Tall man

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He was being bothered again, the norski poking his cheek and doing the classic smirk.
"Would you quit it!?" The brit yelled which taken the norski aback.
"Classic stupid Tom, your short ass can't do nothing!" The norski taunted, he was a few inches taller than the brit and teased him for it ever since high-school.
"You want me to prove something?" He asked, getting irritated with the other, so close to just grabbing him and slamming him down to the floor.
"Do it." The norski said, the brit licked his dry lips before grabbing the other by the arm and slamming him to the floor, the norski had the wind knocked out of him.
"I may be short, but doesn't mean I can't take you down." He said, mumbling something after, he then left to the kitchen for a drink.
The norski standing and smirked, he just wanted to keep annoying the brit and so he did, heading right to the kitchen and going up to the brit. The other was just getting water before turning around and shooting a glare at the norski.
"What the fuck do you want?" He asked, just wanting to be left alone.
"You~" The norski said, bending down a little to Tom's height and watching as the brit had turned a little red.

"Fuck you!" He shouted his British accent showing, the norski smirking.
"Sure" The norski said but ended up getting kneed in the gut and tumbled over, he groaned before being grabbed by the collar and pinned to the kitchen wall.
The brit had the norski pinned and smirked.
"If I do, your not top~" He said, the norski then flushed red. He liked this side of the brit but it didn't last long.
"But it would happen, only in your dreams." The brit said before kneeing the norski in the crotch and walked off to go drink his water.
The norski had fell to the floor and held onto his throbbing crotch, he cursed in his language and used the counter to get up shakily to the fridge, going to grab ice from the freezer.

The brit had returned to the living room, drinking the water he got. He would have something else but he was trying to cut off from the alcohol for the day, he just wasn't in the mood to drink or get drunk. But he wished he was in the mood to drink, just to get away from the annoying norski who was now coming in with ice on his crotch.
"Aw, Commie got a boo boo?" He said in a slight baby voice which had the norski groan in anger.
"Shut it." He said his accent thick and proceeding to let out more curses in his main language, he was now the one pissed and was slightly pouting.
"Really need to protect that area more." The brit said before laughing, taking another sip of his water and setting it down.
"Guys!" An energetic brit in green rushed into the living room while seeming excited over something.
"What?" both males said at once before looking at one another and sending a glare at the other, both wishing for the other to go away.
"I have the best idea for an adventure!" He said, the four hadn't been on one in about two months and normally they just end up on the adventures then actually make up one.
"Don't those just come out of blue for no reason when we want to just have time off?" The brit in blue asked and the brunette sighed.
"Yeah, but we could at least try?" He asked, the other two males sighed and agreed on going. It could be good to get out of the house for once.
"I'll get matt, we decided that we could head to the beach, so get ready!" The brit in green said and rushed off, the brit in blue groaned while the norski smiled and rushed off to get ready, he forgot all about the ice and how his crotch was in pain. The brit looked at where the norski sat and saw in disgust as it got wet from the melting ice pouring out from a hole in the bag.
"Gross." He mumbled and headed right up to his room to change and get ready, he didn't care much on swimming but he then began to think on how the adventure was gonna even happen, beaches were pretty safe.

The time came as all four males had placed their things into the trunk of the car, all getting in. Edd sat in the driver's seat with Tom beside him, Matt sat in the back with Tord as they all got their seat belts on. The brit in green started up the engine and began to back out from the parking lot before moving the gear shift into drive and began the journey to the beach.
The radio played tunes while the ginger had brought a mirror to just stare at himself and kiss the mirror a few times, the norski stared out the window and hummed to the radio, he made sure his hums weren't too loud but Tom would begin to sing along to any of the songs he knew, the driver singing with him. The drive was long but nice for the four of them, no fighting or arguing, it was peaceful and relaxing.
All of them had brought tents for camping out on the beach and hoping the tide wouldn't come in too much while they slept, they had stopped a few times when the ginger complained about something on his face he needed to get off with soap and water or just occasional bathroom breaks.
"Are we there yet!" The ginger had asked, again, for the sixth time since when they left.
"No Matt, now shut up!" The eyeless brit had snapped back at the ginger who then sulked.
"We are almost there, just another hour and a half." The brit driving explained, looking in the mirror to see into the back seat, the ginger had nodded and went back to looking at himself.
Time was something that would pass by quickly on the road trip, everyone knew that when they got to a certain age and it felt like the start of the day when really the day had just ended.

One Shots {♡Tom Tord♡}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora