Secret Band

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Image not mine, found on pinterest.


He huffed, he rushed through the night.
His hoodie strings blowing in the strong breeze as he ran.
His shoes tapping on the pavement, he was coming up to it.
He held his bag over his shoulder and rushed into the door.
"I'm here!" He called out, huffing in and out air.
"Tord!" A man called out, his bushy brows fixed in surprise.
"You said you take about twenty minutes." The taller man said.
"And?" The norsk asked.
"It's been five." The other said, the norsk lightly chuckled.
"I said twenty in case I got caught, my roommates don't need to know." The norsk said.
"Know your a singer in a band called Red Army." The bushy brow man said.
"Yeah, I would be asked multiple questions." The norsk said.
"You know, you'll have to tell them eventually. Our next concert is around here." The taller man said, he looked at the norsk.
"I doubt they'll come to some concert!" The norsk said.
"Now let's practice." He said, grabbing the microphone from it's stand.
The taller man had went over and picked up a guitar, the busy brow man had gone to the drums.
They been practicing for months, they couldn't stop now.

By morning, the norsk had returned, he was exhausted and had hit his bed.
He was ready to just sleep.
Of course though, his sleep had been ripped away from him.
His alarm blaring right next to him, he turned and slammed his hand on the snooze button.
He softly groaned, just about to sleep again.
"Guy's breakfast!" He heard the brunette call, the norsk sighed.
Getting up and heading downstairs.
"Oh! Morning Tord." The brunette said.
"Holy shit, you look like a zombie!" The eyeless brit said, beginning to laugh.
"Shut it, or I'll grab a fake christmas tree and shove it up your ass." The norsk hissed.
This come back surprised the other.
That was when the ginger came down, looking like he slept to perfection compared to the norsk.
"Morning gu- Oh sweet sugar cookies!" The ginger cried.
He noticed how the norsk looked.
"Sho- um. Maybe head back to bed Tord." The ginger suggested.
"I'll eat first." The norsk said, taking some bacon.
"Hey! Leave some for me." The brunette said.

The norsk had his fill on food, heading back to his room and closing to door.
He went and laid on his bed.
His eyes slowly shutting and finally getting the sleep he needed.
The other three had sat in the kitchen and question what was up with their foreign roommate.
"He normally sleeps, but this has been happening for days." The brunette said, trying to solve the problem.
"Maybe that concert will help him!" The ginger suggested.
"Concert?" The other two questioned at the same time.
They looked at each other but turned back to face the ginger.
"Yeah! The band Red Army will be playing." The two looked at the poster.
Of course it didn't have the bands names, they wished to be unmentioned until the concert.
"Sounds interesting." The eyeless brit said.
"I know! Maybe we could go to it for a night and bring Tord." The ginger suggested.
The brunette had hummed.
"Let me see that poster." The brunette said, holding the poster.
"How about we leave him behind, I wanna know if my theory is correct." The brunette said.
"Leave the commie behind? I don't trust that." The eyeless brit said.
"Well, we aren't taking him and we are going for that concert." The brunette said.
And that is what they did.

The night of the concert had happened, the norsk had made sure to wear his attire for it.
He left the house and rushed to the address. He had taken a few detours and had soon arrived.
Huffing in and out air.
"Tord! Hurry, we're about to perform." The taller man said, holding his guitar.
The norsk smiled, heading up.
He looked at the curtains in front of him, grabbing a hold of the microphone.
A fog machine began to roll in some fog and lights turned on.
The curtains opened and revealed the crowd, people had then cheered.
The music began to play, after a moment he began to sing.
He hadn't noticed that in the crowd had sat his three roommates, each stared at him with shock.
His angelic voice singing the lyrics and not making a mistake.
They were mesmerised, seeing what was in front of them.
The brunette and eyeless brit were then startled out of their trances.
The ginger cheered with excitement.
None of them knew that their roommate could even sing, a hidden talent that they wished to know.
So many nights where he must of snuck out on them, just to go and practice.
It explained so much, on why the norsk was tired.
It was until the song was about finished, he still was doing pretty well.
The norsk then had noticed his three roommates in the crowd, his heart was beating in his chest of slight fear.
He almost messed up, his bandmates had noticed this, shooting him a worried looked.
They continued until the song ended and the curtain closed.
"Tord, what was that?" The taller man asked.
"I-I.." He couldn't spit it out, days of not telling them had been wasted.
He didn't know they would come.
"What is it?" The bushy brow man asked.
The norsk was panicking, his roommates had now knew.
He wasn't able to turn back time, it was clear to the other two that something happened.
"Tord!?" The taller man shouted, the norsk flinched.
"Ye- uh, yeah?" He asked, his voice had slightly cracked to keep back tears.
"What happened?" The other ased.
"I saw them." The norsk said.
"Saw who?" The taller man asked.
"My roommates." The norsk said.

The three brit's were just leaving, all still shocked.
"I can't believe he could sing! You should of got him to play with you Tom!" The ginger said, he was the only optimistic one during the reveal.
"I just wish he told us." The brunette said, he felt like the norsk didn't trust them.
"Calm down Edd, we all have our secret." The eyeless brit said.
"I know, but this is a big secret!" The brunette complained.
It wasn't such a big deal and yet it was at the same time.

They guessed they would have to have a chat with him later on the topic.
A conversation that the norsk didn't want.


One Shots {♡Tom Tord♡}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ