Self Disgust

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Inspired by the image above.

This takes place after the end, just an au where Tord stays with the three brits.

This will contain some content
where the character hates themself and
Will do anything to look better.
Such as Eating habits,
Sleeping habits
And slight placing harm on themself.
You have been warned.


He jolted awake, shooting up right in his bed.
Sweat rolled down the sides of his face, his good eye tearing up.
He wiped his eye and pulled the covers, getting out of bed.
His hair fluffed up and all a mess, he let out a soft groan.
Grabbing his medication and pouring out two pills, he set the bottle aside.
Taking a hold the two pills and placing them close to the back of his mouth, taking his hand back out to grab the water bottle that held a small sticky note.
It was from the brunette, telling him to stay hydrated and a cat face within the corner.
He took a sip and swallowed down the medication, letting it do it's job.
Waiting as the pain slowly numbed from his arm and face, he just regretted doing what he did.
Standing and heading out of his room, going down the hall and towards the bathroom.
He entered and went right to the sink, washing up his good hand.
Hearing the chatter from the kitchen, he looked at himself in the mirror.
The flesh from his right side of his face was burned and singed his hairs into a slight blackness, a few hairs fallen out from time to time.
He decided to single handily wrap up his injured side of his face, having difficulty with doing so.
"Edd!" He called out.
"Coming!" He heard the brunette call back before some chattering, next he heard footsteps coming his way.
"Thanks for coming, can you help with my ban-" he turned to see the eyeless brit.
The norski let out a small sigh, handing over the bandages.
"Want me to do your arm too?" The eyeless brit asked, the norski looked down and not made eye contact.
"Yeah." The norski responded.
"Did you take your medication this morning?" He asked, the norski rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, mom." The norski then chuckled lightly, the eyeless brit smirked.
"Well honey, I think we should get your hair fixed up for the big day!" The eyeless said, taking on that small role and then laughing after.
"I wished this could happen more often." The norski said, finishing off from laughing.
He noticed the brit had stopped laughing the moment he said that, seeing the frown.
"We are not friends and never will be, I will never forgive you for what you did." The brit said, sending a glare towards the norski.
"Sorry." The norski mumbled, the brit heard it but ignore him.
The brit finished getting on the bandages and sighed, turning to head back to the kitchen.
"Is- is Edd cooking?" The norski asked, earning a nod from the brit before he left.
The norski looked back towards the mirror and a flash of how he looked before had showed up before it switched, switched back to him at the current moment.
He ruined his friendship with his friends, wishing to go back.
Exiting the bathroom and towards the kitchen, meeting the ginger along the way.
"I look so gorgeous today!" The ginger shrieked with happiness, the norski realized something.
He wasn't as gorgeous as the ginger, nor was he cheerful about his own beauty.
The norski entered the kitchen with the ginger who couldn't take his eyes off the mirror, even when taking a seat at the table.
The norski used his good hand to pull out his chair and sat down, a blank stare towards the table.
"Matt, why do you always talk so highly of yourself?" The norski had asked, the question shocked everyone in the kitchen.
"Oh, cause I feel to be the only gorgeous being in the world and that nobody can match me!" The ginger said, the norski nodded.
The eyeless stared at the norski with a confused look, wondering why the norski asked such a question.
"And why do you ask?" The ginger had ask, the norski just showed a small smile.
"Just curious is all." He then watched breakfast be served to the table.
"Well, breakfast is done and hot, so careful!" The brunette said, a little too cheerful for the morning.
"And why are you so happy at 8am?" The eyeless brit asked, the brunette hummed.
"I just drank cola." The brunette answered, of course it was his coffee after all.
Not like the norski had much sleep with the constant nightmares and night terrors, they always haunted him when he returned to his bed for a nap or to rest.
"You alright Tord?" The brunette had asked, the norski nodded.
"Yeah, why do you ask." The norski asked.
"You just, seem more tired this morning." The brunette responded, the other nodding.
"Just trouble sleeping." He said, showing a small smile towards the brunette.
The norski stared at the food, his stomach turned, pushing away his plate.
"I'm not feeling really hungry." The norski said, excusing himself from the table and sluggishly heading towards the living room.
He laid down on the couch, listening to the conversation that was held within the kitchen.
"Somethings not right." The brunette said, earning a hum from the eyeless brit.
"I feel like he's up to something." He said, the brunette had gotten upset with that comment.
"Tom! He is not up to something, but hurting." The brunette said with a light huff.
"Well yeah, he got hurt by the explosion." The eyeless brit responded, the brunette let out a frustrated sigh.
"Hurting on the inside, what happened at the bathroom?" The brunette asked.
"We goofed a little, he wished it happened more, I told him that he never be my friend." The eyeless responded, the brunette tsked.
"We just need to help him get better in confidence and trust." The brunette said.
"Remember, we watched him get thrown onto the sidewalk by two men, people who he thought were his friends!" The brunette said, the eyeless brit had then huffed.
"Yeah about a few month ago, we were stuck with apartments for two months before getting this house." The eyeless brit said, a little upset in his tone.
The norski remembered the upset faces on the men who were once he called friends, they just left him behind.
His arm was bandaged but laid limp to his side, unable to move it or even get a single twitch from it.
They been in this house for almost two years now, every moment was him recovering slowly.
It helped recover outside, but inside was never the same.
"What do you mean I have to get along with him!?" The eyeless brit had yelled out from within the kitchen.
The norski let out a sigh, it's not like he didn't hear this before.
He just let the voices muffle, his eye's drooped and soon everything had gone black.
He had fallen asleep, feeling much better to sleeping on the couch.
"Tord! You wan-" The brunette stopped, seeing the norski asleep.
He went back into the kitchen before grabbing the eyeless brit by the ear.
"Ow, ow,ow!" The eyeless brit yelped, following the brunette into the living room.
The brunette let the other go and pointed at the sleeping norski, giving the other a small glare.
"Fine." The eyeless brit said, going over to gently lift up the norski.
Moving the other's limp arm gently as to not harm it, holding the asleep male in a way that the groom would pick the bride up for carrying away and to the honeymoon.
The brunette had left to who knows where while the eyeless brit stood carrying the norski in his arms, the brit let out a soft sigh.
Walking out of the living room and towards the hallway, making his way to the norski's room.
Every step closer was where the norski began to act up, the norski's good hand clutched at the brit's hoodie.
"Hm?" The eyeless brit hummed, he stopped and looked down.
His face soften when seeing the fear on the norski's face.
The brit sighed, walking past the norski's room and into his own.
He watched the norski's fear be replaced with a calm, peaceful look.
"You should of told us." The brit whispered, letting out a soft sigh.
He wished the norski told them of the terrors waiting when he went to sleep in his own bed.

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