Behind the bandage

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The end hadn't happened.

Detailed gore

A trait that the norski had when returning home, was the bandage on his cheek.
The brunette and ginger didn't seem to care but the eyeless brit did, he knew the norski acted so different when he showed up.
The difference was the cocky attitude and smug grin, it was like he was a whole another person.
The new personality had his blood boiling in rage, he wished to know what was hiding under that bandage.
This had went on for the day, the norski upsetting the eyeless brit even more through everything they had done.
"What is with this new personality!?" The eyeless brit had walked up to the norski, his index finger shoved to the norski's chest.
The norski lifted his arms in defense, a light chuckle with that shit eating grin.
"Like you would want to know." The norski said, the brit just got more pissed.
"It's cause of that bandage on your cheek!" The brit said, the norski's grin had faltered as he had gulped.
This detail had the brit smirking, he knew he had figured something out.
"I-I don't know what your talking about." The norski said, the light stutter was enough to get him caught.
The odd thing that the brit had noticed was that the norski looking like he was pleading for the brit to find out.
The brit then placed his hand up to the bandage, the norski sucked in a breathe.
The bandage ripped right off as the brit stared at his cheek, light blood of a fresh wound from some sort of surgery.
A device latched in between flesh and fresh blood, the sight sickened the brit's stomach.
"What the fuck." He said plainly, the device began to beep.
The norski held on a soft smile as he shoved the brit away, tears weld up in his eye's.
"I only have so long before this thing self destructs." He quickly spoke, the three roommates now listening.
"I was forced, the army forced me to betray you guys for them to get me to be leader. I didn't want the title, I just needed money for college." The news was surprising, the eyeless brit walked forward as the norski stepped back.

"Stay still." The brit ordered, using his fingers and digging out the device.
The small pitiful whimper he heard from the norski had him to sigh, the device popping out and beeping at a faster rate.
This rose panic in the house hold as the brit had tossed the device out the window, an immediate explosion had followed suite.
"Commie." The brit said, the norski's attention on him.
"What the fuck was that!?" The birt was clearly worried and pissed at the same time.
"A tracking device, it was supposed to blow my head to bits if I ever to fail. It also holds tight onto my vitals and will show the army when I supposedly die." He had explained the situation.
The brit had pulled the other close in a hug, the norski's cheeks slightly heating up from the small contact.
"So this army used you." The brit said, the norski pulled away.
"No! The soldier's I made friends with did, they just suddenly changed when they saw the blue print to the robot model." He explained, a small sigh leaving him.
"Robot model?" The brunette had chimed in, they all were slightly shakened from what had happened.
"Yes, they wanted me to bring it back so we- no, they could take over the world." He said, looking down with his hands coming together in fists.
They slightly shook before the eyeless brit held them, looking the norski in the eyes.
"Your here now, we can stop them if they try to come here." The brit explained, the norski shook his head.
"They be pissed, but it wouldn't stop them from coming here to actually make sure I was dead." He had warned, he was afraid this would happen.
"I was supposed to actually die Tom!" Tears weld up in the norski's eye's, the eyeless brit hadn't seen the other cry since preschool.
"Your too important, now how about a fake body?" The eyeless brit suggested.
The norski thought about for a second, then nodded.
"We still have contact with that mad doctor who cloned us?" The norski asked.
"I do! He was willing to help me a few months ago." The ginger said happily, his roommate's then stared at him like he had said something odd.
"What? He helped me with my movie!" The ginger explained, the other two brit's showed signs of slight disgust.
"That film of just you falling in love with yourself." The eyeless brit said with a groan, the two were forced to watch it.
"Just call him Matt." The norski said, clearly confused.

"Here is one clone! You gonna use it for a movie?" He asked, his brown hair a mess with his assistant next to him.
"Not really, more of a fake death." The norski said, lacing the cheek of the clone with an explosive.
The messy haired brunette and his assistant decided to leave, not wishing for another law suit.
The norski backed up and pressed a button, watching the clones face become to bits of mush and blood.
Bits of the fake brain had been scattered, an eyeball had bounced towards him and hit against his shoe.
The clone was helpful, but the norski felt nauseous.
This realization was that the clone could of have been him, if he failed and the eyeless brit decided to let him die.
"You alright?" The norski jolted, quickly turning and seeing the said brit.
"You scared me asshole!" He said, playfully punching the brit in the arm.
The brit had let out a small chuckle, soon he had noticed the clone and his smiled faltered.
"That could of been you?" The brit asked, the norski sighed.
"Can we please leave it, I don't want to think about it." He said, the brit nodding in understanding.
They had decided to do it in the lab right close to the button, the four friends had then left for lunch.

Two men had snuck into the house, both in uniform of a navy blue army coat with red turtlenecks underneath.
"See anything?" The shorter one had asked, the taller one was scanning.
"No, must of gone out." The taller one had explained, they went to the eyeless brit's room that used to be the norski's.
Entering the room and to the lab was where they found the body, the two stared.
The taller male just let out a sigh while the smaller male just felt guilt.
They were once friends, what happened to them.
"You think, if we never had gone power crazy. He be alive?" The smaller asked, this catching the other off guard.
"No, we still would of found a way to the top." The taller male said, having no care for the norski.
"He failed a simple job." The taller male said, his voice showing how he was growing angry.
"Yeah, with a bomb planted in his cheek!" The smaller male said, tears weld up in his eye's from losing his friend.
He didn't want to fight with the other male but it was too late when he was became pinned to the wall.
"He was nothing! We didn't need his sorry ass!" The taller male shouted, the smaller knew he had nothing against the taller male.
"I did." He said, this shocked the taller male.
"We had fun times! Snuck around the base and stole snacks from the cafeteria." He explained the old memories, each he cherished.
"And you want to tell me that you didn't wish he was still around too!?" The smaller male shouted, the two stared at eachother for a moment.
"Let's go Paul, he dosen't deserve a funeral." The taller man said, going to leave.
"Will I be next?" The smaller male asked, the other had flinched from the question.
"Wha- no! I never do that to you!" The taller said with a soft smile.
"Then why do it to Tord?" The smaller asked, the two sat in an awkward silence before it was broken.
"Fine, don't answer. Let's go." The smaller then began his way out of the house with the taller behind him all silent.

The four friends then enjoyed their time together, even making new adventures.
The norski decided the couch was fine before the eyeless brit suggested for him to sleep in his room for the time being.
No more serious fighting.
The norski and the eyeless brit just play fight and afterwards laugh about it, everything was like old times.

But now there was no more secrets
Behind the bandage.

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