Night Visit

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Mentioning of drug use.


The norsk sat alone, he wasn't really watching the time.
Having a marathon through his favorite movie series.
But once checking the time he chuckled to himself.
It was pretty late, the clock on the wall reading 2:36 am.
He usually went to bed around 12.
Deciding to pause the marathon for the next day and get up.
He cracked his knuckles and back, cleaning the mess in his living space.
He let out a soft yawn, finishing up as it looked spotless.
He made sure to keep it spotless, his room was a different story.
He had walked into his room, piles of dirty laundry that he forgot to clean was on the floor, scattered blue prints of designs for work. Posters of anime and such that he has watched.
His desk was covered in papers and a dish to hold his cigs.
He didn't smoke too often, only when stressed from being swamped of over due work.
It was hard inventing things for companies, it made good pay though.
The norsk had just trudge towards his bed and flopped down.
The red sheets were messy, he just grabbed them and yanked them over his body.
He was just ready to fall asleep.

A soft sudden knock at the door, the norsk groaned in annoyance.
Getting up and walking to his front door, he then unlocked it.
Slowly opening the door.
He was about to ask who it was before his eyes widen.
There stood the brit, he looked completely out of it.
His hair was a bit messy, clothes looked stained of alchohol and wine.
He seemed drunk.
"Tom?" The norsk finally spoke, this moment shocked him.
He questioned why the brit was at his front door and drunk.
"I di-didn't know where else to go." The brit said, he didn't look alright.
Before the norsk could speak, the brit slumped forward and almost knocked the norsk off his feet.
He held the brit and helped him inside, laying him on the couch.
"Shit, what happened to you." The norsk asked out loud, he knew nobody would answer.
He just let out a sigh, sitting on the floor next to the couch.
He had been awake for another hour before exhaution caught up.

By morning, the sun shined through the windows.
The brit let out a groan and sat up, he then felt something.
He looked down to find the sleeping norsk, he was leaned against the couch.
The brit's gaze had soften, he remembered how he was gonna have one drink.
He hadn't realized that someone had placed something it in.
He had to leave and find somewhere to go, apparently the norsk didn't live too far away.
But it was rude that he came so late in the night, he only went drinking over a small dumb argument.
He decided to get up, being as gentle as he could.
Once up he had helped the norsk onto the couch, finding a blanket to place it onto him.
He had decided to look for something to do.
He hadn't seen an apartment so well kept.
He then walked into the norsk's room.
Paper and such all around.
He let out a small sigh.
Over due work on every single sheet, the dish where his cig's go was full of ash.
He decided to clean up.
Starting with clothes and dishes, then the papers and fixing the bed.
He hoped the norsk would return the huge favor with smirnoff.
He knew he couldn't finish the norsk's hard work, he just made it more neater.
Placing dishes in the sink and laundry into the wash.
He then did the dishes before going back to placing the laundry in the dryer.

The norsk had begun to awaken, sitting up and letting out a yawn.
He realized he was on the couch with a blanket.
He became confused before seeing the brit trying to leave.
"Tom?" The norsk called out, the other flinched.
"Oh! Uh, hey...Tord." The brit said awkwardly.
The norsk raised a brow, he was a little skeptical on the brit.
"Tom, what happened?" The norsk asked.
"Huh?" The brit had raised a brow at the question.
"What happened to you last night?" The norsk asked, trying again.
"Oh, uh. I went out drinking." The brit said, scratching the back of his neck.
"Tom you passed out, I know it isn't just the alcohol." The norsk said, he was seeming like a parent who caught their kid doing something bad.
"I didn't see someone place something in my drink." The brit said, the norsk's teeth slightly grinded down in anger.
"You were drugged!?" He had yelled.
"No need to yell, and yes." The brit said, the other had huffed.
"Still, it's a big deal!" The norsk said, the other nodding.
"Stay here, I don't want you out at a bar for a bit." The norsk said.
"You come with me to a bar?" The brit asked.
"Pfft, no! I'll make drinks here." He said with a light smile.
"Oh." The brit said, the other chuckled.
The brit was feeling something, tingles in his cheeks that heated. His stomach held butterflies and he didn't understand.
He wanted to understand this feeling more.
To stay with the norsk and see that smile and that laugh.
"Come on, I'll make us a drink now. We can hang out and drink it afterwards." The norsk said, the other letting out a hum of approval.
The brit not wanting to speak of that fight that drew him to the bar last night.
He was gonna enjoy the moment now as the norsk brought out syrups and alcohol.
He mixed stuff together and blending all sorts of things.
Placing a lemon on the side with straws in the glasses.
The brit was slightly amazed, he wasn't very particular in having lemons with his drinks.
It looked so fancy, something expensive that he couldn't afford that often.
The two had taken their drinks and went into the living room.
Taking a seat on the black leather couch, the two each taking their sips.
"How is it?" The norsk asked with a small smile.
"It's, good actually." The brit said, the other was glad to hear that.
"So, tell me why you were at the bar last night." The norsk asked, taking a sip from his drink.
The brit froze, the dreaded question that the brit fear.
He let out a sigh.
"Fine, let me start at the beginning." The brit said, the other had nodded.
"Alright, it all started..."

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