Sick Secret

162 7 2

Delusional character
Sick Commie


He had awaken with a small groan, his alarm blaring next to him and right into his ear.
He found it too early as he slammed his hand over the snooze button.
"Too earlyyy." He whined, going to shut his eyes yet again. He then shot awake when his door slammed open, sitting up.
"Wake up!" The brunette announced, the norski just groaned.
"Edd it's too early." He said, the brunette giving a look of confusion.
"Tord, it's 11am, your usually awake by 6 or 7." The brunette responded, the norski was shocked.
His alarm didn't wake him.
"I must of set my alarm on the wrong time, did I miss breakfast?" The norski asked, the other had nodded.
"You feeling alright? You don't look too good." The brunette said, walking closer.
"Edd, I'm fine." He said, shooed the other away.
"Fine, Oh! Before I forget, we're gonna head out into town." The brunette said, the norski had nodded and watched his friend leave.
Now that he thought about it, he didn't feel too well.
He then shook his head, no he can't get sick. If he got sick it would only show weakness to the others.
He was supposed to be strong and powerful, his army friends told him that.
The norski stood up and swayed, he had almost fallen over but walked over and grabbed some clothing.
He switched out of his pajamas and changed into his daily outfit.
If he was sick, he needed a way to hide it. The eyeless brit would most definitely make fun of him for it.
He had then suddenly let out a harsh cough.
Then thinking back to how he got it, the nice peaceful rain had came down hard onto him.
He was soaked and didn't end up changing or taking a shower, he regretted doing that.
"Well dritt." The norski swore, deciding on keeping his hood up.
He needed to be less visible for the three brits to see how horrible he looked.

Once in the living room, the three had seen the norski walk in.
"You look like a homeless man with your hood up Commie." The eyeless brit had commented, chuckling a little.
"Shut up jehovah." The norski said back, his voice a little raspy.
This had caught the eyeless brit's attention and the other two.
"You sure your okay Tord?" The brunette asked, the norski nodded.
"Fine, let's head out now." The brunette said with a small sigh, the four of them getting their shoes on and heading out.
The walk was calm and peaceful, when hitting the town it got much louder.
The four were used to the weirdness, basically living in it themselves.
The norski had suddenly became slower, getting a bit behind.
The brunette had nudged the eyeless brit who shot a glare to the brunette. The brunette pointed a thumb behind him, the eyeless brit looking and groaning.
He slowed down to be right beside the norski, he didn't like how quiet the other was.
"You alright Commie?" The brit asked.
"I'm fine Jehovah, just fuck off already." The norski responded a little harshly towards the other.
The norski just had a pounding headache settle in, him being sick was not helping him.
The brit stayed with the norski, he could hear heavy breathing from the other and hadnt noticed.

The four had walked from store to store, each getting something and paying for it. They were then just heading home.
"Tord, you can tell us anything." The eyeless brit said, he was growing worried.
"I said I'm fine!" The norski said, clearly upset with them mentioning it.
It was until the world begun to spin around, he stopped to turn and just throw up his lunch.
"Holy sh- you good Commie!?" The eyeless had went up and rubbed the others back.
The norski had never acted this way before and was a surprise to see him like this.
The norski wiped his mouth and stood slightly straight, he still watched everything spinning around him.
"Your gonna wanna catch me." He said, the eyeless brit being confused and concerned.
The norski's eye's had rolled back and he began to fall forward, the brit being quick to catch him.
"Tord!?" He shook the other a little and when not getting a response he called for the other's up ahead.
The ginger and brunette had ran over, both panting from exhaustion.
"What happened to Tord!?" The brunette had asked, then going to place his hand to the other's forehead.
"Tom, he's really hot." The brunette said, the worry settling in.
The ginger had helped the eyeless brit as they brought him home, laying the norski onto the couch.
"How did I not see he was unwell." The brunette said, blaming himself for the norski's actions.
"Edd, don't beat yourself up over what Tord did. He probably has a reason." The eyeless brit said, the brunette nodding.
"Your right." The two smiled to one another.
They took care of the norski until his eye's slowly open.
"Eddddddddd." He said, the high fever having him delusional.
"I'm right here, Tom and Matt too." The brunette responded.
The norski showed a small smile. "I love you guys!" He said with a small chuckle, the three then smiled softly.
"You need rest now, Tom can you take watch on him?" The brunette asked.
"Why me?" The brunette asked.
"Matt will have a busy schedule and I have anatomy practice." The brunette answered the eyeless brit. The other huffed.

The brit stayed with the norski, the calm soft breathing of the other who laid asleep.
He found the other peaceful even though they fought, the short fuse the norski had when ticked enough.
The brit couldn't help but adore the other, wishing it didn't have to be them fighting.
He then brushed some hair away from the norski's face, pulling away his hand and flushing.
He couldn't believe he had done that and even thought of it.
Thinking of what it would be like without the fighting, them hanging out and laughing together instead of swears and insults.
"Mngh." The norski had stirred, his eye's slowly opening.
"Morning sleeping beauty." The brit said with a chuckle.
"Ha ha, shut up." The norski said, shooting a glare.
"Why didn't you say you were sick?" The brit had asked, the other sighing.
"Cause I didn't want to be weak or be made fun of by you!" The norski said, the other a little shocked.
"Why would I?" The brit said, the other shooting a glare.
"Cause that's what you do everyday!" The norski had slightly raised his voice as he let out a brief cough.
"Well you need to rest." The brit said, the other had scoffed.
"I'm not tired." The other said as the brit said, he kissed the other's forehead before laying him down.
The norski was in slight shock.
"You still have a slight fever by the way." The eyeless brit said, the norski had flushed in the cheeks and turned his head away.
The brit being okay with the silent treatment, it was used on him too much.
"Alright, you should really rest." The brit said, helping the norski lie down.
"Alright sleep tight." The brit said, standing and then heading to his room to rest after turning the lights off in the house.

A week and a half later, the norski stretched as he smiled.
He was all better again and here he was walking in to find the eyeless brit all sick.
"Medicine Thomas." He said with a light chuckle.

One Shots {♡Tom Tord♡}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن