Not with the Stars

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{This isn't my idea, This person made the idea on amino and I'm writing it out for them!}

Tom had just rejected his only first lover and realized that he regretted it so much, it wasn't his decision. He looked over to see the red curtains and not a single cheerful norksi in sight. The brit sighed, trying to write a note to send to the boy he once loved, he had nothing.

Hours and hours of just sitting at a desk and writing out many things and all just being horrible, passing time was terrible. He missed the norski that never opened up the curtains again, the only thing odd was the note when coming home from school. Dodging his alcoholic father and opening a plain letter that ended up to be red, was that blood? Written in red was a very certain.

                                            You're Next.

He sat there puzzled, who could of sent it and if he was next. What did he ever do to that person. Tom just let out a sigh and climbed out his window, the memories of him doing it with Tord made him sadly sigh. He heard something snap and he quickly turned, nothing, shrugging and continued his way to their spot, with the pond and water fall. The stars twinkled and it reminded of him, Starboy. He wish he didn't say what he had to, he hated his father and wished he'll upon him. "I was a fool, a stupid fool." Tom said with a frustrated sigh, he ended up punching a tree and harming his knuckles, shaking his hand a little.

Another snap that was closer then footsteps, Tom turned to the side as a blade came neck in neck with almost slicing off his nose, he looked to see Starboy but with a crazed look in his eye's, they weren't the kind and gentle one's he remembered, now full of heartbreak and hatred, blood smeared on the star themed dagger that caused Tom to chuckle. "Care for one last dance?" He asked as it surprised the other, they got more angry but had no choice as Tom took hold of the other and back the dance, humming a tune as they did so.

"I'm sorry Tord, I shouldn't of let my father control me." The brit said as the norski sighed, and nodded. "I know, now I'm sorry." The norski said with a saddened sigh. The brit chuckled, swaying them around. "What for?" He asked as he dodged the dagger trying to slice at him, he only smiled and taking a hold of the other's chin and holding it up to meet eye to eye. Tord teared up, he then had slapped Tom with anger, it made the brit stumble and hold his cheek, looking down with regret. "Tord please, let me make it up to you." He said, but got no response, only swings at him before he brought them back to dancing again. "Like to go swimming?" He asked as the norski glared at him with anger, he did not want to swim. Tripping the brit and letting out an a annoyed huff before being able to stab the other in the shoulder a few times, Tom kicked the other away and getting up to hold his bleeding put shoulder.

"Tord stop this please!" Tom tried to convince the other, he just wanted to have his love again, he knew he was too late and wouldn't be forgiven for what he had down. He sighed and opened his arms like asking for a hug then watched the norski run straight towards him.

Pain, right at his stomach, he hugged the norski and fell back with the other right into the depths of the cold water that surrounded them, the pain soothing to the brit from the cold water. Bubbles surrounded them before dispersing into nothing, fish came over to see what had entered the pond and when getting too close were scared off when touched. The brit smiled at the other before pulling them into a gentle kiss, it shocking the other male who got air from just kissing. He couldn't swim to the top and was stuck slowly drifting down to the bottom of the pond with someone he used to love and wished it could of worked out, he broke off the kiss and watch the air bubbles of Tom's breathe had vanished, Tords eye's had widen, he teared up under water and waited for his time. Bubbles had slowly left his mouth as his vision faded from the cold waters to warm temperatures and a white room, he looked around and was confused. He walked around and sighed.

Suddenly tackled to the floor it was the brit himself to kiss the norski again and again, hearing light giggles from him who looked back with the now kind and gentle eye's he loved. The brit would cherish it and never let it go. "I'm sorry, please don't do that again." The brit said before standing and carrying him off to the after life where they could become stars together in the sky.

Had little motivation for this one, I was supposed to start it but didn't come around the time to do so until now. Sorry it is short to what I write. Doing this from 12 something to 1:18am.

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