Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

    ◎He is on the Omega list◎

    I am waiting for you to grow up, to fly to me in a mech, saying that I am your only Omega... But why, you differentiated into an Omega? ! !

    In the interstellar era, there is no such thing as a network freeze, but at this time, under Xiangjia's announcement in response to Xiangjing's lack of examination and differentiation, the message area has been filled with countless Omega's tears. With hundreds of thousands of messages per second, it is a bit difficult to refresh the page, just like Jinjiang Literature City every morning.

    But no matter how stuck, there are still countless Omegas pouring in there crying together, other than that they can't vent their feelings at this time: Husband has become a sister? Who can not choke!

    On the way, Qiao also noticed something was wrong before entering the inspection, because the large group of people who were originally noisy became so quiet, so quiet. But her name was already read inside, so Lu Shiqiao walked in anyway.

    Since the last test, when she was 7 years old, Lu Shiqiao looked at the instruments inside, and she could see that the level of precision was completely different from that in the 6703 star. But it is also understandable, after all, it has been so long, and this place is still the number one main star.

    "Lu Shiqiao, 16 years and 8 months old, 12 years old and became Alpha, from Liberation Star 6703. Stand on that stage, the first physical test."

    The voice made Lu Shiqiao feel familiar, and looked over there Sure enough, I saw Colonel Wuping.

    Coincidentally, she was also Colonel Wuping when she was tested for the first time.

    At this moment, Colonel Wu Ping folded his arms, looking business-like and indifferent. However, a staff member next to Colonel Wu Ping has looked at the colonel several times after the colonel spoke, because the work that should have belonged to him was robbed.

    On the way, Qiao stood on the stage. A large transparent cover came down from above her head to cover her. The data and projections of her body appeared on a light curtain in front of her. Not only the staff could see it, but she could also see it.

    Muscle density, bone strength, functional strength of various internal organs... detailed blood flow speed and skin hardness.

    But without the comparison of normal data, Qiao couldn't see anything when he was on the road. He could only hear Colonel Wu Ping say again: "Okay, release your sensory energy and pheromone."

    Qiao Yiyan began to release while on the road. A strange pheromone was also released from the device, and it became stronger as time passed.

    This step is very familiar, and Lu Shiqiao has also done it in previous tests.

    At this moment, Colonel Wu Ping suddenly added: "No one should be hungry now."

    Others didn't know why Colonel Wu Ping suddenly cared about being hungry, but Lu Shiqiao knew very well why.

    The fact that she came out of it early because she was hungry, seems to be remembered by the colonel.

    The pheromone in the instrument was much stronger than when he was 7 years old, but Lu Shiqiao felt that this might be adjusted to match his age, so he stood there calmly, followed the prompts, and tried to use his pheromone to attack This pheromone.

    She has no experience of using her pheromones to attack, because she was lying in the medical cabin after being differentiated at the age of 12, and now people who wake up and smell her pheromones shy away, and they can't find a way.

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