The Dare

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This idea was originally a rp plot.

Intense scene



The brit sat with his buddies at a table in the bar, just a couple of drinking friends.
"So, We got a dare for ya Tom." One of his mates said, this got the brit interested.
"Oh really? What's the dare?" He asked, looking at them and taking a small sip.
"The dare is, you get your enemy to fall for you." One of them said, another continued for them.
"Or you pay for all our drinks the rest of the week." The brit then gulped, he of course barley had the money to pay for all of them.
Backing down from the dare means he had to pay, he couldn't just do that.
"Fine, I accept this dare." He said with a light groan.
He slapped his money on the table to pay for his drinks, leaving the bar.
He wasn't in the mood to get drunk anymore as he heard his mates laughing behind him.
He really needed new drinking friends.

Upon entering the home he shared with a few others, he noticed his enemy on the couch.
He knew this was going to be hard, that bastard hated him.
He went over and kicked the norsk's leg.
"Fæn! Tom, that hurt!" He hissed, glaring at the other.
"Good." He said, walking to the kitchen and getting some water.
"You also smell like shit, did you spill a whole bottle on yourself again?" The norsk questioned.
"Shut your twat." The brit said, chugging the water down.
"Fine, fine." The norsk said, rolling his eyes.
He just went back to his magazine, the brit's face scrunched up in disgust.
"How can you even like that stuff?" He asked.
"Cause it's art." The norsk responded, the brit being grossed out.
"I think you need to take a look at an art museum." The brit said, the norsk shook his head.
"Nah, sounds boring." He said, turning a page.
The brit knew he needed to make some moves, he just didn't understand what he had to do.

Minutes passed of silence between the two, the brit getting a sudden idea.
"Alright, how about you take a break and follow me." He said.
"Uh, if this your plan to finally murder me. I rather not go." He said, glaring at the brit.
"Just come on." He said, grabbing the norsk's wrist and getting him to follow.
The two left the house and walked for a while before making it to a cliff, the view up above was beautiful.
"You better not push me." The norsk said, suddenly feeling a finger on his chin.
"What are you- oh." He said, seeing the night sky.
The brit just chuckled.
"Now do you trust me?" He asked.
"Shut up." The norsk responded back, something the two often don't do is get along.
They took their time to enjoy the peace in this moment.
"This...was actually nice of you." The norsk said, he was confused on why the brit was suddenly acting like this.
"I'm a little drunk." The brit mumbled.
They just smiled at one another, soon heading back.
"Thanks for not pushing me off that cliff." He said, heading to his room for the night.
The brit knew he had to do more, that can't be the last thing he did.

The next day was totally different, the two of them breaking out into a fight for what to watch and it escalated.
"Just shut your damn mouth you communist!" He yelled, the norsk grinded his teeth in anger.
"At least I'm not an alcoholic prick to my friends!" The norsk yelled back.
It turned into punches and eventually the two had to be separated into their rooms. The ginger had been the one to do it as he had to remind them on the brunettes condition, this had them guilty.
The brit had soon decided to buy the norsk a gift, leaving it in his room to make up for what he did.
The norsk entering to find it on his bed, all wrapped in a box. He opened to be surprised with bis favorite things, then a card.
"Tom did this?" He questioned, confused on why he had changed.
But this change of behavior had stuck with him, giving the norsk gifts and fighting with him less.
He eventually left to the bar again.
Sitting down at the same table with the other three.
"Anything new?" One of them asked.
"Love takes time, it's not like he is going to fall for me instantly." The brit explained.
"Well, update us when your dating. We want to know the detail of how he reacted when you tell him the truth." Another one of them said.
The brit let out a sad sigh.
"Of course." He said.
He didn't bother to drink anything, just leaving to home.

This became daily where he was just being different to the norsk, it seemed that the norsk was skeptical of the brit.
"Tom, why are you acting differently?" The norsk asked.
"Can't I be nicer?" He asked.
"Well yeah, but towards me?" The norsk questioned.
"Why not?" The brit questioned back.
"Cause it's me! You never acted like this before. You never left fights unfinished, or sent me gifts." The norsk said.
"What are you up to?" He asked.
"Just want to show you a different side of me." He said, going closer to the norsk.
"Tom, what are you doing?" The norsk questioned, he wanted to understand why the brit was acting so differently.
"You'll understand." He said, the norsk just looked more confused.

After that, the norsk just tried to be distant from the brit. He was focused to understand why he was feeling differently.
Maybe it was the gifts or the nice act the brit was pulling.
Nothing just made sense anymore.
The brit was worried though, worried he made the norsk uncomfortable.
But why was he worrying about that, he shouldn't care.
He shook his head and just decided to get the norsk his favorite foods on delivery.
Wanting to see if that would do anything for the norsk.
He didn't know if doing this was even working, he read that it was a good solution.
But maybe it was just failing, he hadn't seen any change in the norsk.

It was then the norsk soon entered the brit's room.
"Can...we talk?" The norsk ask, nervous to speak with the brit.
"Oh, yeah sure." The brit said, turning off his phone and setting it aside.
"Why, are you being this way towards me?" The norsk asked.
"Am I not suppose to?" The brit questioned.
"You should be saving this for someone special Tom, why me?" The norsk asked.
"Cause you are someone special." The brit said.
The norsk felt his heart pick up, feeling it beating in his chest.
The tingles in his cheeks of being flustered.
"Oh, um." He didn't know what to say, feeling the brit grab his hand.
"What's wrong Tord?" The brit asked.
"N-Nothing, just a weird feeling." He responded.
He couldn't be in love, that wasn't how he wanted it to go.
He was supposed to love someone who wasn't his enemy.
"Tord, look at me." The brit said.
The norsk looked into the brit's sockets.
"You want to try going out?" The brit asked.
The norsk felt more of the feelings, he didn't know why. But he just had nodded.
The brit smiled, he forgotten all about the deal.

Time had passed since then, the norsk being happy with the brit.
They went on special dates together and the norsk was truly happy.
They were currently on their fifth date, going back to the cliff again to enjoy the stars.
The norsk remembered the first time he was brought up here, that was when the brit was first nice.
"This is beautiful." The norsk said, the brit smiling softly until he noticed them.
They smirked and walked over, they wanted to see this end.
He knew what he had to do, the brit standing up and going over to them.
"Tom?" The norsk questioned, looking behind him and seeing the three people.
"Tom, who are they?" The norsk questioned, standing up.
"Some drinking friends of mine." The brit said.
"Go on Tom, tell him." One of them said.
The brit sighed.
"Tord, I don't love you. This whole relationship was a dare." The brit said, the norsk just stared in disbelief.
"So it was a lie, all this time." The norsk said.
"You lied to me!?" He yelled, clearly angry.
"Tord, I'm sor-" The brit was cut off.
"Shut the fuck up, your not sorry." The norsk said, the brit witnessing him begin to cry.
"I trusted you, I gave you my loyalty and affection. But I guess that was nothing to you." He said, taking a step back.
"I don't matter to you." The norsk said, not remembering the cliff.
"Tord wait!" The brit cried out.
"No! I'm not gonna listen to you anym-" He had taken another step back, his foot slipping on the edge as he fell back.
Time felt slow in the moment.
The brit rushing over to try and save him from falling down.
It all felt like time moved slowly in the moment, how his life began to flash before his eyes.
How could he be such a fool.

A hand had grabbed his wrist to pull him back up, he felt arms wrap around him.
"Fuck Tord, don't do that again." The brit said.
"Wait, no. Let me go!" The norsk yelled to move away from the brit.
"I hate you!" He yelled, about to hit the brit before stopping.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think when the deal was happening. But I fell for you slowly during our time together." He admitted.
"Y-You what?" The norsk questioned.
Feeling the brit take his hand and kiss the top of it.
"Can we try again?" The brit question, the norsk being speechless.
"Of course." The norsk said.

The two of them were just there, the three others had rushed off in fear of killing someone.
"I'm never going to drink with them again." The brit said.
"Why did you even be friends with them?" The norsk asked, the two getting up to walk home.
"They were different but they slowly changed." He explained, the norsk nodded.
"I see." The norsk said, feeling glad that they made up.
"I'm still upset with you though, so lets take things slow." The norsk said.
"That's alright with me." The brit said.

They had then entered the house.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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