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Crazy happy

He sat at his chair, being focused on his work.
Spinning a bottle and mixing liquid around to a yellowish color, he set it back down and went to grab something.
A small sound of glass shattering had caught his attention, he turned to find the experiment on the floor and the glass holding the liquid was in peices.
The liquid pooled out in a huge puddle, the norski sighed.
Going and bending over, picking up peices of the broken glass with his bare hands.
"Ngh!" He let out a small hiss, a shard had sliced against his palm.
He had ended up dropping the shards, going back to pick them up and noticed the liquid drip into his wound.
"What did I make again?" He asked himself, just shrugging his shoulders and going back to throwing away the shards.
He went and cleaned up the liquid and letting out a small yawn.
"It's already 4am, wow." The norski said, looking at his watch.
He kept a clock close by that told the time at Norway.
So he was able to call home at a decent hour, it was pretty helpful.
He kept the watch with the regular time, getting up and going over to bed.
He got in and under the comfort of the covers, shutting his eye's and going off to dream land.

Morning came around with the birds chirping outside and the window having sun shining through.
The norski let out a groan, sitting up and rubbing his eye.
He felt, awfully happy.
He never was this happy, he probably just had a sense that it be a good day.
Getting up and heading out to the kitchen with a smile, humming a small tune that just showed up in his head.
He entered the kitchen and saw his friend in his grey t-shirt and green pajama pants.
"Morning Edd!" The norski greeted his friend, he was awfully cheerful.
This type of thing has never happened unless he did something dangerous, either that or shot something.
"Your, pretty happy this morning?" The brunette said, the norski nodded.
"Yeah, I didn't do anything to end up like this." The norski responded.
"Morning." The eyeless brit entered, going over to the coffee machine and beginning to brew himself some coffee.
"Why you so happy commie?" The eyeless brit asked, he raised a brow.
"Don't know, just am." The norski responded, he was like a kid on Christmas.
It was something to find suspicious, the two brits just stared at the smiling norski.
"It could of been something from last night though." The norski said, talking about his little experiment.
"Wait that glass shattering was you?" The eyeless brit asked.
"Yeah, I dropped a small experiment." The norski let out a light chuckle.
"I went to clean it up and cut my palm, some of the serum gotten into my wound." The norski explained, this shocking the brit's.
"Maybe you should figure out a cure, who knows what that stuff does." The brunette instructed, the norski nodded.
"I think it just makes me happy, I actually like it." The norski said, smiling happily.
Happiness was not something he usually shows unless doing something he liked or his birthday.
Smiling got harder after joining the stinking army, they treated him like garbage and it wasn't doing well.
The army did horrible on his mental health, he loved his friends back in the army but they both were sent to Norway to serve a facility there that was in the said army.
That's what the clock was for, just to contact his friends.
"Alright, I'll go get started on a cure." The norski said, grabbing some of the bacon in the middle of the table.
He headed back towards his room and to get started, closing the door behind him.

Hours upon hours, he hadn't found anything to help.
He had extras on the serum and nothing was fixing the problem, it would be frustrating if he didn't just feel happiness.
He was checked in by Edd and Matt every once in awhile and getting a small rude visit by the eyeless man himself.
Nothing else much has happened but his brain fogging a little, he thought that maybe he made this stuff in the past and had a cure for it already.
Going to his notes and checking them over for the fourth time that day, nothing on a cure and just more on the recipe for the serum.
It was getting harder, thinking straight was getting harder.
His thoughts becoming fuzzy as light giggles came from him, he thought that maybe another nap would fix the issue.
Getting up and heading towards his bed, getting under the covers.
Closing his eye's and letting out a small sigh, drifting off slowly.

"You think Tord will be okay?" A brunette had asked, the eyeless brit turned towards his friend and sighed.
"I don't know, he couldn't find a cure at all." He answered.
"Should we check up on him at some point?" The brunette asked, seemingly worried for his friend.
"How about now, it's been long enough." The eyeless brit said, standing from the chair he was sitting in, the brunette getting up from the couch.
The two exiting the living room, going to the norski's room.
The eyeless brit had knocked and hadn't received a reply, he decided to just enter.
There sat the norski in the corner, a wide smile and holding his head.
Occasional giggles came from him as a foam like substance was appearing at the corners of his mouth, the foam was a yellowish color.
The room was darker and they could see the glowing yellow from the norski's eye's.
"Tord?" The brunette called out, the norski snapped his attention at the doorway, his head tilting quickly in an awkward position.
It seemed like a scene from some sort of horror film.
"Edd, I don't think that's Tord anymore." The eyeless brit respond, the norski slowly stood up.
"Edd! Tom! Wanna take the serum to brighten your days!" The norski had happily skipped over to the two, he wasn't himself.
"No." They both had said it at the same time, the norski just grinned.
"I wasn't asking." He said, a syringe was held in his hand.
Glowing fainted yellow had come from it.
"Run, Run!" The eyeless brit had yelled as the two rushed off, the norski skipping after them in a happily manner.
"Shit!" The eyeless brit shouted, this wasn't good for them.
They could only outrun the norski for a short amount of time.
What if they weren't able to get the norski to his normal senses again, also if they ended up infected and thought about the outside.
The only plan was tieing up the norski, they just needed something strong.
"Edd, get me some chains and I'll hold him off." The eyeless brit instructed.
The brunette nodded and rushed off to the kitchen to get the chains off the refrigerator.
The eyeless brit continued to run from the norski, making sure to dodge any attack.
He made a slick move to rush around and tackle the norski to the floor, holding down both arms.
He felt the norski struggle and let out loud laughter.
"Your not you Tord." The brit whispered, he just wanted to see the old norksi again.

They found a way to tie up the norski, sitting in a chair and chains all around him.
The two set the serum in a zip lock bag, mailing it to some research facility to construct a cure.
Making a clear warning to not use it on themselves, it was in big letters.
"Come on guys! Let me go to make you happy!" The norski shouted, letting out the occasional giggles.
His eye twitching a little and him only staring at Tom.
"Please Tommy." He pleaded, the eyeless brit shook his head.
"No, and don't call me that." The norski grinned.
"Don't you wanna be happy for once in your life?" He asked, the eyeless brit's eye's had widened.
"Well, um." He was stumped, he considered being happy while drinking and having Susan.
He just never found his true happiness, he wasn't gonna let this prick of a communist tell him.
"I am happy, I have smirnoff and Susan." The eyeless brit had answered.
"And true happiness?" The norski had asked, the brit letting out a frustrated sigh.
"Just shut up, we will get you a cure." The eyeless brit said, they decided on keeping the norski in the same room.
Wishing to keep an eye on him besides at night.
There hadn't been a sign of any cure coming back from that lab they sent it to.
They decided to watch some of the TV before the news interrupted the show that was playing.
"We interrupt this program to give you news of the happy virus, it's spreading like wild fire and can be contagious through illness or even kissing. Please stay inside for the mean time until a cure is made, this is reporter William Jones signing o-"
The tv was turned off, the brunette held the remote in a shaky hand.
They weren't getting back the cure, not after seeing that.
"I'll lock up the house." The eyeless brit said, heading off to lock the doors and windows.
The norski was quiet, duck tape was over his mouth and he had fallen asleep.
They just needed to have hope during this.

Just needing hope.

Part 2?

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