🌟Robo Bitch🌟

570 2 3

[May contain]
[Very descriptive death scenes]
[Gore maybe]
[Mistakes(cause I write at night sometimes)]
[Flirting and making out between two guys, cause yes)]

Btw, they are highschoolers in this so they all had just turned 18.
I'm from Canada so if England's schools system is different please tell me.

"So! When are we getting started?" The norski asked to the head of there team, the four of them to find a new place for humans to live on next before the planet earth destroys itself. "If you listened and be patient, you would know that." A brit with voids for eyes said with a small annoyed huff. "Your just upset we are on a team together, now jehovah, you may wanna calm your tits." The norski teased as the brit fumed with anger, he was ready to beat the shit out of the smaller male. "Shut the fuck up! Or I'll shut it for you!" The brit yelled in anger before being stopped by another male. "Guys! Stop fighting!" A ginger that was taller then all of them, coated in freckles and cares so much on skin care routine to not look ugly.

"Don't butt in Matt!" The brit yelled before another male stepped in. "Stop it the three of you! We we're signed up for a mission and that is what we're doing. You think other four highschoolers have a chance at this!?" A brit with chocolate brown hair had soft brown eyes that held frustration stared at the three males, he watched there faces soften. "No." They had answered softly there shoulders slumping slightly.

The four males all were in gear, they hadn't left earth themselves but robots that were sent. The four were about to be placed in a deep sleep and control the robot while having to choose how the robot would look once the space craft that held the robots in, landed. The brit who lectured the other three like a total mom had checked the location and to see if the craft had landed. His face slightly lighting up. "Okay, it's ready. Will see eachother in robot form for quite awhile before we have the right planet with nothing that will kill off the human race!" The brit told the other three.

The friends left to four separate rooms, all nervous before entering, the norksi being last before sitting in a pod like structured bed. He got settled in and glass morphed from his toes to his head, a female started up. "Hello, I am c.o.y.r.p also know as. Customization On Your Robot Program, please wait for scan and customize from there!" Once finished a scanner began, it slowly starting from the toes and going up, then back the other way. Doing it one more time before completing, the robotic female voice returning. "Scan complete! Please feel free to customize now." The voice finishing as a screen popped up, many things to choose from.

After selecting what he like to look like, he clicked the finished option on the screen. "Great. Get ready for your subconscious will be sent to the robot 00187, Warning, all minor injuries and some fatal that accured to the robot will appear on yours too. Have a lovely trip." A beep sounded as the norski slightly panicked, he didn't sign up to die but hoped it was just an error in the program and not an actual warning. He blinked before the air quality in the pod had some sort of chemical that he breathed in, it relaxed his muscles and tricking his brain to having him drift off. His eyes growing heavy before slowly closing, he had fallen right to sleep as his subconscious traveled to be woken up in the robot. Acting like an actual human body but made of bolts and wires, a robot hand was printing out how he wanted the robot to look. Blinking and soon standing when done, he saw the rest of his friends as he walked over. "Did, you guys get a warning?" He asked with worry. "No? Did you?" The ginger replied as the motherly one shook there head no, the other brit letting out a huff. "You probably exaggerating. Let's just leave this cramped space craft!" The annoyed brit yelled.

That warning had to mean something though, walking out of the spacecraft and into the beautiful sunlight of two sun's instead of one, he just stayed close to his three friends, if he could count on one of them as friends. A small huff but they all looked different from how they once saw eachother, Tom wearing a navy blue jacket with a grey shirt, their skin were just a texture of fake skin, Tom had decided to pick jeans and converses with a few bracelets and some earrings, his void like eye's the same but a small navy blue dot in the middle of the right eye that glowed a purplish blue to a magenta at times.

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