Separate Personalities

161 3 0

Character drinking unsafe liquid.
Character testing on themself.
Character sound like they are high/drunk near the end.


He sat in his chair, his hidden lab open wide as he was mixing chemicals of some sort.
A nearby alarm clock ticking away the time he had until he was supposed to really wake up, it's neon green numbers flickered and telling the time of 4am.
He let out a small yawn while continuing to work, blue liquid mixing with a yellow where it morphed into green.
"Just need to finish this and hopefully not blow up." He told himself, the memory of last time flashed in his mind.
The explosion was loud where he accidentally woke the whole house and had to quickly close up the lab before falling over.
He remembered he ended up with a small headache for a day afterwards, made it hard for him to work.
He mixed a few more liquids from red to green, it morphing all together.
"Man, I'm so tired that I have no clue what I'm doing anymore." He told himself again, he really had nobody else.
He poured in the last ingredient which was pink, the bright color mixed in with the rest as they swirled around.
The norski didn't know how he was supposed to test it, he let out a small groan of frustration.
"I can't test this on the other's, I don't even know what it does." He then let out a hum, shrugging the shoulders.
"I could test it on myself, I'm not willing to get caught just to find some animal outside." The norski was curious how this end up affecting.
He just stared at it for a solid five seconds before downing half of the test tube, it tasting horrible to the norski.
"Bleh, tastes like I ate what Matt cooked that one time for dinner." He instantly regretted the idea.
Getting up and feeling light headed, he made his way over to flip the switch to allow the wall to shift back into place.
He placed back on the paintings and made his way over to his bed as the world spun, he fell right over and missed his bed.
He landed right on the uncomfortable floor, staring at the wall from the floor where it blurred and everything had then suddenly went black.

The norski had jolted awake, the brunette had slammed open the door to his room.
"Get yo ass up! Breakfast is ready." The brunette had yelled out, not caring if the norski was on the floor.
The brunette then had just left to head back to the kitchen. The norski stood and walked out and towards the kitchen for breakfast.
"Wow, you look like shit." Said the eyeless brit who was buttering up some toast, the norski felt an urge to yell but just breathed.
"It was a long night." He told the brit and took a seat to eat the food that was served.
His head was pounding and his emotions seemed everywhere like they were jumbled and out of place, he just decided to eat in silence.
"Uh, Todd?" The ginger across from him called out, his name not even correct.
"It's Tord, what is it?" The norski asked, trying to keep calm.
"Are your eye's always a dim color of, red?" The ginger asked, the norski almost choked on the bacon he just ate.
"I don't know, I'll go check." He said, the red had switched to a dim purple and this caused suspicion.
The norski had left to the bathroom, closing the door and checking his eye's in the mirror.
"Holy shit." He looked as they glowed a dim shade of purple out of his fear of the other three finding out, this was probably from last night.
"The consequences from last night." He said with a light groan, upset with himself that had his eye's shift to a dim red.
He had then let out a sigh and locked the bathroom, taking a seat on the floor.
"Well this is great." He said to himself, he didn't know how he could control his feelings when the fighting starts.
Especially with the feeling of love that would be a dead give away, he could still his emotions a tad bit but they felt stronger then how he had them before.
The training he had gone through was all over now, he was taught how to not have weak emotions be let out.
He just needed to man up and face his consequences, standing up and heading out of the bathroom.

Going back towards the kitchen, paying attention to the ground and zoning out slightly.
He turned a corner before bumping into someone, he backed away a little as his eye's widen.
"T-Tom!" He cringed at his own stuttering, he felt his heart race and his cheeks tingle.
The eyeless brit shot him a glare.
"Watch where your going next time you commie bastard." The brit then walked passed him and left, the norski felt slight hurt from the eyeless brit's words.
He just chose to ignore, going over and picking up his plate.
The brunette washing the dished with the ginger drying off the dishes, they were chatting away on something as the norski couldn't understand.
He didn't understand what was happening until his head began to pound furiously, he clutched his head slightly.
Making his way out of the kitchen while feeling sick to his stomach, leaning against the wall for some balance as he heard someone or something.
Everything was muffled but he saw some blurry figure come up, only seeing the color blue and knowing who it was.
"Tom?-" Was what the norski managed to get out before just a high pitched sound was all he heard as he covered his ears and fell to his knees.
The brit just stood there and tried to help, he was slightly worried on the norski's condition.
"Tord? Hey answer me commie." The brit shook the norski who was staring at him, but it seemed it was through him.
The brit was growing even more concern, it wasn't until he heard it.
The norski just suddenly let out a scream, the brunette and ginger had dropped what they had been doing and rushed over to see what was going on.
"Tom what happened!?" The brunette asked, the eyeless brit looked at the other.
"I don't know, he just seemed out of it and now he's screaming." The eyeless brit went and tried to touch the norski's shoulder.
The norski had suddenly froze up, it slightly spooked the brit on how quickly that had happened.
The screaming had came to a halt, the norski looked at the brit.
His eye's were a soft dim pink, he swore he saw hearts.
"Tord what is happening!" The brit suddenly shook him a little.
"I made something last night, it's fun being a test subject." The norski looked out of it, the eyeless brit sat there confused.
"What do you mean?" The brit asked, he wanted to help.
He might hate the norski but he still cared, they were once good friends in high-school.
Doing crazy stuff and teaching the other English, hearing the funny things the norski had come up with while learning.
"Nothing, just a lever behind some pictures." The norski said, he then began to giggle like something was funny.
His eye's were a dim yellow, this was some new information, the brit could only use the little information.
"All I got was he tested something odd on himself and that there is a lever behind two pictures." The eyeless brit explained.
The other two nodded since they were a little slow on understanding, the ginger being extra slow.
"Alright, let's get you to your room." The eyeless brit picked up the norski who wrapped his arms around the brit's neck.
"Take me away my knight in shining armor!" The norski cried out before giggling.
"We are fixing you once I figure out how, for now you stay in your room." The eyeless brit said with slight frustration, heading past the two brits and up to the norski's bedroom.
"Will you kiss me good night?" The norski asked.
"No!" The brit yelled, his cheeks lightly flushed as he entered the room and dropped the norski on his bed.
"Now for the pictures." The brit said aloud, looking around before landing on them.
He walked over and took one down that was the norski, finding the second picture with a red button.
This confused him but he took that one down and saw the lever, it sat there in all its glory.
"What does it even do?" The brit questioned, pulling the lever and watching the wall shift.
The norski was laughing in the background on his bed while the brit stood there.

How could he miss this, the large lab like space that was covered in all sorts of things.
A table nearby showed of a table and had a half empty test tube, dribbles of it were on the table.
"That must be it." The brit had went over and picked it up, he questioned the color and how odd it looked.
He then took a look up and his sockets had widened, there hung up on the wall in front of him.

It was like a blueprint but it showed of his monster form, the brit was confused.
"How does he know?"

Part 2?

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