Leader's Love

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The clicking of heels as the leader walked down the hall.
The leader had his assistant beside him, digital eyes fixed on him.
The leader was frustrated, his soldiers have been slacking off. He always had to yell at them.
He kept the brit close, a good assistant and body guard.
"Thomas, the schedule." The norsk said with a sigh.
"You don't have much, just a meeting and seeing the new trainees." The brit answered.
The norsk nodded.
"The meeting is in an hour, the trainees will be the next hour after the meeting." The brit explained.
"Thank you." He said, still walking down the hall.

He sat at the meeting, people around were talking.
It was on the next tactic to attack.
"Red sir! Yellow is off guard, their leader is off on business! We can attack." A male general cried out, he was in the sector to taking care of weapons.
He had lost an eye and arm in battle.
"We made a contract with yellow, general Kao." The norsk replied.
"I enjoy your tactics, but please know who are enemy and friend." The leader said.
The general nodded.
"What about purple? They have been doing nothing." A woman suggested, she worked in the department on mapping out tactics.
"No, you need to learn that purple is mostly russian. Take a class with history." The norsk said frustrated.
"These color wars need to end at some point sir!" A male said, he worked in the labs.
"I know, we just need time, nobody has made a move, we can't just attack out of nowhere." The norsk explained, he was getting frustrated.
"How is the traitor?" The norsk asked, he needed to let off some steam.
His eye twitched a little, a few people had noticed.
"Still in the cell, your tools are there as well." The brit said, the norsk forgot he was also here.
"Thank you Thomas." He said, standing up. He then took his leave.
That was when the brit waited outside, he didn't like entering when his leader did these things.
The kind of torture he heard these people go through.
He followed some sick man, his only pleasure was the pain to others. But that didn't mean he wasn't human.
He changed immediately.
The brit looked down at his hand, playing with the golden ring on his finger.

The norsk stepped inside the room, the male sat tied to a chair.
A few cuts from the last session.
"You gonna talk now?" The norsk asked, he went closer.
His heels clicking in the echo of the room.
The man slowly lifted his head, he still held a black eye.
"You've been taking information and sending it to an enemy base. Who do you work for?" The norsk asked.
"Nobody." The man spat.
"Again, last warning. Who do you work for?" The norsk asked, a little more serious this time.
"You'll never find out!" The man said with a light chuckle.
Locked away in a single room that cancels all noise from the outside, it really drive someone insane.
The thing was, the outside could hear the inside.
But it didn't work the other way.
The norsk smirked, looking at all his tools and finding the best one.
"You know, I don't take lightly to traitors." He said, picking up a needle and thread.
"How about we close up that mouth and eyes of yours." The norsk said with a huge grin.
He walked slowly over, the clear fear on the man's face.
"Now hold still." He said, placing the thread through the hole.
Be began to work sewing up his eyelids and then his mouth, blood seeping through the holes.
Muffled whimpers came from the man, tears begining down his cheeks.
"Awe, don't cry. This is only the beginning." He said, ripping the thread. The man let out a muffled cry from the sudden pull.
The norsk smirked, shoving the needle down and into the man's leg.
The muffled cry had him grinning.
He soon grabbed a butchers knife, looking at the blade.
"How about we end this?" He said with a chuckle.
He slid the blade across the mans abdomin.
Applying pressure for it to slice through like paper.
The gushing sounds as his intestines dropped out, the norsk only looked.
"Have you ever wondered about the human body? About how it works?" He asked.
Pulling out his big instestines.
"This would be your big intestines, wish to see more?" The norsk asked, tilting his head to the side.
He held that grin.
The man shook his head, he was loosing blood.
Lightly convulsing in the chair.
"Fine, will end this." The norsk sounded disappointed.
"I'm bored now." He said, placing the butcher knife back. He picked up the pistol.
The man's eyes fluttered, he was gonna lost consciousness.

The brit sat outside, he waited.
He flinched at the sound of gun fire, he knew it was over now.
The norsk walked out, a bit of blood on his hands.
"Let's go Thomas, I need a drink." The norsk said, heading back to his office.
"Sir, permission to speak freely?" The brit asked, his digital eyes were fixed on the man in front of him.
"Patience Thomas, wait till we are in my office." The norsk said.
They entered through the door, the brit closing it.
"Alright, permission granted." The norsk said.
The brit sighed, he went closer to the norsk.
He held the others waist.
"What do you feel since our vows?" The brit asked.
"Thomas?" The norsk asked confused.
"Answer me." He said.
"Well, your the one that fell in love." The norsk said.
"Of course, you only love your power." The brit said, shoving the norsk away.
His blood boiled.
"Did it even matter!?" The brit yelled.
"Thomas, listen please." The norsk began.
"No, you just lie Tord!" The brit said, he voice filled with rage.
"I can't believe I mar-" The brit was cut off.
The norsk had went up and placed his hands on the brit's cheeks.
His lips gently on the others, of course with the heated rage the brit had.
He had pinned the norsk to wall, they then parted.
"Thomas, It dosen't mean I don't love you. But my heart just dosen't beat for you." The norsk explained.
"So you used me?" The brit questioned.
"No!" The norsk yelled.
"I'm just not my younger myself, when I fell for you in high school and back on those adventures." He explained.
"So?" The brit asked.
"You didn't feel for me!" The norsk yelled.
"But." The brit tried to say something.
"You can't just bring my feelings back Thomas!" The norsk yelled.
"They died, and you made that happen." He said, shoving the brit away.
"If you can make those feelings return, then good for you. But Thomas I am not a teenager. I am an adult, a leader." The norsk hissed.
He hurt the brit's heart.
"So did those vows mean nothing?" The brit asked.
"I did it to keep you by my side, don't you understand." The norsk said.
The brit was shocked by the realization.
"Then I'll do what I have to." The brit said.
He was loyal to the norsk, to his leader.

Day by day, the brit tried to swoon the norsk with gifts and nights alone.
It was never enough for the norsk.
The temper that he had to go against, the times that weren't him alone with the norsk.
He was slowly getting tired of it, he eventually pulled the norsk into a supply closet.
"Thomas! What is the meaning of this." He said, his rage beginning to fuel.
The brit just stared at the norsk, seeing the glare he was giving.
"Thom-" The norsk was cut off.
Lips on his, being held up against the wall.
They had then parted.
"Thomas, what are you doing? We have work!" The norsk hissed.
"I'm sorry." The brit said.
"What?" The norsk asked, the sudden sound of an explosion.
"What have you done?" The norsk asked.
"Just doing what I told was right." The brit said.
He set the norsk down, taking out his hand gun.
He raised the norsk's arm.
Slipping it into his hand, his fingers fitting perfectly.
"I'm a traitor, you know what you have to do." The brit said.
"Thomas, what have you done." The norsk asked again.
He couldn't believe what he was hearing, the brit was on his side.
"The rebellion Tord, Their here." The brit said.
The brit's hand left the hand gun, it still held in the norsk's hand.
He didn't want to fire it, his hand began to shake.
"Don't make me do this Thomas." He said.
"You can do it, and that's why I love you." The brit said.
The norsk took in a breathe.
He pulled the trigger, the loud sound had rang in his ears.
The brit's body fell, the bullet had striked his lung and went through.
Blood sputtered out of the brit's mouth.
The norsk stood there, tears rolled down his cheeks.
The man he married had slowly passed on.
He couldn't deal with the guilt, that this happened because of him.
Because of his lack of loving.
He heard the sounds of the rebellion attack, his lifes work of the army.
He sighed, throwing it all away.
The gun pointed to his temple, he smiled softly.
"I'm coming Tom." The norsk said.
The gun fire rang out through the closet, the norsk falling next to the brit.
They laid there and bleed out, who ever found them would be too late.
They had themselves locked away in the closet, as the comotion outside rang out.
Screams and yells as soldiers fell, people wondering where their leader was.
They didn't know they were abandoned.


One Shots {♡Tom Tord♡}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora