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Protective Tom
Small nsfw, just mentions of it
Mentions of character being high at a young age
Slight angst
Birds sang their morning tune as the sun peeked out from the horizon. A male in a grey t-shirt was the early riser around 9am, around thirty minutes later was when the next male in the household woke up. He went downstairs, rubbing one of his voids.
"The commie's not awake yet?" He asked the other brit in the kitchen who had started on breakfast, just nodded and was still half-asleep cooking the food. The eyeless brit had went and taken a seat, then the ginger came down in his usual outfit instead of pajamas, he then sat down and began to look around the table.
"Where's Todd?" The ginger asked, the eyeless brit shrugging and just scrolling through his phone with some sort of music blasting into one ear of his.
The norski would usually be at least the second one to come down, but the norski was late, this worried the brits and one decided to speak up from the moment of silence.
"Tom, go check on Tord." The brit cooking asked, this made the brit groaned.
The eyeless brit remembering the last time he barged into the commie's room and saw what was going on since the norski was late for dinner, the brit stood up and left towards the norski's room.
He gave the door a swift knock on it before entering and actually seeing the Norwegian still asleep in bed, the brit sighed and crept closer when seeing the norski fast asleep, the others hair a mess and the soft sound of breathing.
The brit sighed and thought the other looked so peaceful when sleeping, he got down on his knees and brushed some hairs aside, he let out sigh before grabbing the norski by the side and aggressively shaking him.
The norski woke up and tried to get the brit to stop what he was doing, getting a little upset.
"Stop!" He yelled out, the brit stopping and letting out a light chuckle.
"Morning sunshine lollipops." The brit said, standing up before being tackled down by the norski.
"Fuck you!" He yelled out, being upset with the rude awakening.
"Your gonna be late for food, again." The brit said, the norski's eye's had widen.
"Edd better not eat all the bacon!" The norski had got up and rushed out, leaving a dazed Tom.
The eyeless brit soon heading down and sitting at the table, the norski was already there to munch on some bacon.

This routine happened often, it confused the brit's on why Tord was always late to breakfast and dinner. Everytime breakfast was done the norski would thank Edd for the food, then head upstairs to his room to change before he just leave to who knows where.
Tom was more curious and on one morning he decided to follow the norski, watching as the other was at a jogging pace. He watched the norski then enter some store, it looked to be like a grocery store but had other things. The brit was curious and decided to enter the store, looking around at the shelves that held many items.
"Sorry I was almost late, I almost slept in." The brit heard the norski close by, checking it out to see that commie speaking with an older looking man.
"Don't worry about, I know much this job means to you." The older man had said, a job?
"This isn't my only job Harold, your my morning shift and I have two others." The norski had explained, more jobs.
"Oh that's right, you're next job is at that local Cafe and the third job is the bartender at that so on so, gay club." The old man said, the norski nodded.
"Yeah, too bad they won't let me leave until like 1am." The norski chuckled, the reason he was so exhausted.
The brit sighed and decided to make himself known.
"Tord." He spoke, watching the norski flinched slightly and his head turned towards the brit. The two making eye contact as voids met beautiful blueish grayish eye's, the brit decided to go closer.
"Why are you here Tom?" The norski said, folding his arms over his chest. He didn't look pleased to see the brit.
"Well, um." The brit started, he couldn't make up a good excuse.
"You followed me?" The norski had asked, the brit only nodded in defeat.
"Tom, I'm just trying to make some extra cash." He started, the brit being confused.
"Why?" The brit asked, curious on the answer.
"Well, I have made some deals and bets and now I gotta pay back at least a thousand pounds worth of money. If I don't, I'm screwed." The norski said, it was his own fault that he did these kind of things.
"It was when I got high in middle school, turns out they found me again." The norski explained, it then clicked.
"The bets and deals with Rodger and Hunter?" The brit asked and earned a nod.
"They wanted me to pay up or something will happen." The norski said with a shrug.
"So you need three jobs that will make you work yourself to death!?" The brit exclaimed, this slightly caught the norski off guard.
Harold, also known as the old man had just decided on getting everything ready for opening.
"Tom, I'll be fine." The norski said and the brit shook his head.
"No, you are going home with me and I'm gonna get each of your bosses number. I want to call them and convince them to fire you." The brit explained.
"What, no!" The norski said upset with the idea.
"Too bad, you can do this shift but after. Come right back home." The brit said, watched the norski go off to help prepare for the store's opening.
The brit had then left, going straight home, patiently waiting for the norski's first early return in a while.

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