Changing Past 2

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"I-In love?" The future brit stuttered out, looking at the norski.
"Yeah, you talk about older me alot." The norski said.
"Yeah, we actually were." The future brit smiled, cheeks lightly flushed.
"Your older self was so loving, allowed me to sit in his seat while he sat in my lap to finish paperwork. And those sweet noises he let out in bed." The brit began to ramble before the norski cut him off.
"Okay, I'm still a bottom in the future." The brit chuckled.
"Sorry, but you are pretty good at being a power bottom." The norski smirked, having some power while in bed.
"That is until you can't handle it, then I take over." The brit continued soon, he looked at the norski.
The norski's face was all flushed, he always wished to be with his brit.
But the fighting never stopped, he just wished it did.
"Are you going to be staying?" The norski asked and looked at the brit who shook his head.
"This isn't my time, I need to go back once you are out of this army and not return." The brit said, being very serious.
"I actually have an idea on a job to take, I'll have to text edd too." The norski stood up and took out his phone, texting the cola addict.
Soon once his stuff was all together, the futuristic brit helped with the norski's bags.
"So this is goodbye?" The norski asked, the brit nodded.
"Yeah, after this I return to my time." The brit looked at the norski and hugged him.
"Now go live a normal life, no more power or hungry to control anything." The brit watched the norski nod and left to be in his car and drive off.
The brit returned to his sleep quarters, letting out a sigh.
Opening up a futuristic portal and entering to end up back in his time but different, he wasn't where he was supposed to be.
He had on his eye goggles to help him see but he now wore what he wore back when they all lived together, before the incident.
He walked out and downstairs to see the brunette, the ginger and the commie.
They all were laughing and talking, the brit walked over.
"Tom! We were just talking about this stupid movie that came out." The cola addict told him, he didn't look any different he had slight hair growing in around his chin but other then that he still looked how he was. The ginger looked fine, no robotic parts on his face and the norski.
The norski had no scars, no army uniform.
The brit smiled and sat beside the norski, he then flinched.
"Don't think I don't remember what you did, it was me after all." The norski had whispered in the Brits ear, the brit flushing and nodding.
He was just glad to have his normal life again, just a little more futuristic.
He wouldn't change it for the world.

Only changing pasts once.

Sorry this is short,
Lost motivation for this one.

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