Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

    ◎When we meet again, it’s just an acquaintance (one update) ◎

    The federation was calm on the surface, but after a classroom accident happened in the training camp for the unified examination, there was turmoil.

    If Xiang Jingbai hadn't happened to bring a medical cabin there, Zhang Qinghe might have been sent away. The Zhang family was furious. After a thorough investigation, it was only found that Sergeant Tan had a problem, but the people behind him still couldn't find out, and The Zerg that originally only appeared at night will also appear during the day, which is obviously artificial.

    These turmoil, until two years later is still the case.

    For ordinary people, it is necessary to pay attention to safety when going out, otherwise the Zerg will suddenly appear at some time, and they will come out and tear their bodies.

    This makes the prestige of the military region become Schrödinger's level. Some people feel that the military region is already working hard to protect them. Every time the military region will come soon after they send out a call for help, as long as they pay more attention to the traces of the Zerg, everything will be fine. Still manageable.

    Some people also think that the military region is getting weaker and weaker, and even the civilian area cannot prevent the invasion of the Zerg. The Federation has been weak in follow-up, and everyone may have to face the era of full-scale confrontation with the Zerg ten thousand years ago.

    It was a time of terrible casualties. Only when the predecessors continuously upgraded their combat equipment and developed experimental products to drive away the Zerg in the blood, did mankind re-enter a relatively peaceful era later.

    On the way at this time, Joe was on the starship heading to the first planet.

    She sat on a chair in a casual posture, wearing a black jacket with her collarbone exposed at the neckline. His slender fingers were pointing in the void, and his gray eyes swept casually, watching the various speeches of Guangnao netizens on the Xingwang forum.

    When Lu Zishu came in from the outside, he saw his cousin resting so relaxedly, and was surprised: "Cousin is not in the training room or studio?"

    Even if there are fewer things to do on the starship, rest The room area is still the place where she least appears, and she often doesn't stop, making them want to cry without tears.

    When he was walking, Qiao heard the words and looked at him: "You want to accompany me to the training room?" Lu Zishu

    instantly felt that his curiosity should not be so much, and his expression was serious: "No, I still have to study the strategic map issued by the school! Professor Said that the detailed deployment will be sent back to him in the next few days." After speaking, he slipped away quickly.

    Lu Shiqiao didn't care, and continued to look at Guangnao. Anyway, they will be caught into the training room at a later date, at least once a day, and it is useless to slip away now.

    They entered the First Military Academy, but instead of taking classes at the headquarters of the military academy, they went to various branches of the school, and they have not returned to the First Academy until now.

    So it has been a year and six months since she left the first planet, and she also left the first planet after the training camp.

    Lu Shiqiao sat there for a while, and he really told Lu Zishu that he was going to the studio. At this moment, a news feed popped up suddenly.

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