Beach Day Ladies

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Men being annoying(not all men)
Girl smooching

The beautiful ocean view of a slightly crowded beach, people walking around and some swimming.
Four lovely ladies were in the middle of changing as the first two out were a brunette and ginger.
"This is the best idea ever Ell!" The ginger said, wishing to try for a tan and be the center of attention.
"Your just hoping to use handsome guys as your servants." The next out was an eyeless woman. No eyes in her sockets and were just voids.
"Of course! There peasants to my beauty Tamara." The ginger exclaimed.
"Whatever, where's Tori?" The eyeless brit asked, the three girls had stared at the last changing room. Still occupied by their friend.
"Tam, go help her. Will be finding a spot for our things." The brunette said, leaving with the ginger towards the warm sand. The eyeless brit sighed.
She went up to the occupied changing room and knocked.
"Tori? You alright in there?" She asked as she waited for an answer.
"Just fine!" The familiar accent called out.
"That sounds believable." She said, rolling her voids.
"You gonna come out then?" The brit asked, a small 'um' was what she heard.
"No?" The norsk didn't sound confident like when they were home.
"Okay, what's wrong?" The brit asked.
"I don't think I'll look good, or look too good and get harrased." The norski replied, the brit's gaze softened from it's frustrated look.
The norsk was having look problems, wishing to look nice but not be center of attention.
The brit said, deciding to help with this.
"Open the door, could I see how you look?" The brit asked, not getting a reply.
The door unlocked and slowly opened.
The brit flushed lightly when seeing the bathing suit on the norsk, it suited the other well and showed the right amount of skin.
"Is it bad, should I put my hoodie on?" The norski freaked and the brit grabbed the other's arm.
"You look fine, I'll keep people away. Okay?" The brit reassured.
The norsk nodded.

The two had their things and went towards the beach, trying to find their friends.
"I think we lost Ell and Matilda." The norsk said, the two still trying to find them.
It was cut short as the norsk felt a hand on her wrist, looking to see a guy.
"Hey pretty lady~" The guy said, trying to be a flirt.
The brit then grabbed the man's arm, giving him a glare through her voids.
"My friend here isn't interested, back off." The guy then let go, holding his hands up in defense.
"Fine, relax. Only interested in the beauty anyways." The guy grumbled, heading back to his group of friends and saying some things to them.
The two ladies continued to walk to find their friends, it was hard when the beach was full of people.
"I don't think will find them." The norsk said, feeling slightly uncomfortable.
Stares were on her in all directions and she could feel it, she hated being center of attention sometimes.
These weren't like the stares she got being leader, they judged her.
Other girls whispering and laughing, a few guys whispering and looking over from time to time.
She honestly wanted to leave, it was too much.
"Hey, you okay?" She perked up and looked into the voids of the other.
"I'm alright Tam, let's keep going." She lied, the norsk and brit just continued walking.
Trying to ignore the stared by feeling the sand and hearing the waves.
But the sounds of whispers and chatting was interrupting, this was gonna be a long day.

Time flew by rather quickly, the brit kept prople away and soon they found their friends.
Tamara telling Ell on Tori's situation.
They just wanted to have fun and one of them wasn't feeling like that.
It was until an idea was made, the four going towards the water and entering.
"Holy shit it's freezing!" The eyeless brit called out, the norsk laughed.
"I'm used to these kinds of temperatures." The norski smiled, the water was nice, hiding away what would attract people and pervs.
"Feeling better?" The brunette asked, the norsk nodded.
"Better then out of the water." The norsk smiled, being a little embarrassed.
"I wish I was like you Tori, I would love to be the center of attention!" The ginger exclaimed, the three just stared at her.
"What?" The ginger asked confused.
"Matilda, this is both a curse and a blessing." The norsk explained, the blessing was not having to worried about looks and the curse was too good to be at a damn beach.
She just wanted to be pretty but not too attractive.
Life was so annoying.
"Well Tori, you could wear my hoodie. I'll grab it before you get out." The eyeless brit said, the norsk flushed a little.
"You sure? Won't it get wet?" The norsk asked, the brit nodded.
"Yeah, I have more at home." The brit chuckled.
"How about a movie night later?" The brunette asked, the three nodded.
"We can watch the 6th movie in the zombie pirate series!" The norsk exclaimed excitedly.
"Yeah, I gotta know if that zombie pirate will kill that old guy." The eyeless brit said.
"He survives every attack Tamara, that old timer isn't going down that easy!" The brunette chimed in.
The four then laughed.
It wasn't until the norski decided to raise her arms a little and splash the eyeless brit.
"Tori! Oh you little." She then splashed back, a water fight began.
Splashes back in fourth from the four as they squeal and laugh.
"Pleh! Matilda you can't use sand!" The eyeless brit yelled, sand slowly going down her face.
"Oh, sorry. I was aiming for Ell." The ginger replied.
"Hey!" The brunette said with slight anger.
They continued to splash around before they grew tired, the brunette and ginger already leaving the water.
"Want me to get my hoodie for you?" The brit asked, the norsk nodded.
She shivered from the cold temperatures finally getting her, wanting to be out and warmed up.
The brit gave a soft smile and left the water, rushing to get her hoodie.
The norsk decided to make her way closer to shore, then waited for the brit to come back.

"Hey cutie, why you all alone?" A guy asked, he had slightly long blondish brownish hair.
He seemed like them surfer dudes or a high-school jock from the movies.
"Um, I'm just waiting for my friend. She went to get something." The norsk wasn't comfortable.
She took a step away as this guy was pretty close, but the guy just stepped forward.
She felt the man's arm slither it's way around her waist, pure panic settling in.
"Maybe if she doesn't come back, you could come with me?" The guy asked.
His friend then rushed up.
"Dude, she honestly looks uncomfortable." This guy had black hair and was an inch shorter then his friend.
"Bugger off Jeffrey, go back to Austin!" The guy said, seeming upset that his friend interrupted.
She then looked at the guy and pleaded with her eyes for help, she knew that rhe brit was far.
They left their clothes with their stuff on the far end from where they walked, so the norsk knew there was no way to get any other help.
"Your a dick man, not every girl is interested." The shorter male had said, beginning to walk off.
Those words must of sinked in, but the guy just scoffed.
Looking back at the norsk and ready to try flirting again.
A punch square in the face had lead the guy to back up a few steps and hold his injured nose.
"Ah, fuck!" The guy cursed.
"Don't touch my friend you perv!" The eyeless brit was back, hoodie hooked on her arm.
The brit turned to the norsk and softly smiled.
"Here Tori." Offering the hoodie as the norsk nodded, placing it on.
"You bitch!" The guy cursed, his nose was bleeding and looked broken.
"You want more huh?" The brit asked, getting ready for a fight.
The norsk would of helped, but the training she's done would of gave away the fact she has been training.
She kept training for the army in her room, being successful until she goes to join.
She honestly wanted to travel too and that was what she was gonna do next month.
The norsk planned a trip to see wildlife and just go on this amazing hike through a huge forest.
"You done?" The brit asked, the norsk had spaced out on her plans that she just noticed the guy on the floor and bleeding.
A few bruises here and there.
"Tamara, you okay?" The norsk asked, the brit turned as she noticed the black eye and cut on the brit's cheek.
She didn't look too bad.
"How about we head back and get our stuff, I'll patch up your cut there." The norsk said, grabbing the brit's arm and dragging her back to rhe spot they placed their things.
"Tori I'm fine." The brit said.
"Your injured Tam." The norsk responded.
At the spot, the brit said down, the norsk getting the first aid.
First cleaning the wound and then bandaging it.
The norsk sighed.
"You could of been seriously hurt." The norsk said.
"But I'm totally fine." The brit said with a sigh.
The norski sighed, going and pecking the brit's cheek.
She then packed her things, the brit sitting with a light red tint on her cheeks.
Standing to pack her things.
The four then walking to the car.

They began to drive off, everything in the trunk as they drove home.
"Well, it was nice for awhile." The brunette said, then shot a glare at the eyeless brit through the mirror.
"That guy was forcing himself on Tori, had to do something." The brit defended herself.
"And it was sweet." The norsk replied.
"Wait, was that what the kiss was for?" The brit asked, cheeks flushing.
"Mhm, of course." The norsk responded.
The brit smiled, inching closer to the norsk in the back seat.
"Could I do something?" The brit whispered, making occasional glances so the brunette wasn't watching.
"Sure?" The norsk said, she was very confused.
The brit inched closer, the norski's face lit up with blush.
The brit was way too close for comfort and yet that norsk wasn't uncomfortable.
The brit then closed the gap, their lips met as it was soon cut short.
Both looking at eachother.
"I- uh." The norsk tried to speak, she was all flustered.
"How about we share a longer one later." The brit winked, going back to sit comfortably in her seat.
Nothing else was said as the norsk touched her lips, she obviously wanted more and now had to wait.
She looked out the window to the sky growing dark and star's beginning to dot the sky, clouds would float above occasionally.
The moon was half full in the sky.
The sun just was setting in the back, it was a pretty sight.
The norsk smiled at the scenery, it was nice to see something so lovely.
"Hey Tamara, what snacks you think we should have for the movie?" The norsk asked.
"Popcorn, candy and soda. Perfect snacks." The brit responded.
"What about pizza?" The brunette chimed in.
"We could order one." The brit shrugged, the brunette chuckled.
"What kind though?" The norsk asked.
"Pepperoni, Hawaiian, Cheese!" The three brits called out, each different.
"Ew Hawaiian Matilda?" The eyeless brit asked.
"I wanna try it!" The ginger said.
The other three groaned.
"I like the Pepperoni one." The norsk explained.
The four nodded and continued to drive home.

They couldn't wait to watch the 6th movie of insane zombie pirates from hell.

Finally a one shot with the ladies!

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