Can't move

213 4 1

Hurtful words


He fell from high above, blood seeped out of his fresh wounds as he fallen from above.
Peices of the robot had fallen with him, he let out a cry while he drawn closer to the ground.
A peice was right above him and certainly would hit him once he hit the ground, he looked at noticed it was coming close.
He prepared for impact as he hit the ground with the wind knocked out of him, he was surprised to even be alive from such a fall.
He then felt a strong pain at his back before it began to numb, he teared up and looked before feeling the large peice of metal fall ontop of him.

A red car had pulled up, two men exiting and heading over to the rubble of metal parts.
They heard a groan and pulled the metal peice off from the norski, picking up the wounded male and taking him back to the car.
They then got into the front seat and driver seat before driving off, they were headed to the hospital.
"I can't believe you failed this mission." The male said with bushy eyebrows, the two were once supportive and then changed.
They became manipulative and upset with everything he made mistake on, they weren't how they were in the past.
"It was your last straw, we are dumping you off at the hospital and calling your old friends." The taller male said, letting out a small huff of annoyance.
They continued on heading to the hospital, soon going to the parking lot and parking in a vacant parking spot.
They got out and picked the norski up from the back seat, carrying him into the hospital and allowing the nurses to take him further into the hospital.
The two males headed into the waiting room and used a payphone to ring up someone, the taller male waited as he listened to the ringing.
He heard the muffled sound of another's voice, the male smirked.
"Hello, is this Edward Goldon?" The tall male asked, then hearing the answer from the other.
"Someone you know well is here at Hallandale Hospital, please come here with Mathew and Thomas." He then hung up the phone, going and sitting with the shorter male.
"Their coming." The taller male said, the other had just nodded.

They soon walked to the norski's room, entering to find him bandaged and a nurse checking over his vitals.
"Oh! Hello, would you like to hear about his conditions?" The nurse asked, the norski was fast asleep from pain medication and seemed to be peaceful.
"Yes please." The taller said politely.
"A far from the injuries that are see able, he hit his back against something and now he is unable to move anything." The nurse explained, the two pretended to care about the norski.
They hugged one another as the nurse letmout a sigh.
"I'll leave you with him." The nurse said and left the room, leaving them alone.
"Now we wait for those friends of his." The shorter male said, the other had nodded.
Time flying by as the norski slowly woke up, everything felt numb and he couldn't really move at all.
It then dawned on him on what was going on as he saw a perfectly clean hospital room, two men standing and shooting him a glare.
"Ah! Paul, Pat." The norski felt slight fear, he then regretted speaking.
"You good for nothing weak leader!" The taller male had yelled out, the norski had then lost the confidence to speak.
"You had one job! Get that god damn robot and return back to base!" The other male said, his bushy eyebrows had him look ten times more angry.
"I tried my best.." The norski's voice was softer as the other two males weren't happy hearing that.
"Your best wasn't good enough!" The taller male said, really getting ready to injure the already injured norski.

Three brits had made their way into the hospital, they were confused on why they were asked to come.
Walking up to the front desk as a nurse noticed them, she showed a small smile.
"Ah, hello! Could you please tell me your names." She asked politely.
"Edward Goldon, the one in blue is Thomas Thompson and the ginger is Mathew Hillary." The brunette explained, the nurse nodded and looked over the computer screen.
"Ah, here we are. Your requested to go to room 192." She explained, the three males nodded and saying their thank you's.
Leaving to head to the room, it was then that they began to ask questions.
"Who do you think it is?" The ginger asked, the brunette sighed.
"Hopefully not that Commie." The eyeless brit said, this made the other two feel uneasy.
"And if it is?" The brunette asked, the eyeless brit gave a glare.
"He is supposed to be dead, but we just have to find out first." The eyeless brit said, placing his hands into his hoodie pockets.
They continued to walk before reaching the door and heard yelling from the other side, this caused some concerns.
The brunette opened the door and inside was a surprise to find the norski laying in a hospital bed, two men were yelling at him of his mistakes on some mission to insults.
The eyeless brit, went passed the brunette and into the room.
"And why are you speaking to him like that!?" The eyeless brit yelled, he looked to find the norski with a blank stare.
"You know what, out." The eyeless brit instructed, the two men shot their last glares before leaving the room.
The brunette and ginger had then entered, they looked at the norski.
"H-hey guys." The norski said softly, he seemed not himself.
"Why were they yelling at you?" The brunette asked, the norski had let out a sigh.
"Cause I failed the mission that they persuade me to do." The norski said plainly.
"Why are you in the hospital?" The eyeless brit asked, this shocked the norski a little.
"Well, I was terribly injured, but my back had hit something so I'm paralyzed all over." The norski responded, this news had shocked them.
The eyeless brit felt sudden regret, he caused this to happen to the norski.
"I won't harm anyone now, it's great." The norski said, the eyeless brit shook his head.
"No! How will you walk or do anything anymore." The eyeless brit was slightly tearing up.
"Tom, you can't change what had been done." The norski said, he didn't wish to upset them.
"I cause this, your like this because of me." The eyeless brit began to blame himself.
"No, it's my fault. I chose the path I took and this is where it lead me." The norski said, seeing his friends upset.
"Okay, just explain who those guys were." The brunette asked, the norski nodded.
"Well, they were once my work friends. I left you guy's to join the army so I could get paid easier, I met them after joining the Red army." The norski began, it was a hard topic.
"We were at the lowest ranks of the army and went through harsh chores, but soon we we're gaining ranks till they convinced me to try out for leader. I tried to refuse but they persuaded me into it." The norski began to tear up.
"It was then that they began to change, over working me to my limit and making me feel horrible. I ended up being nothing more then a puppet to them and any other higher rank." The norski finished, the three brits stood there in shock.
"They manipulated you, you were forced to do these things and here I thought you were the bad guy." The eyeless brit said, he was in disbelief.
"But now I can finally be at peace, I might end up with nightmares but I'll be fine." The norski said, the eyeless brit shook his head.
Going closer and sitting in the chair next to the hospital bed, he placed his hand on the other's.
"You had a life ahead of you, it could of been so much better if they didn't become the way they did." The eyeless brit said, staring into the norski's eye's.
"We can't change the past, just prepare for the future." The norski said, showing a light smile.
"And yet you smile through your own pain." The eyeless brit drew closer, his hidden feelings had taken over and pulled the norski into a soft kiss.
The norski was shocked by the suddenness of the kiss but soon returned it by slowly closing his eye's and kissing back.
The two soon pulled away, a little red in the cheeks before they looked to see to shocked brits.
"That was a little sudden." The brunette said, soon they all began to laugh.
It was a sweet moment as the eyeless brit turned to look away the norski.
"I'll take care of you now, even if you can't move. I'll make sure to do things they you can't." The eyeless brit said, showing a soft smile.
The norski began to get emotional, looking at the brunette wnd ginger.
"Will help too!" They said together, the tears had then begin, his damaged eye couldn't produce any as it stun while his good one was leaking a bunch.
"You guys are the best!" He said, wishing they could have a group hug.

But peace dosen't always last forever.

One Shots {♡Tom Tord♡}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu