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Zombie commie

"Drive faster!" The brunette yelled out, the van was speeding at a fast pace.
"I'm trying! Any faster and the engine will bust!" The eyeless brit yelled back, the small groans and snarls from the back as the norsk sat in a dog cage, his skin color was more green then before.
The ginger sat on the couch they had in the back, a worried look towards the norski and if he would end up the same.
"How was I supposed to know zombies could drive!" The eyeless brit shouted again as beside the van were zombies on dirt bikes and motorcycles.
Reaching out for the door to the van before the arm was sliced off by a tree, blood squirting out and splattered the vans door.
"Just lose them and will find the cure after." The brunette said, taking out a map of the whole country.
Location of labs and military bases were crossed off, the places with no sign of a cure.
The eyeless brit was worried for his friends and his lover, the norski being in agony for the longest time before his pain filled groans became more zombie like.
Those once eyes filled with agony now shone with hunger, him and the brunette were on the platter to his liking.

Attempts were made as they used a bat and golf club to knock zombies off their vehicles from the windows.
More just appeared.
"Shit!" The eyeless brit turned and watched in horror, towards the brunette.
A zombie had jumped from it's motorcycle and had latched itself onto the brunettes arm, the brunette had teared in pain as he hit the zombie with the bat.
"Oh fuck, not again." The eyeless brit said, making sure to pay attention to his side and kicked another zombie off a vehicle.
The zombie on the brunettes arm couldn't last long as it's bottom jaw tore off and it flung away with the strong winds.
The brit in green pulled his arm back, ripping out the bottom jaw and chucking it out the window.
"We really need that cure, before Tord is too far gone." The brunette said.
The eyeless brit nodded with a sigh, knowing they were safe for now.

After that they gotten supplies, making sure none of the food supplies were rotten.
More good weapons on protection, being worried that something will happen again.
"Tom, you're the only one who hasn't been bitten yet." The brunette said, the eyeless brit sighed.
"If I can't find a cure, I'm allowing Tord to bite me." The eyeless brit turned to the cage, a arm outreach towards them and a hungry growl.
The voids had met the fading eyes, the life in them were slowly going away and it broke his heart.
He was fine so long ago and now here he was, almost fully turned into one of the undead.
"Will get that cure, just so I can see his smile again." The brit had instructed, the other two had nodded.

Off again in the vehicle, the ginger was attending to the brunettes arm in the back. The eyeless brit driving as he was silently crying to himself.
The weight of everything that has happened, it was too much on him.
He couldn't stand to see them all suffering and him being the only one not bitten yet.
Remembering watching his close friends both being bitten, the flesh being torn off and fresh blood seeping from the fresh wound.
His stomach twisted in disgust, oh how he wished to forget.
Then the old bite on the norsk, it wasn't as bad, just teeth marks that were pressed hard to tear skin a little.
No flesh had been torn off and the immune system of his was poorly to not be able on fighting such a virus.
Matt and Edd would last longer, they were healthy when bitten.
The eyeless brit just continued to drive, keeping an eye on the map.
He soothed his fear with running zombies over, found it fun. Like a video game.
Hearing the faint whispering of his friends in the back, reassuring one another that they will find a cure.
It was the only thing keeping their hopes up, a cure to fix everything.
But the question was if it existed.

Soon a lab came into view, odd to find not a zombie in sight.
"Hey guys! Got a lab coming up." The eyeless brit called out, the two brits rushed over to see.
Hungry growls coming from the back.
"Not a single zombie, seems safe enough." The brunette said, the ginger nodding.
"Alright, I'll park. Matt you okay with staying with Tord?" The eyeless brit asked, the ginger nodded.
He had been traumatized from ever stepping foot in another lab or military base, not after what happened to him before.
The eyeless brit and brunette had hopped out with weapons, the eyeless brit had given the keys to the ginger.
"If we don't make it out, drive out of here." The eyeless brit said, the ginger had nodded afterwards.
The two then closed their doors and headed towards entrance of the lab.
The place looking untouched by anything decay or collapse, it looked like it was brand new.
"Odd." The eyeless brit said out loud.
"It's like nothing even happened." The brunette was shocked, the two had then entered.
The walls a clear white and the floor shone like it had been polished.
It was so odd to them, mostly staying in buildings that looked on the verge of collapsing or houses that looked like it needed a redesign.
The two just felt odd and uncomfortable.
Walking down the hall and soon finding a room, bottles of liquid were held and the room was just empty.
The only thing that could be shown of it being abandoned were some cobwebs.
"You think this place would look different, but let's just find this cure." The brunette shrugged.
The two searched the room and then left to the next, going from that to splitting up and taking rooms much faster.
Finding nothing for ages as they checked room after room, it was tiring.
The eyeless brit soon entered a room, he heard a low growl and got his weapon ready.
Going over behind a counter and held in a breath.
A zombie on its knees and hunched over, a body of what seemed to be a scientist was laid their.
The life gone from the poor woman's eyes as the zombie ate from her stomach.
The brit cringed as he heard the sounds of bones being crunched on, it was horrible hearing it eat.
"Tom!" The brit froze, the brunette was calling for him and had alerted the zombie.
It stopped eating and turned to see the eyeless brit just standing their.
"Uhh, so-sorry?" The eyeless brit said with a light chuckle, hoping it wouldn't attack and continue eating.
But that wasn't the case, a low growl before it lunged itself at the brit.
Blocking its mouth with the golf club.
Panic settled in as the brit kicked it away and watched it slide a good few meters.
It then lunged itself back for a second time, not going to stop until it got what it was wanting.
The brit took his stance before not being ready for what came next, he went to hit the zombie and watched it dodge.
Aiming at his leg as he felt the teeth sink into his flesh.
"Shit!" He cursed and fell over, trying to kick it off.
"Edd! Help! Please!" He cried out, the panic and fear of what had happened was just settling in.
The brunette had rushed in and saw with a gaze filled with horror at the sight.
The brunette had then swung his bat and knocked the zombie off of the eyeless brits leg.
After pulling out a pistol to end the zombies pain of always being hungry.
The zombie laid still as dark green liquid poured from the bullet hole in its head.
The two then sighed before looking at the wound on the eyeless brit's leg.
"Well, now we need that cure." The brunette said, he then had noticed papers with the scientists hand writing.
"Huh, wonder what these say." He went to read them, not fully understanding since most of it was in scribbles.
He then handed the papers to Tom.
The eyeless brit took a look, reading each word carefully.
His expression had then changed.

Next up will either be a good ending or a bad ending.
So either prepare to be excited or cry your eyes out!

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