Immortal Curse

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He flirted with the maidens he oh so not care for, not interested into even marrying a maiden that would wear dresses and corsets to make their hips thinner.
It never interested him in the slightest to see the faces full of make up to try and be prettier for him, it just disgusted him, and he was never interest in to having inter course with them.
When he had a few drinks and was a little tipsy was when he hooked up with from guy to guy, they weren't someone he liked to stay with the rest of his life span. They weren't his type at all, he preferred someone caring and sweet, to take care of him when he has had a rough day or after a nightly fun, protect him from any danger and he will do the same. He wished for someone who would match with him in a fight, so they after will patch one another's wounds.

It wasn't until a woman walked into the room of a small party, woman and men would stop their dancing to watch the unwelcomed woman go up to the male. Some woman being jealous that this uninvited guest took interest in the male they so adored, the male had no interest but to get a drink from the tables serving a variety of foods.
"Excuse me." She asked, the male turning towards her and taking a sip.
"hm?" He hummed, not really interested in the woman in front of him.
"Would you care to dance with me?" She asked, the prince looked at her.
"No, I wish to decline your offer." He responded, this was how he regret his decision.
"You will regret this, all charm but yet not interested in any maiden." She began, this had him curious on what she meant.
"But from this day forward, I curse you to remaind immortal until the day you find your one true love." She finished, turning and leaving.
This shocked the male and knew that he wasn't cursed, there was no way possible.

As time passed on, he realized the curse was true. Others would grow older and perish by deaths hands, he just watched as he remaind as young as he was the day he was cursed.
Changing outfits and soon switching countries, going off to britain and watching everything slowly changing.
Buildings of old became shops and small market places, carages being replaced with machines.
It was all too new and it shocked him, also fascinated to see all this happen.
He didn't know what would happen to him once the curse lifted, would he die.
He just decided to start life over as he changed outfits and got a job and time continued, his new outfit with him in a t-shirt, a red hoodie over it. Jeans that were slightly ripped and teared, converses that were black but also white underneath and on the laces.
He decided to wear a beanie and looked fit in with the people around.
His job being a repair person who fixed gadgets, he had no idea that he be so good at it.
It wasn't until he had a day off, going out for a nice walk in the evening.
It wasn't until he met him, bumping into someone taller as he fell over.
"Oh! Sorry." He heard a British accent as he looked up, he was expecting to see another pair of eyes but was fascinated.
He stared right in voids, wishing to figure out the wonders that held inside those void like eyes.
"It's alright." He replied, dusting himself off and chuckling.
"No, let me take you somewhere." The brit told the other, grabbing a hold of his hand and dragging him to who knows where.
He flushed a little, showing on a small smile.
"We just met though." He said as the brit stopped.
"Well, I'm Thomas. But please, call me Tom." The brit said.
"I'm Tord." The brit smiled, then noticed the accent.
"Your not from around here are you?" The norski smiled and nodded, his home was once in norway before leaving to another country where english was spoken.
The people called it the usa and he was forced to be taught the language, he stayed there for quite some time  efore being cursed. He came to England just after a year before what would be his 150th brithday, but still looked to be in his twenties.
"I'm originally from Norway, my family had to move to the usa where I was taught english. I actually moved here a few years ago." The norski told the brit who nodded.
"Where do you live?" The brit asked, curious on the norski's living experience.
"I live in small apartment, the landlord doesn't really like me." He told the brit who nodded, then smiled.
"Well, I live with my two childhood friends. We have been looking for a new roommate." The norski was surprised by the offer and took it, packing his things from the small apartment and soon off to his new home.
He didn't know who was the one but soon things began to change, the brit and him began arguments over small things.
They got along at times but it wasn't as buddy-buddy as before, it came up to them hurting one another.
"You bitch!" The brit yelled as he threw a punch at the norski, the norski dodging before receiving a blow to the stomach.
He held his stomach tight and coughed lightly.
"Fæn deg!" The norski shouted at the brit, going in to punch the other.
They had been fighting for about fifteen minutes on some random thing, they didn't remember how it even started but both were riled up.
The brit grabbed the norski by the hair, pulling it.
"You stupid commie! Just die!" The brit shouted before freezing and watching the norski flinch when hearing what he said, the brit backed up and felt guilt.
"Tord, look I'm so-sorry." The brit started, soon being shocked.
"I can't die Tom." The norski said, those words hit the brit hard.
"What do you mean." The brit asked.
"I was cursed when I was in my twenties, that was so long ago." The norski let out a light chuckle.
"Tom, I'm about 160 years old." The norski looked at the brit, seeing his look of shock.
"So, you were cursed to be immortal. Why?" The brit asked, the norski sighed.
"Cause maidens were all over me, but I had no interest in them. This women asked me to dance but I declined." The norski began.
"I'm cursed to find someone who fits my interests perfectly and then actually get together with them." The norski continued, the brit wanted to help.
"What are your interests?" The brit asked, slightly curious.
"Someone who I can match in a fight, the same strength. After patching eachother up while sharing small kisses, I want someone caring and sweet as well past all the rudeness and anger from the fight." The norski explained, flushing lightly.
"Someone who can protect me while I do the same for them." The norski knew he couldn't find someone like that, it was impossible.
The brit knew how he described the person and put peices together, he flushed lightly and knew that it resembles somewhat like him.
He is rude and mean but he has a soft side of being sweet and caring to who he cares about, it just rarely shows.
He decided to tell the norski.
"That sounds somewhat like me." He said, the norski looked at the brit shocked.
"Wha- but are you sure." The norski said and the brit smirked.
"Wanna see if it will work, how did you know you were immortal?" The brit asked, the norski let out a sigh.
"I accidentally cut myself, the cut just magically healed itself back together." The norski explained, flinching when feeling the brits hands on his hips.
"Tom?" The norski began befoe not getting an answer.
"Tom, what are you do-" the norski was cut off with lips on his, his eyes were widened before slowly closing.
His arms going around the brits neck as the kiss got slight heated, the norski broke the kiss and panted lightly.
A string of clear slimy liquid was connected from one mouth to the other before they spreaded father and it snapped.
"Try now." The brit instructed, the borski going to the kitchen.
Taking out a kitchen knife, the brit came in and watched.
Now that he thought about, all those times he saw the norski get injured, the wounds would just be magically gone the next minute or hour they happen.
The brit watched the norski place the blade carrying to his palm and quickly sliced, letting out a small hiss.
Blood poured into the kitchen sink as the cut remained open, it didn't heal over or do anything but bleed out.
"I'm free from the curse." He said, watching the blood drip into the sink, the pain making itself visible.
The brit had left and soon brought back some bandages, giving the norski's forehead a peck while wrapping up the wound.
This shocked the norski, something he wanted so badly had come true. He didn't get older like he thought would happen, he stayed just how he was and slowly got older like any normal person would.
Him and the brit were fine together, fights began to get less and soon they were just to cuddle in bed or to a movie.
The norski noted that if he were to meet with the woman again, he would thank her for all she had done for him, he just wished to be able to see her again to do so.

Up above, in the clouds came a light giggle, the woman from all those years ago.
The one who cursed tbe norski, sat on the cloud and kept her bow close.
"You did well cupid." Came a male voice who walked up to her and smiled.
"Thanks love, I always am the perfect match maker. Even if one was from the past." She said with a smile.
She went back to making couples once again and let out a sigh.
"I'm glad you found the person you were looking for Tord." She said, pulling her bow back.
She took aim before firing right away, the arrow going passed the clouds.
Going straight to hit a person to make just another couple

The norski sat with the brit, the two watching a movie and cuddling one another.
Your welcome
The norski flinched lightly, looking around to who said that.
He found nothing and shrughed it off to focus on the tv.
"You alright love?" The eyeless brit asked and earned a nod.
"Mhm!" He hummed.
He swore that it had to be her.

The one who placed the immortal curse on him.

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