Mr.Smiles 3

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Art above done by me.


He sat in his chair, the two brits stood in front of him as a table sat in the middle.
A map laid sprawled out onto the table, showing the plan.
"You want us to just walk in?" The eyeless brit had asked, the norski nodded.
He wore his typical outfit as the mask was on, smiles was in control.
"Of course, they think your both are still loyal to them." He said, the eyeless brit showing signs that he thought he was crazy.
"Bloody hell, what if they shoot us!?" The eyeless brit had slammed his fist against the table.
He wanted to just keep his friends safe, smiles normally worked alone.
"Cause I work alone, I never once needed help." Smiles said, letting out a frustrated sigh.
"Alright, Thomas." Smiles began.
"Just Tom." The eyeless brit said, his teeth clenching with slight anger.
"Don't care, you and Mathew will head in. I will sneak in a window where your friend will be."  The norsk explained the simple plan.
"Smiles, shouldn't we tell you which window to go into?" The ginger asked, Smiles had sighed.
"Go ahead." He said, the ginger smiled brightly.
"Alright." The ginger began, he pointed at a window that was pretty high up.
"Edd should be in there, with his cat ringo." He explained, the other nodded.
"Guess I'm gonna need my climbing tools." The masked male stood up.
"Wait! Everything is heavily guarded from head to toe." The ginger told the last little detail.
"Then Rudy is coming with." He said, rolling his eyes behind the mask.
"Rudy?" The eyeless brit had asked confused.
His voids went white and wide from shock, an axe stood inches from his neck.
"Rudy." The masked male said, the eyeless brit seeing the name engraved into the axes handle.
"Okay." The brit using his finger to lower the blade.
"Tord might care about you, but I don't." The masked male said, suddenly getting a small migraine.
"Stop yelling at me Tord, they won't get hurt." He spoke to himself before letting out a groan.
"Well I can't make promises that we won't get injured." The norsk shrugged his shoulders, suddenly turned around.
"You are not gonna get hurt, why stick alone!?" The brit asked, his voids staring into the holes of the mask.
"Cause Tord and I got too attached! Then those people perished." The masked male said, the brit stood and kept silent.
The two brits had no idea on the past of the masked male, all they knew was that he had two personalities.
"So I don't make the same mistake again." The norsk, went and took out some climbing gear to climb the side of the building.
"It's cause Tord is attached, isn't it." The norsk froze, turned to look at the brit in the voids.
"He's attached to you! I would of killed you but he wouldn't let me." The masked male said.
"Now shut up and get ready." He said.

The two brits walked into the building, the uncomfortable silence was agonizing.
"Tom! Matt! Welcome back, I'm guessing you had a successful sell?" A man walked over, a suit that was a dark grey.
A green gem sat as a accessory on the mans chest, a walking cane to keep him from limping badly.
His hair grey and wrinkles were forming, an old rich man.
"Mhm!" The ginger chimed in, holding out a stack of cash towards the man.
A depth to pay and get there friend back, the man smirked at the sight of the green paper.
"Tell us, how's Edd?" The eyeless brit asked, just worried about his friend.
"Oh, he is doing fine. Sour mood as ever, horrible cat scratches everything." The man said, letting out a light chuckle and taking the cash.
All eye's were on them, it made the two brits even more uncomfortable then when they walked in.
"But, I couldn't help but see the hotel footage." The man said with a smirk, the ginger had gulped.
"You met Smiles, he helped me with something in the past." The man kept a hold on a sinister smile.
"Then the camera cut out for a moment and came back to find out you were gone!" The man got closer, the two backed up.
"So tell me, is he here?" He asked, his tone too creepily chipper.
"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't!" The eyeless brit spoke up, the slightly taller ginger hid behind him.
"Saving your friend, isn't what we agreed on." The man's tone shifted to a low and unamused one.
The two brits went to leave but was cut off, a much more taller guy stood between them and the exit.
"I was hoping to trust you." The man said, the eyeless sent a glare to the old man.
"Your bloody sick!" The eyeless brit fumed with anger.

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