Bus Ride

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A loud screech of tires as the bus came to a stop, a certain norsk entering the opened doors. He had went down a few rows, taken a small notice to someone on the bus. He sat a few rows up from the person.
The blue hoodie and ripped jeans, that dirty blonde hair. He just couldn't see his face. The norsk had been seeing him for days and not once have the courage to speak to him.
The doors of the bus closing and it beginning to drive off.
He always been on this same bus for days now, going from work to home.
He had a couple of days going to his friend's houses.
His phone vibrating to every new message he got.
He looked out the window, cars passing by.

A week had passed, he rushed to the bus and got on. Rain poured outside and he prefered to stay dry. He went down a few rows and sat at his usual spot.
Not many people got on.
An old woman, some buisness men or woman with her child.
He took out his phone and texted a friend, he was going to there place.
His things at his feet for two night stay.
Yet he still wished to speak to the male that looked close to being the same age as him, he wanted to say hello so badly.
The bus gave a screeching halt, the norsk stood and gathered his things.
He walked down towards the exit and got off. He was greeted by his friend waiting for him.
"Hey Matt!" He called out, going up to the ginger.
"Oh, Hey Tord. Do you know when Edd is coming?" The ginger asked.
"No, I haven't seen him in awhile. He isn't answering my texts either." The norsk answered, becoming worried for their friend.
"Maybe we should check on him. We are staying at his place." The ginger said, the two beginning to walk down the sidewalk.
The norsk took a look back and swore he saw blue.
He looked back a bit longer and didn't see anything.
"Tord?" The ginger said, worried for his friend.
"Sorry, thought I saw something." He said with a light chuckle.
"Maybe that guy you keep speaking of." The ginger said, elbowing the shorter.
"Shut up!" The norsk said, his cheeks going red.
The ginger laughed and ran ahead, the norsk chasing after him.
The two felt like teenagers again, them messing with one another.

Once at the front door, the norsk went and knocked. The door slowly creaked open.
"Guys!" The brunette cheered when the door fully opened.
"Come on in." The brunette said, in a bit of a rush to get the two inside.
They walked in and heard the door close.
"Edd, you okay?" The ginger asked.
"I am fine, I think Tord isn't though." The brunette said.
"Me!?" The norsk was shocked, how could he not be okay.
"Tord, I don't think that love interest of yours is real." The brunette said.
The norsk shook his head.
"Your just jealous, now stop talking about my love life." He said, showing that he was not liking the subject.
The three had then decided to just hang out, have their movie night like usual.
"Matt, pass the popcorn." The norsk asked.
"Make your own." The ginger said, hogging the popcorn to himself.
"Matt I will tackle you if you don't give it." The norsk threatened.
"Try me shorty!" The ginger said with a grin.
"That's it." The ginger had let out a frighten squeal as the norsk tackled him.
Both ending up on the floor with the popcorn spilled.
"No!" The ginger said with sadness.
The norsk laughed, getting up and lending a hand to the other.
"What happened?" The brunette asked, just coming back from the bathroom.
"He started it." They both said, pointing fingers at one another.
"I don't care on who started it, I asked what had happened." The brunette exclaimed. The two looked at each other.
"Matt was hogging the popcorn." The norsk said looking away from the ginger.
"You could just make your own!" The ginger yelled back.
"Matt, I made that bowl for all of us." The brunette said, the ginger huffed.
Once things settled, they made new popcorn and watched the movie series.

"Thanks for having us over Edd." The norsk said.
"Yeah, your apartment is always the nices." The ginger complimented the brunette's place.
"Thanks Matt, your guy's places aren't as nice as mine." The brunette said, the two shooting a small glare before the three laughed.
"Shit! Matt we are gonna miss our buses!" The norsk said, checking his watch.
"Oh! Your right, cya Edd!" The ginger said, the two rushing off.
The norsk being ahead.
"How are you so fast?" The gingsr called with heavy pants as he ran.
"Cause I focused on exercise and not looks." The norsk answered with a chuckle.
"Hey! My looks are important." The ginger said.
"I don't need love, I can do things my way without anothers opinion." The norsk said, he held a smirk.
"Don't bring love into this. Is this because me and Edd have girlfriends and your still single?" The ginger asked with a raised brow.
The norsk turned to him.
"Don't get into my love life! I don't need it!" The norsk yelled, the ginger chuckled.
The two then said their goodbyes as they got on seperate busses.
The norsk decided to sit closer to the mysterious male that sat in the same seat everytime.
He still didn't have the courage as his cheeks flushed.
He wanted to know more about him.
His mind picturing beautiful ocean blue eyes that complimented the hoodie.
An eyebrow peircing on his left eyebrow.

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