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This is an au

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Harsh winds hit against the window, the pitter pattering of the droplets harshly hitting the ground. It was late as a digital clock shown it being 3:24am.
The norski sat in his swivel seat, spinning slightly side to side as he mixed dangerous chemicals. His full focus was on pouring a drop gently into the other tube full of a glowing orange liquid.
A loud boom of thunder had rain out through the night sky and frighten the norski out of concentration, the two liquids had mixed together but poured onto him.
The light burning sensation it soon brought had grown terrible, he stood and went to the door. He left his room and headed down the hall and entered the bathroom.
Getting a cloth and pouring cold water onto it, going to immediately rub at where it burned. He sighed and just thought on continuing in the morning.
Heading out from the bathroom and walking back towards his room, he entered and closed up his lab. Going over to climb under the comfort of his blankets.
His eye's had then slowly drifted shut.

He groaned as his alarm was blaring, he smacked tiredly against the nightstand before missing and knocking the alarm clock right off. It hit the floor with a loud crash, the norski had jolted upwards from the loud sound.
"Dritt." He groaned, sitting up and picking up the machine that continued to blare in his ears. He then had hit the snooze button and sighed.
He sometimes hated mornings when he worked late, but it was his own fault. Getting up and heading out from his room with his hair a mess and still in pajamas.
His roommate in his green hoodie and beige pants was cooking, the smell of breakfast hitting his nose.
"Morning Edd." He said, going and taking a seat at the table, the brunette had noticed the norski and showed a small smile.
"Morning Tord! need some coffee?" The brunette asked as the other had nodded, a mug being set in front of him.
"Made how you like it." The brunette commented, the norski hummed with a small nod. He blew at the mug before going for a sip.
He enjoyed the sweetness of the amount of sugar and cream was put in, he absolutely hated bitter coffee.
The next down was the ginger and then the eyeless brit who looked like he could star in a movie, the norski chuckled.
"Wow, Jehovah looking like an actual zombie." His comment had earned him a glare.
"Shut it Commie, I have a massive headache." The eyeless brit responded, seeming to get himself his own coffee.
The norski didn't understand how the brit would drink it when it tasted so bitter, he just decided to focus on the food being placed down.
"Any adventures for today?" The ginger asked, the three just shrugged.
"Not really, I mean we could just come up with something." The brunette shrugged and took a sip of his cola.
"When was our last one?" The eyeless brit had asked, the four then began to think.
"Like four, maybe five weeks ago." The norski responded, trying to remember.
It then was just silence, food was prepared and put out for them to eat, the brunette taking a seat as they all dug in.

"Tom you can't just go now, it's too early." The brunette said, trying to reason with the eyeless brit. The other just shook his head.
"That Commie is being an annoying little ass, I'll be back later." The eyeless had said as the door slammed shut in the brunette's face just before he could say anything.
"Why couldn't he waited another hour or two." The brunette said with a groan, heading off towards the living room where the norski and ginger sat.
"11:34, new record." The norski said with a small chuckle, the brunette had shot a glare.
"Just for that, your gonna get him later." The brunette said as the norski shot up.
"No I'm not!" The norski said, the brunette chuckled.
"You don't have a choice." The brunette said as the norski groaned in annoyance.
As soon as the ginger and brunette were off to their rooms, the norski had left to find the eyeless brit.
Walking towards the town, he knew that the brit had to be around somewhere. Checking different bars and not finding him in any of them.
The norski was just passing an alleyway before he heard a groan, it was familiar. He went back and into the dark alley, He could barley see much before seeing blue.
He rushed over to find the brit sat against the wall, his side was drenched in red. The norski scrunched up his nose when smelling copper. He lifted the brit's hoodie a little to find several stab wounds, the sight was just awful. He couldn't just leave the brit to die and there was no time for an ambulance to make it in time. He pushed his hands against the wound to try and stop the bleeding as much as he could.
"How did this happen to you Jehovah?" He questioned the brit who wasn't awake, it was until he noticed the soft glow. It was coming from his hands as he felt the light tingles, he was confused but continued to focus all on that. He didn't understand what was happening or if anyone was gonna see.
It was until his head began to throb and slight nauseous feeling came over him, he held on tight until it became to over baring. Pulling away and getting a good distance before he stood up and took a few shaky steps. He slightly bent over and was ready to hurl.
The brit had then began to slightly awaken as he felt no sign of pain, but took notice to the big amounts of blood. Lifting his hoodie to only find light scars there.
It was until his attention was drawn to the sound of a person hurling up their last meal, he noticed the red and classic hair style anywhere.
"Commie?" The brit had stood up and walked over, placing a hand onto the others back and rubbing soothing circles. The norski just didn't have anything left in him to hurl anymore.
"Is it ok-okay now?" He asked, his head pounding. The brit nodded and sighed, turning and bending down slightly.
"Hop on." He said, the norski nodded and got onto the brit's back. He felt the brit grab a hold of his legs as he wrapped his arms around his neck. The brit had began walking out from the alleyway and towards home.
"Why are you helping me?" The norski asked as the brit sighed.
"You somehow magically healed me and I'm just returning the favor. Your also too exhausted to walk." The brit had explained, he wasn't wrong.
They just hadn't noticed the person close by, their phone being out as they recorded the whole thing they had witnessed. Replaying the part with The norski's hands glowing over the brit's wounds.
They smirked and made a plan to try and make a deal with that so called magic healer.

Days had went back as things had changed in the household, the brit and norski had fought less with each other. They still had small bickering that didn't last long, they just went their separate ways and took a break from the other. The norski learned more on his new found power and how it works, he only knew that injuries were the only thing he was able to heal. It helped when they got injured so much in adventures. The norski had then came home from a walk and realized how empty it felt, for it to be not totally empty he heard the small meow of his roommates cat.
"Edd!?" He called out, closing the door behind him. He was tense when knowing it was too quiet.
He jolted when his phone began to ring, rushing to get it from his pocket. He answered the phone and held it up to his ear and listened to what the person had to say.
"You have them?" He asked, he was trying to stay calm, hearing the persons voice.
"Fine, tell me where to go and I'll meet you there. Just don't harm them." He said. Hearing the persons voice before they hung up on him.
He let out a sigh, showing a small smile.
"Another adventure is how Edd would of put it." He said, his phone then buzzing.
He looked to see a message with a address for him to go to.
He left the house and traveled on foot to the destination, the address had lead to an abandoned apartment building.
He went inside and up the stairs, he made it to the fourth floor and noticed a door opened to an abandoned apartment.
He went over and entered, taking some steps inside before halting.
Seeing his roommates tied together in chairs, The person standing close to a opened window.
"I see your here." They said, turning to look at the norski.
"What do you want?" He asked, the person just chuckled.
"I know about your powers, being able to heal." The person said, taking a few steps closer.
"I'll let them go, just heal someone for me." They said, sounding serious.
"Is it a injury?" The norski asked, they had taken a step back.
"Their ill." They said, the norski shook his head.
"I'm sorry, I can't heal the sick." He said, looking the person in the eye's.
He went slightly closer, he made the wrong decision. The person had grabbed him by the collar and shoved him to be slightly out the open window.
"What kind of healer are you?" They asked, He felt his heart beating quickly.
"Your useless to me." They said and shoved the norski, watching him fall through the window.
The norski heard the cries of his roommates to seeing him fall, he fell until he hit the cold ground below.
He fell wrong and had broken an arm and a leg, fracturing a few ribs as well, He gasped from the pain he felt.
It was until his powers kicked in which made the pain worse.
"Tord!" He heard a distant yell, his roommates were all free and rushing over to him.
He went to answer before he felt his leg snapping back into place, he cried out in agony.
"It hurts! It hurts!" He cried out, his bones slowly being put together like a puzzle.
It was hard enough to have them broken but now feeling them being put back together was like a way of torture.
He saw the mouths of his roommates moving but he couldn't hear them, they sounded so far, his cries were just underwater to his ears.
His head began to throb as his eye's had rolled back, everything then had gone black.

His eye's fluttered open, he groaned as he sat up. A hand went to his head as it was his own, he felt his head lightly throbbing.
He heard a groan to his right, he looked in the direction to find the eyeless brit just waking up. On his left were the brunette and ginger.
"Mmn, Commie?" The eyeless brit said, sitting trying to wake up.
"Yeah it's me, was I out long?" He asked, the brit had then fully awoken.
"You were out for about four to five days, how are you feeling?" The brit asked, the norski sighed.
"I've been better, but you should try to rest again." The norski said, the brit chuckled.
"You too." The two smiled to each other.

"Jeg elesker deg Tom." The norski said.
"What does that even mean!?" The brit asked in slight anger mixed with frustration.
"You'll know soon enough." He said with a light chuckle.

The End

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