Mr. Smiles

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[Warning: blood, gore, violence.]

The masked male looked at a picture, a male in his late thirties was shown on it. Brown hair and green eye's.

"So, how much you want? Mr.smiles." Another man had asked in front of him, grey hair and blue eye's.
He awaited for the other male to name a price for doing this favor.
"If you can get me a million, he should be dead by sunrise." The male wore a black hood to hide his hair but the mask was something not quite like it. All yellow with a wide smile that gave the happy mask so creepy, it was a perfect mask for Mr.smiles.
"Deal, sunrise and the money is yours once the man is dead." The man smirked, the two shaking hands before the older man pulled the other male closer and tugged at his collar.
"You better finish the job or you aren't paid and you are on my list." The older man threatened the younger who nodded.
"Chill old man, I always finish the job. It's part of the job!" He said with a small giggle.
The older shoved the masked man away and chuckled.
"Amusing as always Mr.smiles." He said, he soon headed for the door.
"I'll be pleased to see you tomorrow, I'll watch the news for your name." He finished and waved goodbye before leaving through the exit, the masked man picked up the photo and read over the information.
"I know, I know!" He shouted at himself, he took off the mask revealing grey eye's and the hood pulled back to reveal caramel hair that stuck up into horns.
"I just don't like you killing in public!" He was upset, but nobody else was around.
"Fine, but don't switch on the last second. You did that last time and I had to bail us out of a cop car!" He groaned.
The young norski wasn't pleased, nobody could tell he had a split personality with another called Mr.smiles. He just figured how to unlock the door to a whole new personality and couldn't close it, so while he lived a normal life, Mr.smiles did assassin work to pay the bills at the secret apartment they owned.
"Okay, okay. So we go into the cafè and take the victim into the bathroom." He nodded, he first figured out which cafè runs at night.

Some more information about the target, a writer for a local newspaper company the target must go out at some point to get a quick cup of coffee before continuing home and working hard on another story for the front page.
Apparently he put something on the front cover about this old man and here he was taking down the target, suiting up into a kind of suit the sleeves and collar were different, mixed with yellow and black.
He placed on the mask, the huge smile on the mask staying the same and soon going over. Grabbing his trusty handgun and placing it in his boot for later, he made his way towards the door and checked the time.
"9:34." He read aloud.
The target shows up at the cafè around 11 and doesn't leave until 11:45, he had to go in and bring the man to the bathroom with no distractions.
Kill anyone who interferes or have saw his face from behind the mask, he can't have the mask off or he will just end up acting a whole lot differently.
The mask is Mr.smiles.
The mask must not come off throughout the mission.

He sat outside the cafè, the man was seated at a table for two and was enjoying a sip of coffee while working away for a new headline.
A busy man, but soon he will rest from all the stress and sleepless night's.
Entering in and the bell chiming above, he went over and sat in front of the man, watching as he looked up from his work and almost spat out his coffee.
"The famous Mr.smiles!" He said in surprise, he had a small look of fear.
"Do you need something? Information?" He asked, the shorter male shook his head and pointed to the other.
"M-me?" Stuttering and gulping down some saliva, the masked male nodding.
Then pointing to the bathroom, the news man nodding and stood up, the masked male stood and began walking to the bathroom.
The news man following right behind.
Once in the bathroom, the masked male pushed the other into a stall and pulled out the handgun. Pointing the tip to the other's skull.
"You, you are the target." He said, the news man's face slowly taking in the information.
"Could I say goodb-" The handgun went off before he could even finish, a gaping hole in the male's forehead. Blood splattered the wall of the stall as the man's body fell limp, the eyes slowly going lifeless.
The gunshot was not silent but he went into the stall made a quick change and pretended to run out in a panic, he bumped into someone and looked up.
His cheeks flushed at the sight, a male taller in a employee outfit for the cafè, his eyeless eyes that were voids but also like the night sky, his hair a brown color and a slight mess from being over worked.
"Woah!" He said, his British accent clear.
"You okay, what happened?" He asked, Tord shook his head as he heard the yelling in the back of his mind from Mr.smiles, he went back into character.
"I was using the bathroom and heard a gun go off, I don't know what exactly happened but I ran before the person saw me." He said in fake panic.
"Okay, I'll have someone check. Come sit down, I'll get you something." The brit said and helped the shorter to a table, sitting him down.
"On the house." The brit said and winked at the other.
The norski's cheeks began flushing, the yelling from his other part was driving him into a massive headache, only because him getting a relationship will have them caught.
But the brit was so dreamy and he adored those eyes.
He was different, he loved it.

The brit came back giving the norski a hot chocolate and a cookie, sitting on the other side.
"So what did he look like?" The brit asked.
"I didn't get a good look, Red hair and was wearing a black shirt but that's all I could see." The norski giving a fake description.
"He escaped, the vent was open." The brit sighed, the norski had done it to make his great escape by not a vent but playing with people.
"So, what you like to do for fun?" The brit asked, wanting to know the other more.
"Oh, I enjoy doing some reading from time to time, or when I'm bored I tend to bake something easy." He said, ignoring Mr.smiles.
"Have you heard of the cool killer on the loose still?" The brit asked, the brit thought he was cool.
"No, not really. I barley watch the news." He said, lieing through his teeth and flushing a little.
"He's called Mr.smiles, I have a theory that Mr.smiles is just a alternate personality." He said, the norski and Mr.smiles were both shocked. How did he have a theory that good and that is the real deal, it was shocking.
Kill him! He knows too much!
Mr.smiles was too loud now to keep on the down low and barley hear, it was annoying.
"Oops! My bad, what's your name?" The brit asked.
"Tord, Tord Larksøn." He said, the brit nodded.
"Well I'm Thomas, but please call me Tom." He said, smiling proudly with now knowing the norski's name.
"We should hang out more and get to know eachother." The brit said, the norski nodding. Mr.smiles disagreed but was then silent, it surprised the norski but he just enjoyed the peace.

Day's passed and the norski and brit hung out more, they were enjoying the other's company and had eachother's house key for when they needed to come in, they could just walk on in. The norski barley used it but the brit used it a lot to get the norski up early.
The norski wasn't happy by it and let out a yawn, he had a full night of kills and missions, wishing to sleep more.
"Tom nooooo-" He whined, but only was forced to get up more. He hated morning's.
"How come your so tired?" The brit asked as the norski sighed.
"I decided to read all night." He lied as the brit bought it and nodded.
"Was it good?" He asked.
"I barley remember half of it." Yawning and stretching out, he was eating some cereal as Tom was on his phone. His day off and he wanted to spend it with the norski.
It soon went by as quickly as it started the two had ice cream and walked around, some shopping happened and now we're back at the norski's.
"Today was fun, thanks Tom." He said opening his door and entering. He needed the brit to go so he could change.
He had plans for another meeting at midnight and couldn't miss it or he wouldn't get paid, Mr.smiles yelling at him to just kill the brit and burn the body so no evidence.
"Cya Tord!" The brit waved and left for home, the norski waved back before turning and leaving to change for the meeting.
Pulling on the tie and getting the pants buckle on right, he didn't know why Mr.smiles liked the outfit when it was so difficult to fit on and get in properly.
"You need a new outfit." The norski said with a huff, the inner person disagreeing with him.
The gloves were being fit on and his hand gun being placed in his boot.
The meeting was for the money on his last three missions to kill three people and get away in time without being caught, it was risky and tricky but he made it.
The norski had just finished placing the mask on and turning to the door before freezing.
There stood those gorgeous midnight eye's, staring at him with fear and disbelief.

"To-Tord?" His voice shakened, the norski knew love wasn't meant for him but right now wasn't him in charge.
"Shut it, the mask is on. Tord's not here!~" The norski said smirking behind the mask.
The brit stood back.
"Stay away from me." And had ran out, the norski shouting for Tom in Mr.smiles head.

[Part 2?]

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