Red Bandits Tale

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Art not mine, found on pinterest.

This is an au.
Character hanging(these are the olden days)
A soft wind blew across the town, people walking around to get to their next destination. The sheriff sat in his office with a sigh. He felt like he wasn't any good at his job.
Bandits kept getting away and that famous Red bandit wasn't gonna be caught anytime soon.
He was about to write something on his paper when a civilian rushed in.
"Sheriff!" They yelled.
"What is it now?" He asked, a little frustrated.
It wasn't that he didn't mind helping people, but he wished it was for putting away bandits and not helping small days work.
"The Red bandit is here! He robbed the bank." They said, the sheriff stood up. His chair fell over with a thud.
"I'll help right away." He said, rushing out of the building and off to find the bandit.

He made his way into an abandoned building, the door suddenly shutting behind him with a small squeak then a thud.
"Hello sheriff." He heard in the shadows.
"Red bandit, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." The sheriff said.
He knew they always picked the hard way.
"And why should I do either?" He asked slowly appearing from the shadows.
The caramel horns bounced with amusement, his red bandana hung a little loose around his neck.
He showed a toothy grin.
"Cause you can go with no injuries." The sheriff said.
"That is if you pick the easy way." He said, staring at the other.
"But sheriff, I don't like easy." The bandit said, his voice had went into a whisper near the end.
The sheriff didn't have time to move as a bullet was shot.
He cried in pain and held his eye.
"Shit!" The sheriff pulled his gun and fired, barley missing the bandit and seeing it graze his arm.
"Damn it!" The bandit cried.
Both were injured, it was risky to keep going.
"You shot my damn eye!" The sheriff yelled, he fumed with anger.
"Just wear a cool eye patch." The bandit shrugged, he didn't seem to care too much about it.

"Let's just make a deal." The sheriff had said, the bandit looked at other with curiosity.
"What do you have in mind?" He asked.
"You can live here, but no more robbing or killing innocents." The sheriff proposed the deal.
"Hm..." The bandit thought, it wasn't pretty bad.
"So harm other bandits?" He asked.
The sheriff nodded.
"Alright, deal." The bandit said, the two decided to shake hands on it.
"Break the deal and I won't think twice to putting you in jail." The sheriff warned.
"Same here sheriff." The bandit smirked.

That deal was made a few years ago, the bandit now sat in a saloon.
His fake mustache was so itchy. He was scrubbing a glass cup to actually do some work.
He had notice the sheriff walk in.
"The usual?" He asked.
"Shut it and give me my drink." He said.
The now bartender nodded, handing the sheriff his drink.
"Rough day?" He asked the sheriff nodded.
"Everything is being stolen, I can't keep up with it!" The sheriff said, whining about how horrible his job was.
"It was passed down to you by your father." He said, the sheriff nodded.
"Mhm, I just turned twenty when I got this job." The sheriff said, the other had nodded.
"Oh sheriff, news had it that a famous british detective is coming to town." He said, the sheriff choked on his drink and began coughing.
"Shit." He said.
"Something wrong sheriff?" The bandit in disguise asked.
"What if he finds out about your secret?" The sheriff whispered.
"Then I can hide, nobody in this town suspects of me being some criminal." He said with a shrug.

A person soon entered his brunette hair hide under his beige hat.
He walked up to the counter.
"I'll have a beer please." He asked politely. He set the cup down that held foam at the top.
He took a drink and set the cup down.
"The names Gold, Detective Edward Gold." He began.
"I'm looking for a member of the British royal family." He said, placing a picture of a man with ginger hair.
The prince in the picture was posing with a rose in his mouth and his shirt slightly open.
The bandits nose scrunched up in disgust of how the prince chose to look like that.
"Was he nailed to the floor?" The sheriff piped up and asked.
"Um, no?" The detective responded.
"Then he was taken by bandits." The sheriff responded.
"How'd you know?" The detective asked.
"Anything ain't nailed down gets taken by bandits." The sheriff responded.
"Oh, have you told the sheriff?" The detective asked.
"I am the Sheriff." He said, flicking his hat slightly upwards.
"Ah! Sheriff Thompson!" The detective said, a little too cheerfully.
"I was told you'd be willingly to help me." The detective said.
"Sorry kid, but you ain't getting your friend back." The sheriff said.
"Why?" The detective asked, his look slightly saddened.
"This towns got enough problems at it is." The sheriff said.
"Wait, what if I helped you clean up this town?" The detective asked, willing to help.
"I don't need your help." The sheriff said.
Then a person burst in.
"Sheriff! Sheriff! The bandits stole all the nails!" They cried out in worry.
The sheriff had then grumbled in frustration. The detective looked at him with a pleading smile.
"Fine." The sheriff said in defeat.
"Yay!" The detective yelled in victory.
The two had then left.
The bandit in disguise chuckled at what had happened.
"Todd, could I get a beer?" A customer had asked.
He had nodded and went to get some before groaning.
"Sorry Ronald, the bandits got to the beer." He said, they had nodded and left.
"Bandits are gonna put me out of business. Oh that's new." He said, seeing new drinks in the back.
He decided to put that into business, setting up a small sign for it.
People had come up and tried the new fizzy brown drink.

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