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Character falling into freezing water
High risk of hypothermia
Boy x boy
Fluff (towards the end)
Snow twinkled on the ground from the sun above, then sound of snow crunching under a person's foot could be heard.
Two males were walking with skates over their shoulders, their breaths could be seen in the cold.
"How close are we now?" The norski asked, the brit chuckled.
"We're close." The eyeless brit said.
The norski just pouted and continued to walk along side the brit, the two had been getting along lately.
The fighting was less and more playful, a little rough housing and tickle fights in the living room.
The norski was liking the brit's presence, wishing to not let these moments go.

"There it is." The brit had said, pointing into the distance was a lake frozen over, ice glimmering from the sun's rays.
The norski got excited and rushed over, the brit ended up following slowly behind.
"Careful, don't wanna slip on ice." The brit said, he decided to be cautious with his stepping.
The brit had made the mistake on his stepping and slipped, he fell right over and the norski had noticed.
The two had then began to laugh, the two found what happen was hilarious.
"Holy dritt! You okay Tom?" The norski asked, rushing over to help the brit up.
The norski had held a hand out and helped the brit to his feet, the two chuckled a little.
They made it to the frozen lake, sitting on the ground to get their skates on.
The norski had then used a tree to help him stand and get onto the ice.
That's where he tried to stay balanced before beginning to skate perfectly, the brit soon getting onto the ice in his skates.
The two skated around and were discussing about what to do when getting home again.
"Oo! How about hot chocolate and a movie?" The norski offered, the brit had liked the idea.
"You think Edd and Matt will be home?" The brit had asked, the norski just shrugged while quickly skating around the brit.
"They should be, but they did say they were headed to that overly crowded winter carnival." The norski explained, the two didn't want to go due to the crowd.
The norski thought it take forever for everything and the brit stayed behind cause he hated crowded places.
The two then had decided they go do their own fun thing to do, that lead them to now.
The norski smiled, doing a few small tricks before stopping and the two hearing a cracking sound.
"Tom, what was that?" The norski asked, the brit turned to the norski.
"I don't kn-" The brit cut himself off, looking at the norski's feet, his voids widen.
"Tord the ice is breaking!" The brit had yelled, the norski had looked down and gulped.
The brit tried to figure out to help, they were both far from one another since the lake was the size of half a football field.
The brit used his legs, beginning to skate toward the norski.
His heart dropped as he watched the ice break under the norski and the said male shoot him a pleading look.
The norski had then plunged into the depths of the freezing cold water, ice chunks floated above.
The brit took off his coat and skates before taking a deep breath, diving into the water.
Opening his eye's under the water to find the norski going down, the brit had began to swim over and grab a hold of the said male.
He held the norski close before reaching the surface, pulling them both out.
The brit shivered and noticed how the norski wasn't breathing, he went to action.
Placing both hands on the other's chest and beginning to form cpr, pushing down to hopefully get the norski back.
"Hey! It's not your time yet!" The brit yelled with one final push as the norski began spitting up water, going to his side to spit it all up.
The norski coughing and spewing up water, the brit had grabbed his jacket and placed it over the norski.
"Come on, I'll carry ya." The brit said, the norski taking heavy breathes and nodding.
The brit had got his skates, picking up the norski and beginning to return home.
The norski was badly shivering, the brit was doing fine with the cold.

The brit had made it home, carrying the norski inside and closing the door with his foot.
Placing the norski gently on the couch, going to turn the heating up in the house.
The brit then headed to every room to take every blanket and giving it to the norski, the brit had kept one for himself.
The norski looked pale from the cold and was shivering, the brit was worried.
The said brit had left and went to the kitchen, turning on the kettle and letting the water inside boil.
Opening a cupboard and taking out two packages of hot chocolate, going to another cabinet to take out two mugs with their colors on it.
Ripping open the packages and pouring the mix into each mug, the water soon finishing boiling.
The brit grabbed the kettle a poured hot water into each mug, adding little marshmallows in after.
The brit had carried the mugs out into the living room and setting them down on the mini table between the couch and chair.
"How do you feel?" The brit asked, the norski still looked pale and would definitely need that hot chocolate.
"Cold." The norski said, the brit nodded.
He grabbed a hold of the norski's hot chocolate and blew on it a little before helping the other to take a sip.
The norski was in the water longer then he was, the image replayed in his head of the norski falling with that same pleading look.
He just shook his head and helped the norski, he couldn't dwell on the past.
The brit placed the mug back down, some color was coming back on the norski's face.
He stood and moved to sit in the nearby chair, placing on a movie for the two of them to watch.

The nice silence was okay as the TV was the only thing making much noise.
The brit looked at the norski and found the other fast asleep in a bundle or blankets, the brit stood and went over.
The norski looked so peaceful and he seemed to be getting more color, the brit feeling at the norski's body temperature.
The brit showed a small smile and kissed the norski's cheek, allowing the other to rest more.
The brjt stood and went back over to the chair, his cheeks were lighting up red.
He couldn't believe he kissed the norski, silently wishing the norski was awake to actually see how the other would react.
The brit felt all giddy inside from just one small kiss, but it meant something to him.
It was special and he wished to do more.
Imagining doing couple things with the norski, sharing love and affection.
The brit sighed from his small fairytale, but one day.

One day the norski would be all his.

One Shots {♡Tom Tord♡}Where stories live. Discover now