Paralyzed 2

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(⚠️ Warning ⚠️)
Descriptive amputation with chainsaw

The norski sat at the table, breakfast was served and he was just munching on some bacon, the eyeless brit being the one cooking.
"Not bad, could be cooked a little more." The norski commented, the brit let out a sigh.
He got to work to do it just right, all because he felt bad for yelling at him last night.
"So, Tord. Care to tell what the 'big city' was all about?" The brit asked, going and placing down more food before taking a seat and grabing some food.
"The 'big city' was me actually trying to make it big, nothing was working and I had no money for college or university. I didn't have a job either." The norski explained.
"I soon found a poster for a army, I enrolled myself in and that was when I met my friends. They slightly had a control over me and what I did." The norski continued, the brit nodded.
"After that, I ranked high enough to become leader. I never wanted to be the leader, I was just trying to make it by in life." The norski let out a shaky sigh, glad to get it out.
"Well now you can't walk, wait. Didn't Matt offer to get you a wheelchair?" The brit asked.
"Better if I don't find a way to move around, I just don't want you guys spending time or money on me." The norski explained, it wasn't until the door opened and Matt came back.
"Tord! I got you a wheelchair." The ginger was all cheerful, bringing in the wheelchair. Getting it set up for the norski, than looked at the norski with a big smile.
"Matt, I said no." The norski was a little guity, he already wasted the gingers money and time.
"Don't be silly, but it's easier for you to go around! Right Tim." The ginger looked at the eyeless brit, who let out a frustrated sigh.
"It's Tom, not Tim. And yes I agree." The norski didn't want help, he didn't want the wheelchair.
"I don't need your guys sympathy and help." The norski said, no emotion in his words as the ginger and eyeless brit turned to look at the norski who sat there with an almost dead like look.
"Let us help you Tord." The eyeless brit said, slightly reassuring him.
The norski shook his head, he was being stubborn with them.
Only wishing to be at peace, not here in hell.
"I don't need help, nor do I need to move around." The norski said, he was staying on the couch.
That was until the eyeless brit picked the norski right up, taking him away from the couch and to the wheelchair.
"No!" The norski yelled out and struggled to get out of the brit's arms, trying not to harm his already injured legs.
"You want me to drop you!?" The brit yelled, frustrated with the struggling norski.
The norski froze to think about what the eyeless brit had said before staying still, letting himself be carried over to the wheelchair.
The brit carefully setting the norski down on it, making sure the other was comfortable before looking at the ginger who was smiling.
"I know you said no to surgery, but you need your legs amputated Todd." The ginger told the norski who gave the other a glare.
"It's Tord." The norski responded back with, not wishing for the surgery.
"Don't be such a baby, you won't be awake for it." The eyeless brit commented, not knowing the norski's issue.
"Yeah, like they won't turn in a wanted man who was once in a powerful army." The norski said slightly sarcastic, this had reminded the eyeless brit of the other's situation.
"Oh, well what do we do?" The eyeless brit asked.
"I'll have to contact some friends from the army, one of them is a good medic." The norski explained, taking out his slightly damaged phone.
Letting out a sigh and calling the contact, biting the inside of his cheek.
The person he called had picked up, he breathed out a breathe he hadn't realized he had held in.
"Paul, how good are you at amputation?" The norski asked, the two brits in the room looked at the norski with slight worry.
"You done it before. If you done it on an arm then what about on legs?" The norski asked to the other person on the other end of the phone, listening to the person's words.
"Oh good! Just give me a location that is not the base and I'll meet you there." The norski instructed.
"Mhm, okay. I'll see you there." The norski said before pausing.
"One more thing, don't tell Pat. He will try to convince me to go back, I don't want that." The norski explained, listening in to the phone.
"Okay, bye." He finished, hanging up the phone.
The eyeless brit looked at the norski with slight concern, the phone call was odd.
"Okay, we miss the appointment for the hospital to go to this place that my friend has set up for the amputation." The norski explained, the eyeless brit let out a sigh.
"Does your friend at least have something to put you out?" The brit asked, the norski made a face that looked like he was thinking.
"Well this is the army's medical supplies and there is a low budget." The norski said, looking up at the eyeless brit with a nervous smile.
"So you don't even know if there will be anything to put you out?" The eyeless brit was freaking out on the inside for the norski.
"Tord, the body can only handle so much pain before shutting down! You can die during the procedure." The brit yelled out, the ginger leaving the apartment and to his own.
"I will accept the risk." The norski said, turning his head away with his face looking like a teen done with their parents bullshit.
"Accept the risk my ass! We care about you and all you wanna do is put your life on the line." The brit yelled out, the norski turned to make eye contact with the brit.
"You don't think I already done that, multiple times during war!" The norski yelled, the brit being taken a back.
"I watched people die Tom, I was sent to the front lines and have had nightmares of being back there again!" The norski yelled, his only good eye began to tear up.
"Tord." The brit said, his tone more softer.
The norski was already upset enough.
"No! You didn't know what it was like Tom, you didn't experience that nightmare!" The norski yelled, warm tears rolled down his cheek.
"Yo-" The norski was cut off to the brit suddenly hugging him, he didn't think the brit would do that.
"Your not there Tord, your safe." The brit said in his soft tone of voice, he tried to calm the other down.
The norski clutched onto the brit's blue hoodie, beginning to sob into the other's shoulder.
"Just please let us help you Tord, let us help you clear your name." The brit slightly pleaded, just wishing to see the other smile all happily again.
"Let me help you be happy again." The brit whispered out, hoping the other didn't hear.
It wasn't until he felt the norski hands were clutching limply, the soft breathing from the other.
"Tord?" The brit called out, soon noticing the other was now fast asleep.
The brit sighed, picking up the other and carrying the norski to the brit's room.
The blue painted walls with the band posters, if looked just like his room from the now destroyed house.
Susan laid in the corner, broken into two with some bits laid around her.
Tommee bear sat on the dresser close to the door, the fabric slightly black and charcoaled with stuffing coming out from a hole that was burnt open.
The closet being slightly open that held most of his outfits and a mini fridge for hidden smirnoff, the dresser held his underwear and some keepsakes.
A photo on the nightstand near his bed was flipped down, he went over and gently placed the norski onto the bed.
Flipping the picture back up to show the four of them when trying a new adventure, the norski having the happiest smile on his face.
"Just wish you be like how you were, before the 'big city'." The brit whispered, placing the blanket over the other.
The brit then left the room to go sit down and watch some television, leaving the norski alone to rest.

"You sure this is the place?" The eyeless brit asked, the norski nodding.
"Yup, this was the exact address." The norski replied, the two entered the building.
It was an abandoned one that looked like it were to fall, the brit was nervous about what would happen.
"He said to go down to the basement." The norski instructed, the brit stopped in his tracks.
"Doesn't most things happen in basements, like experiments?" The brit asked, the norski looking back to show an unamused expression.
"Tom, I did stuff behind a wall." The norski was just disappointed with the brits knowing of movies and comparing it to reality.
"Fine, I'll keep going." The brit said, continuing to the basement.
He pushed the wheelchair that held the norski, the basement was a staircase but a ramp.
The brit had went right down, the basement had shelves holding stuff from probably around the sixteen hundreds.
"Paul!" The norski called out, see the other just getting everything ready.
The brit rolled over the norski, feeling uneasiness.
"Hello Tord, here to get those legs amputated?" The male with bushy eyebrows said.
"Oh I have Tom with me, he's worried you have nothing to knock me out for the procedure." The norski said with a light chuckle, it wasn't really his real happiness from years ago.
"Actually we don't, you okay with during the pain?" The male asked, the norski nodding.
"You can either hold my hand or wait upstairs Tom." The norski said, looking up at the eyeless brit.
"I'll stay with you, I'm not Matt who is a wuss." The brit said, helping the norski to the medical table.
"Alright, all set Paul?" The norski asked and earned a nod.
"Yup, now bite this." He handed over a cloth for the norski to have.
"Thanks." The norski said, placing the cloth in his mouth.
The brit held both the norski's hands.
"Alright, this should do the job." The man said, taking out a chainsaw.
The brit's sockets went white, he was already feeling bad for the norski enough.
"Ready?" The man asked and earned a nod.
The chainsaw was powered on, turning onto full speed to make the cleanest cut.
The man lowering in and it hit the first damaged leg, the norski felt the pain surged through his body.
"Mnnf!" He muffled cried out into the cloth, biting down onto it.
The brit's sockets watered, the norski was squeezing his hands with much strength.
The blades cutting down and struggling through the bone till the damaged leg was cut cleaned off, the chainsaw was then turned off.
The norski panted and was dazed, the room was spinning for him as the male brought back bandages.
First stopping the bleeding and bandaging up the wound, taking the chainsaw to go to the other leg.
"At least give him a moment!" The brit yelled but was ignored, the male started up the chainsaw and began on the other damaged leg.
The norski screamed out into the cloth before the pain was too much for him, his body going limp.
The norsko had fainted and the brit slightly panicked.
"Tord!" The brit tried to yell past the loud motor of the chainsaw, it still made its way down the damaged leg before having trouble once again.
The bone gave the chainsaw trouble but was soon made it through and a clean chop the rest of the way.
The chainsaw was then turned off and the male went off to get more supplies, stopping the bleeding and bandaging it up.
"Is he okay?" The brit asked, earning a nod.
"Give him time to rest, just tell him that I respect him for not coming back to the army." The male asked, the brit nodding and picked up the norski.
Wheeling the other out on the wheelchair and to the car, placing the wheelchair in the back and the norski in the passenger.
He got into the driver's side to place his keys into the ignition, pushing the petal into drive before pressing on the gas.
Driving down the road and back to home.

"I'll make sure you get to be happy when you wake up." The brit said out loud.

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