°˖✧✿✧˖°Flower Shop°˖✧✿✧˖°

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[My version of the flower shop au]



Shelves covered in pots, some having plants. It just smelled of soil and flowers in the small shop.
A male just entered, kicking his shoes off to the side.
"I'm here!" The male called out, grabbing his work apron.
His name tag shining in the light.
"Oh, Hey Tord." A male said, he had bushy brows that are unique. Another male at the cash register had waved.
The male with the unique eyebrows held a pot.
"Oh! Is that the franklin tree flower?" The norsk asked.
"Yeah, we need to grow more of these, That have a different name too. Remember what it is?" The unique brow man said.
"Uh, I only heard you say that name." The norsk said, feeling dumb now.
"It's franklinia alatamaha." The other said, the norsk nodded.
He now understood.
"Any of the other new plants arrive?" The norsk asked, walking over to put a pot on a shelf.
"One actually, the Juliet Rose." The other said, messing around with the ring on his finger.
A plant pot fell onto the floor, the norsk groaned.
"That's alright, but I bet you are shocked. That rose is expensive." The unique brow man said.
"Hun, you used our vacation funds. We were supposed to go to hawaii." The man at the cash said.
"Oh, trying to redo your honeymoon?" The norsk asked, grabbing a broom.
"Yes and I'm worried about your feet." The other said.
"Because I like wearing just socks around the shop?" The norsk asked, sweeping up the broken pot and dirt.
"Yes, your socks are getting dirty. You could cut your feet." The other said.
"Alright mom." The norsk said, rolling his eyes.
He actually liked his friends, they gave him the job at the flower shop.
He had been working there for a few months, met the two men in highschool.
The man working at the cash had a year before graduating, while him and the unique brow man were in the same year.
Highschool was amazing with hormonal teenagers and acne problems.
Not to mention all the drama between people and gossip.
He tossed out the dirt and broken pot, going to place the broom back.

Time passed, the shop was open for buisness.
The norsk was watering some of the plants, with a usual sunny day.
Someone suddenly burst into the shop like they were the center of attention.
His ginger hair looked like it definetly been through twenty different hair products.
"Hello!" His british accent went a bit high for a male.
"Uh, Welcome to The Red's flower shop. How can I help you?" The norsk asked, going over to the brit.
"Oh! I need flowers for my grandmother. She likes a lot of different kind of flowers." The ginger said.
"Alright, let me get that for you." The norsk said, going to get a bouquet of flowers.
"Want me to make it look nice for you?" The norsk asked.
"Well I'm in a hurry, my friends are waiting outside." The ginger said.
"Oh, they didn't want to come in?" The norsk asked.
"I'll get them to come in." The ginger said, leaving to get his friends.
The norsk was making the bouquet look nice, adding a bow and a card for the ginger to sign.
The ginger had just entered, behind him was a brunette male in a green hoodie and the other was a male with no eyes.
They were voids and spiked up hair, with a blue hoodie on.
"These are my friends!" The ginger said excitedly.
"Uh, hello." The norsk said, waving at the three.
"Oh! I'm Matt, these are my friends. This is Edd and that is Tam!" The ginger said.
"Tom! You really need to learn better on names." The eyeless brit said.
"I don't!" The ginger argued.
"Actually you do, you called our neighbor mario once." The brunette said with a chuckle.
The norsk smiled, he enjoyed this small friend group.
He had his own though, but for some reason wished to be apart of theirs.
"Anyways, and your Tooorrrddd." The ginger said, reading the name tag.
"Yeah, that's me." The norsk said.
"You wanna join us for lunch sometime?" The ginger asked.
"Uh, sure." The norsk said.
"Matt no! You just met him." The eyeless brit said, rejecting the idea.
"I don't know Tom, it could be fun to add someone new." The brunette said.
"He has an accent from some other place! What is it, russia?" The eyeless brit asked.
"Norway actually." The norsk corrected. He folded his arms over his chest.
He didn't really like the attitude the eyeless brit was giving off.
"I don't care, I don't trust you." He heard the other say.
"I literally work in a flower shop and fix anything mechanicle in here. How evil is that?" He asked, the eyeless brit opening and closing his mouth like a fish.
"I give up." He groaned in defeat, the norsk just chuckled at the response.

They did end up going to lunch together, the norsk having the day offs on saturday's.
He was actually having a good time with them.
"Wait, so your saying that you accidentally bumped into a shelf and a pot crashed onto your coworkers head?" The brunette asked.
"Yeah, I'm clumsy around the shop. Paul is the one who helps try to keep accidents from happening." He said.
"Yeah, but socks? Just socks?" The eyeless brit questioned.
"It's comfortable, I also do it to annoy Pat." He said, smiling.
He never thought that people his age would be interested in talking with him, it was amazing.
He was having a great time before he heard his phone ring, he took it out and answered it.
"Hello?" He asked.
He heard the familiar voice speak.
"Wait, the shops on fire!?" He began getting up, the three brit's stared in worry.
"Electrical fire, but I fixed that darn thing a week ago! Is everyone out?" He asked.
"What do you mean paul is inside still?" He asked the person, it was pretty clear he had to go.
"I'm coming now." He said, hanging up.
"Tord?" The brunette asked, they were concerned for what was going on.
"I have to go." He said as he rushed off, taking the quickest route to get there.
Once he made it, he saw that the firefighters weren't there yet. He saw The cashier and rushed over to hug him.
"Is Paul still inside!?" He asked in panic, the small nod had him worry more. He let go of him and rushed into the burning shop.
"Tord no!" He heard the cashier yell from outside.
He just went in deeper, coughing from the smoke.
He went in further and found Paul in the greenhouse part of the shop.
"Paul we have to go." He said.
"Tord?" His coworker nodded, closing up the greenhouse so the plants would be safe from the fire.
He allowed him to go first, being behind his coworker.
So close to the entrance a bit of the shop was about to collaspe, the norsk rushed to push his coworker out of the way as he was trapped under the burning wood.
He was stuck.
"Tord!" He watched his coworker struggle to help him.
He just coughed.
"Paul go! The firefighters will help me!" He said, the other nodding and rushing out.
The two outside hugged as the norsk smiled see it.
He coughed and soon began to lose consciousness, blacking out as he heard faint sirens.

He began to wake, hearing the small beeping of a heart monitor.
He groaned as he realized he was in the hospital, he began to feel sore.
He saw his coworkers and the three brits, one of them perked up.
"He's awake!" The ginger cheered, everyone looking over.
"Hey Tord, you got some nasty burns in the fire." The cashier said.
"But you'll be alright, how are ya feeling?" His coworker asked.
"Sore, how long was I o-" he went to ask before being cut off.
"At least a couple of days." The ginger said, this shocked the norsk as he remembered.
"The shop! Is it?" He panicked.
"Burned down, but the greenhouse is fine. The flowers are all accounted and alive." He heard as he let out a sigh.
"It'll be alright, we made it on the news though." The cashier said chuckling softly.
The norsk smiled, he waa glad everyone was alright.
Even if he was suffering some minor burns, they'll heal into scars.
The shop would just have to be rebuilt and start again in it, therapy would be the next issue after that traumatic event, his coworkers said it be helpful.

"And that's everything that had happened." He said, sitting on a couch.
The lady in front of him taking notes.
"How you met those three and how the fire started. You said you met your coworkers in highschool correct?" She asked.
"Mhm." He hummed, that was until she checked the time.
"Well Mr. Larksøn, it seems we are out of time. Also our last session." She said with a soft smile.
"Thank you Jane, the sessions were helpful." He said, standing and gathering his things. He then left the building.
It was until he met the three brits outside, he smiled when seeing them.
"How'd it go?" The brunette asked.
"Well, my last session and it went well." He said.
It had now been a year and a half since the incident at the shop.
He had burn scars on a bit of his face that were more badly on his torso and arm.
The shop had been rebuilt, but he was gonna miss the old one. He let out a sigh as they left down the sidewalk.
It was good to start over, even with the scars he's experienced.
He was still the same person.

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