to the hill, the norski laid there and bleed out on the ground, the two soldiers that were like family to him had pulled up in his car.
The two had got out and came across the body, the norski declared dead.
A light beeping sound had come from the norski as the body was suddenly evaporated in front of the two soldiers eye's.
They were shocked and suddenly had to report this, heading back to the car and pulled away.

A lab that hadn't been taken out by the explosion was somewhere else, a clear glass pod had opened and a robot had stepped out, fake skin being morphed on the robot clone.
It blinked before going and grabbing the dusty extra clothes, taking a small look around.
It looked like the norski and gaining memories of so much but the robot explosion, he being confused on where he was.
"Oh! The second lab." He walked around and found blue prints, the place looking dusty and abandoned.
"I'm not supposed to be here unless." The norski froze, turning and seen the clear pod open.
"I'm a robotic clone, my real body is gone." The norski had said to himself, not even a single person around to speak to.
He went and left the old lab, starting his journey to find his friends.
He opened a hatch and found himself in the woods, he got out and made sure to place it back where it was.
He covered it with some leaves, walking towards the nearest town was.
The norski soon ended up being lost, letting out a light groan.
He kept moving forward.
"This robot version of myself seems so real, I'm sure it was allowed to get wet and be able to consume stuff." He said to himself, still walking to where he thought the town was.
"I wonder how the real me died?" He asked him, not really having an answer.
"Oh! Maybe the guys would know." He told himself, heading to the house.
Once there was when he found rubble, standing there with wide eyes.
"No." He said, trying to not picture that his friends were dead.

"Tord..?" He spun around and saw the brunette standing there, the norski let out a sigh of relief.
"Your alive!" He said, happy to see his bestfriend.
"You were dead, you died in the explosion." The brunette said, it looked like he seen a ghost.
"What explosion?" The norski asked, confused by the brunettes words.
"The robot, you tried to leave in this huge robot but Tom stopped you." The brunette explained, the norski seemed confused.
"But, I abandoned the giant robot project a year ago." The norski said, the brunettes eyes had widen.
"Then, your not the real Tord.." The brunette said, the norski nodded.
"The real me had decided to make a project where he made a robot self copy, he placed the good memories and none of the memories that remain secret to him." The norski explained, the brunette teared up.
"I only remember our fun adventures, but where do you guys live?" He asked, the brunette sighed.
"Follow me." The brunette said, leading the way to the apartment building.

Once they arrived at the entrance the brunette stopped and turned around, he had a unsure look on his face.
"Tom might not like seeing you alive." The brunette explained and the norski nodded.
"Yeah, we always didn't get a long well. But I cherished the moments we did!" The norski said, the brunette showed a small smile and liked this version of the norski.
He remembered how secretive the original had been, getting upset and yelling things in his language.
"I missed this side of you." The brunette blurted out, the norski blinked a couple of times before actually realizing.
"Yeah, I know that my old self was secretive about things. But I have nothing to hide since 'he' took that to the grave." The norski explained, the two shared a soft smile to one another.
They entered the building and went into the elevator, the brunette pressing a button to the fourth floor.
"Okay, Matt texted me a few minutes ago saying him and Tom are watching a movie at his apartment." The brunette said, he wanted to get the norski into his apartment before being seen by Tom.
"Is that so Tom doesn't see me and straight up pound me into the ground?" The norski asked.
"Yeah, I can't always stop him when he gets so angry." The brunette explained.
"I remember the time when we all decided on going to the military for a vacation." The norski said, the robot perfected his accent as it messed with some of the letters.
"Oh yeah, that was the only time Tom got his head shaved." The brunette said remembering the small memory.
"Wait, didn't you take a tank?" The norski asked, the two looked at one another and began laughing.
"Good times, we should go on another adventure some time." The brunette said, that was if he could get Tom to go.
There wasn't much interesting other then the time they had Easter and the small beach trip.

The two heard the elevator ding as it was their stop, the doors sliding open for them to exit out of.
The norski just followed the brunette hearing small laughter coming from another apartment.
"Okay, mine is here. Matt has his an apartment down and Tom's has his next door on the other side." The brunette explained, entering into his apartment that had a slight scent of cola.
"I would be surprised if you got cola air fresheners." The norski said with a small chuckle.
"No, I wish though. It's actually cause I spill cola on the floor from time to time, or the can corner." The brunette pointed as the norski expected a mess but found cans just stacked into all sorts of things.
"I was expecting a whole entirely different thing." He said, going over and inspecting the stacked cans.
"Yeah, I make sure Tom doesn't do the same cause his would be made out of glass bottles." The brunette said, he guided the norski and gave a small tour.
"Okay, I got an extra room and so does Tom but he decides to use it as storage or hide the Christmas decorations." The brunette explained showing the spare bedroom.
"Seems like something he would do." The norski said with a light chuckle.
"Your one to talk, you brought actually guns to the arcade and paintball." The brunette said with a small smirk.
"It gives off a better experience!" The norski defended, the two shared a small laugh and that was when the door opened.

"Edd! Tom broke my mirror!" The ginger cried out, holding his shattered mirror.
None of the peices had fallen out but it was just cracked, the eyeless brit came in after.
"It was an accident, you placed it close to where my foot could knock it off." The eyeless brit seemed annoyed with the ginger who whined about the mirror.
"Matt we can get a new one, it's not like your world is ending." The brunette said trying to calm the ginger down.
"But it is!" The ginger cried, the norski came from out of the room and noticed the broken mirror.
"I can try fixing it." The norski had said, everyone turned and that was when the ginger's eyes widen.
"I don't know, I remember you hitting my face." The ginger said, the eyeless brit's fists clenched.
He walked over and straight up punched the norski to the ground, anger was boiling and was expecting to see blood from the norski's nose.
"Is that, oil?"
The brunette walked over.
"Tom! That's not the real Tord, it's a robot version of him that the original made in case he died." The brunette explained, the eyeless brit's sockets had widen.
"You mean I killed him." The eyeless brit helped up the the so called fake norski.
"Yeah, he must of died in the explosion." The brunette said, they then turned to the norski who rubbed at his nose.
"What happened to your body then? Nobody found a body on the hill." The eyeless brit had asked, this was the question that upset him.
"Basically evaporated, no traces of it at all." The norski said as they all stood with wide eyes.
"Why?" The brunette asked, the norski sighed.
"Cause well, it was out of fear. I only know cause of the notes left behind in that lab." The norski explained, the eyeless brit placing a hand on the norski's shoulder.
"There was another lab." He said that as the norski nodded.
"It didn't have anything from the other one but this one had just the self copy robot project." The norski explained, the eyeless brit couldn't understand anything.
"This is frustrating, I need a drink." The eyeless then had left and went back to his apartment, the ginger was not taking the information in and only knew so little on what was going on.
The ginger just said his goodbyes and left to his own apartment, the brunette and norski looked at one another.
"They'll come around, let's just head to bed." The brunette said, the norski had nodded going and heading into the spare room.
Laying down in bed and getting comfortable, he checked his wrist as he was close to low battery and unplugged a cord from his palm.
Going to the outlet and plugged it in as he layed down in the bed and began charging.

"They'll find out about the weapons system soon enough, I just wanna stay peaceful." The norski whispered to himself, he lowered his eyelids as the light in his eye's had dimmed.
He slowly charged through the night, morning soon arriving.

It wasn't like someone was trying to find him, but someone was.

Part 2?

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