New Driver

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This is a vent one shot, this has happened to me, further details at the end.

Car crash


A beautiful day as the sun shined, the grass was turning more green each day.
The norsk came rushing in through the front door with a toothy smile.
"I got my learners!" He yelled, holding up the plastic card.
The three brits took a look and seemed impressed he even got it.
"Want me to take you driving then?" The eyeless brit asked, him and the brunette being the only ones with full licences.
The ginger was scared to drive and the norsk kept failing for multiple reasons.
"I don't know, I don't wanna drive right now." The norsk said, not feeling very confident to drive without his instructor around.
"Come on, will head to the store." The eyeless brit said, the two leaving the house.
They decided to use the brit's car, it was slightly damaged at the front.
"What happened to the front of your car?" The norsk asked.
"Raccoon, buggers are fat and come out of nowhere." The brit exclaimed.
The norsk was handed the keys, he felt so nervous to drive.
He turned on the engine and heard it go off, he backed out carefully and and pulled out to the road.
"Your doing good, you don't need to worry." The brit said, smiling softly.
The two drove down the road and made small turns.

They were coming up to another turn ahead.
"Okay, Turn left." The brit said the norsk easing it in on the break. It wasn't slowing down enough.
"Slow down." He heard the brit commented, he tried to slow down faster but it wasn't working.
He began to panic and then tried to make the turn.
He couldn't make the full turn and drove into the ditch and rammed into the pole.
The air bags bursted out and kept the two safe from harm. Smoke was in the air as the norsk coughed from inhaling it.
He felt the stinging pain in his legs, instantly beginning to feel bad and knew the brit was gonna be upset with him.
He watched the brit leave and come around to help him out.
"Tord, you okay?" He asked, the norsk just laid on the ground.
His legs ached in pain, he wished this was a nightmare.
Everything happened so fast, he didn't understand.
Two people had rushed over to see if they were alright.
A woman was first to help.
"Everyone alright?" She asked, her chocolate brown hair and blue eyes checking for injuries.
"We are alright, he is just shaken up." The brit answered.
"You were also in the car?" The lady asked, the brit nodded, the two looked at the norsk.
"How about you stand up honey." The woman asked, he was helped up by the two and felt his legs shaking.
It hurt less to stand.
The man walked over and asked the same question.
"You hurt?" The woman asked the norsk who went to respond.
"M-my legs." He said, he was wearing pants and it was hard to tell.
"Your legs? Do they hurt?" The lady asked, the norsk nodded.
"I called the police." The man said, coming back from the phone call.
The norsk knew how he messed up.
"Hey, it's alright. It's part of driving." The brit said, the woman softly smiled.
"My daughter has done the same thing 3 months ago." She said, the norsk felt a little better.
People began to pull up and drive by.
Some stopped to asked if everyone was alright.
The norsk just felt guilty for what he did.
It was the brit's car.
"Hey, the things busted up and is ready for a repair." The brit said, the norsk looked at the brit.
"So don't beat yourself up about it, things happen." The norsk smiled softly to that.
He then watched as the police pulled up.
An officer coming over to check on everyone.
"Is everyone okay?" The officer asked.
"Yes, we are all fine." The brit said, the officer turned to the norsk.
"You the passenger?" The officer asked.
"Driver." The norsk responded.
"It was his first time driving, he just got his learners." The brit explained.
The officer nodded.
"I'm gonna need to see both your licences and your insurance for the vehicle." The officer said.
The nodded pulled out their licences, the brit getting the insurance as well.
The officer then had walked away.
"I'm in part of the medical feild, do you both have any spinal injuries?" The woman asked, the two shook their heads.
"Neck injuries, seat belt injuries, dust in the eyes from the air bags?" The woman asked, the two just answered no.
"Then you both should be fine, but a check up at the hospital is needed." She said.
"Do you have a drive to get there?" She asked.
"I'll see if my roommate will answer." The brit said, taking out his phone and dialing the number.
He heard it ring but got no answer.
He then tried a few more times.
"He isn't picking up." The brit said with a small groan.
"I can drive you there." The woman offered, the brit looked at her.
"You sure?" The brit asked.
"Yeah, I've been cleaning today so I'm not busy." She exclaimed.
"Just let me pull my car up, will get him to sit down first." The woman said, rushing off to get her car.
"Where is she going?" The man asked.
"To get her car." The brit answered, the other nodded.
She then drove over and parked the vehicle.
The brit helped the norsk over, getting the door open and for him to sit down.
He found it hurt to walk, he turned back to see the brit go back.
A tow truck was there to help lift the car.
The norsk stayed sat in the backseat of the womans vehicle.
His legs still sore from the accident he caused.
The brit then had came back and everyone got it.
Seat belts were buckled as they began to drive to town.

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