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[Bad Ending]


"There isn't one." The eyeless brit said sadly.
"Wh-What?" The brunette said, he didn't want it to be true.
"Yes, there isn't one." He said.
The brunette sighed, the two leaving.
They entered the van, the ginger was coughing into his hand.
He was pale.
"Did you find the cure!?" He asked, he was so hopeful.
It dropped when seeing their looks.
Tears appearing in the corner of his eyes.

The low growls came from within the cage.
The norsk chained up.
It broke the eyeless brit's heart, seeing the norsk more green.
But it was too late for all of them, so the four sat in the back together.
The eyeless brit had taken notes of the days passing.
On their conditions, for someone else to find and read.
He wrote it like a diary until his final days, when he felt his sense of humanity leave.
It was too late for them now, the norsk was too far gone.
He began his last entry.

June 16th 2###

The condition is worse, there isn't a cure.
If someone has found this, then we are no longer human. This virus is horrible.
We had horrible nights sleep, pain is all that we feel.
This is Thomas.T.Rodgewell
Signing off.

Tears flowed down his face, he got weak glances from his friends.
He spewed up a little blood.

A few months had passed, the Apocalypse hadn't ended yet.
Another group were on the search for the cure, they were so hopeful.
"Here!" A boy called out, the group had opened the van doors.
It squeaked and opened slowly.
A zombie appeared out, an older woman shot it.
It had ginger hair that was falling out, the older woman shot another two zombies.
"There is one in a cage!" The boy said, they crawled in, seeing the book and opening it.
They read every entry of the eyeless brit's.
They then were shocked by the last one.
"They were once human, trying to find a cure that didn't even exist." A young girl said.
They all were upset now.
"Wait! Zoey, you're a scientist!" He said.
She nodded, looking at the zombie norsk.
"Mhm, I'll get to work. Close those doors." She said.
That was when they began to get to work, using the stuff from the lab close by.
And hopefully this wouldn't take long.

The end

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